Monday, August 25, 2008

Dear C 11

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Anonymous said...

Learn How to Control the Calorie Crunch

Keep food off the table. If you portion out servings on plates at the stove or kitchen counter and don't set food out on serving platters, you'll be less tempted to take more once your plate is empty.

Don't eat from packages. It's all too easy to lose track of how much food you've gobbled if you're nibbling straight from the box. Instead, portion out crackers, pretzels, and other snacks on a plate to give yourself a visible sense of what you're consuming.

Downsize your dishes. Smaller plates and bowls make portions appear larger.

Take it slow. It takes about 20 minutes for the brain's appetite-control center to register that there's food in the stomach. To wait it out, put down your fork between each bite and take small sips from your drink.

Work for your food. Eating foods that require some effort -- peeling an orange, cracking open crabs, or cutting open a baked potato, for example -- slows you down even more, giving food a chance to make you feel full.

Socialize outside the kitchen. People seem to congregate in the kitchen, but you'll be less tempted to nosh if you move the action to the living room.

Anonymous said...

The 11 Best Foods You Aren’t Eating

1. Beets: Think of beets as red spinach, Dr. Bowden said, because they are a rich source of folate as well as natural red pigments that may be cancer fighters.
How to eat: Fresh, raw and grated to make a salad. Heating decreases the antioxidant power.
2. Cabbage: Loaded with nutrients like sulforaphane, a chemical said to boost cancer-fighting enzymes.
How to eat: Asian-style slaw or as a crunchy topping on burgers and sandwiches.
3. Swiss chard: A leafy green vegetable packed with carotenoids that protect aging eyes.
How to eat it: Chop and saute in olive oil.
4. Cinnamon: May help control blood sugar and cholesterol.
How to eat it: Sprinkle on coffee or oatmeal.
5. Pomegranate juice: Appears to lower blood pressure and loaded with antioxidants.
How to eat: Just drink it.
6. Dried plums: Okay, so they are really prunes, but they are packed with antioxidants.
How to eat: Wrapped in prosciutto and baked.
7. Pumpkin seeds: The most nutritious part of the pumpkin and packed with magnesium; high levels of the mineral are associated with lower risk for early death.
How to eat: Roasted as a snack, or sprinkled on salad.
8. Sardines: Dr. Bowden calls them “health food in a can.” They are high in omega-3’s, contain virtually no mercury and are loaded with calcium. They also contain iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese as well as a full complement of B vitamins.
How to eat: Choose sardines packed in olive or sardine oil. Eat plain, mixed with salad, on toast, or mashed with dijon mustard and onions as a spread.
9. Turmeric: The “superstar of spices,” it may have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
How to eat: Mix with scrambled eggs or in any vegetable dish.
10. Frozen blueberries: Even though freezing can degrade some of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables, frozen blueberries are available year-round and don’t spoil; associated with better memory in animal studies.
How to eat: Blended with yogurt or chocolate soy milk and sprinkled with crushed almonds.
11. Canned pumpkin: A low-calorie vegetable that is high in fiber and immune-stimulating vitamin A; fills you up on very few calories.
How to eat: Mix with a little butter, cinnamon and nutmeg.

Anonymous said...

Healthy Eating Begins at the Supermarket

1. Rule number one: Buy fresh food! There is no simpler, no easier, no plainer measure of the healthiness of your food than whether it comes in boxes and cans or is fresh from the farm or the fields. If more than half your groceries are prepared foods, then you need to evolve your cooking and eating habits back to the healthy side by picking up more fresh vegetables, fruits, seafood, juices, and dairy.

2. Shop the perimeter of the store. That's where all the fresh foods are. The less you find yourself in the central aisles of the grocery store, the healthier your shopping trip will be. Make it a habit -- work the perimeter of the store for the bulk of your groceries, then dip into the aisles for staples that you know you need.

3. Think of the departments (dairy, produce, meat, and so on) as separate stores within the supermarket. You wouldn't shop at every store at a mall the same way, would you? You know better than to idly browse through a jewelry store, don't you? So apply the same approach to the grocery store. Target the sections that are safe to browse through -- the produce section, primarily -- and steer clear of the dangerous sections (the candy, ice cream, and potato chip aisles).

4. Shop with a list. Organize your shopping list based on the tip above -- that is, by the sections of the store. This will have you out of the supermarket at the speed of light. If you're a woman, consider getting your husband or son to do the food shopping, says Joan Salge Blake, R.D., clinical assistant professor of nutrition at Boston University's Sargent College. The latest survey from the Food Marketing Institute shows that compared to women, men are more likely to buy only what's on the grocery list. But shopping with a list has benefits beyond speed and spending. By lashing yourself to the discipline of a well-planned shopping list, you can resist the seductive call of aisle upon aisle of junk food, thereby saving your home, your family, and yourself from an overload of empty calories.

5. Food-shop with a full stomach. We're sure you've heard this one before, but it's worth repeating. Walking through the grocery store with your tummy growling can make you vulnerable to buying anything that isn't moving, says Blake. If you can't arrange to shop shortly after a meal, be sure to eat an apple and drink a large glass of water before heading into the store.

6. Buy a few days before ripe. There's no point in trying to buy fresh vegetables and fruits for your family if the bananas turn brown and the peaches mushy two days after you get them home. Buy fruit that's still a day or two behind ripeness. It will still be hard to the touch; bananas will be green. Feel carefully for bruises on apples, check expiration dates on bagged produce, and stay away from potatoes or onions that have started to sprout. If the produce on the shelves looks a bit beyond its peak, don't walk away; ask to speak to the produce manager. Chances are, there's a fresh shipment in the back just waiting to be put out on store shelves. For a real taste treat, if you're going to eat them within the next couple of days, pick up a bunch of vine-ripened tomatoes. There's just no comparison.

7. Buy in season. Sure, it's tempting to buy strawberries in December, and once in a while that's fine. But fresh fruit and vegetables are best when purchased in season, meaning they've come from relatively close to home. They often cost less, are tastier, and have less risk of pathogens such as E. coli.

8. Buy organic whenever possible. Sure, it costs a few dollars more. But a study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that organically grown fruits and vegetables contain higher levels of cancer-fighting antioxidants than conventionally produced foods. However, if organic is too pricey for you, don't worry; organic or not, fruits and veggies are key to a healthy larder.

9. Buy frozen. Frozen fruits and vegetables are often flash frozen at the source, locking in nutrients in a way fresh or canned can't compete with. Stock your freezer with bags of frozen vegetables and fruits. You can toss the veggies into soups and stews, microwave them for a side dish with dinners, or thaw them at room temperature and dip them into low-fat salad dressing for snacks. Use the fruits for desserts, smoothies, and as ice cream and yogurt toppings.

10. Stock up on canned tomato products. Here's one major exception to the "fresher is better" rule. Studies find that tomato sauces and crushed and stewed tomatoes have higher amounts of the antioxidant lycopene than fresh, because they're concentrated. Canned tomatoes are a godsend when it comes to quick dinners in the kitchen. Warm up a can with some crushed garlic for a chunky pasta sauce; pour a can over chicken breasts and simmer in the crock pot; add to stews and sauces for flavor and extra nutrients.

11. Stock up on canned beans. Although they may have a bit more sodium than we like, that's easy enough to get rid of with a good rinse in the sink. Beans can be mixed with brown rice, added to soups and stews, pureed with onions and garlic into hummus for dipping, or served over pasta for a traditional pasta e fagioli. In fact, all the hype about pasta raising blood sugar really comes down to this: What are you putting on your pasta? The soluble fiber in beans lowers blood sugar and insulin, making the combination of pasta and beans a healthful -- as well as delicious -- dish.

Important Ingredients
12. Spend some time in the condiment aisle. With the following basic ingredients you have the underpinnings for wonderful sauces, low-fat marinades, and low-salt flavorings. These delightful flavorings enable you to stay away from the less-healthy condiment items, such as mayonnaise, butter, stick margarine, creamy salad dressings, and so on: flavored ketchups and barbecue sauces (look for sugar-free varieties), horseradish, mustards, flavored vinegars, extra-virgin olive oil, jarred bruschetta and pesto sauces (luscious spooned atop salmon and baked), capers, jarred olives, sun-dried tomatoes, jarred spaghetti sauce, anchovies, roasted red peppers, Worcestershire sauce, chili sauce, hot pepper sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil, walnut oil, teriyaki sauce, jarred salsas, and various kinds of marmalades.

13. Try some of the new whole grain alternatives. Today you can find wonderful whole grain pastas and couscous, instant brown rice that cooks up in 10 minutes instead of the old 50, even whole grain crackers. Hodgson Mills makes a delicious whole wheat pasta with flaxseeds. It really tastes great, and you can scarcely do any better when it comes to nutrition. While you're at it, pick up a bag of whole wheat flour to replace the white stuff in your canister.

14. Choose prepared foods with short ingredient lists. We don't expect you to cut out prepared foods entirely. Just remember: The shorter the ingredient list, the healthier the food usually is. Of course, if the ingredients are sugar and butter, put the item back on the shelf.

15. Reject foods and drinks made with corn syrup. Corn syrup is a calorie-dense, nutritionally empty sweetener perhaps even worse than refined sugar. A shocking number of foods and drinks are thick with it, including such apparently healthy foods as fruit juices, premade spaghetti sauces, and even bread. Some experts argue that corn syrup is one of the main causes of America's obesity problem. If a food has corn syrup in its first four ingredients, then it lacks the wholesomeness and healthiness you want.

16. Look for fiber. You want at least 1 to 2 grams of fiber for every 100 calories you consume.

17. If partially hydrogenated oil, or trans fats are listed on the label, step away from the box and nobody will get hurt.

18. Pick up a jar of dried shiitake mushrooms. They may look weird, but toss them in some hot water for half an hour and you have a meaty, healthy addition to soups, stews, and sauces, not to mention a unique filling for tarts and omelets. Plus, they keep forever.

19. Whenever you find yourself reaching for a package of ground meat, switch over to the poultry section instead and pick up ground turkey, ground chicken, or soy crumbles. Works just as well as ground beef for meatballs, meat loaf, or chili. This little substitution can cut more than 30 percent of the calories and at least half of the fat and saturated fat in a three-ounce serving, says Blake. When it's smothered in a zesty tomato sauce or flavored with seasonings, you'll never be able to tell the difference. If you're feeling a little gun-shy about abandoning the beef, use half turkey and half lean beef, or half soy crumbles and half beef.

20. Choose strong cheeses. Instead of American, cheddar, or Swiss, pick up feta, fresh Parmigiano-Reggiano, or a soft goat cheese. These strongly flavored cheeses will satisfy your yen for cheese without damaging your waistline, says Blake.

21. Buy macadamia nut oil. It has more good-for-you monounsaturated fats than any other oil in the world and a higher smoke point than olive oil, so there's no trans fatty acid formation when you cook. It makes any dish you make heart-healthier, says Fred Pescatore, M.D., author of The Hamptons Diet.

22. Confirm that a wheat bread is whole wheat. Some of the folks selling bread are trying to pull the wool (or is it wheat chaff?) over your eyes. Sure, a wheat bread is made from wheat. But if the first ingredient is refined wheat flour, then it's made from the same wheat as white bread -- which means, stripped of fiber and nutrients, and in some cases, dyed brown for a fake healthy appearance. What you're really looking for are the words "whole wheat." That's the stuff with minimum refining and maximum beneficial nutrients.

23. Buy plain yogurt and flavor it at home. Pre-flavored yogurts have oodles of sugars that destroy any healthy benefits they once had. If you add a teaspoon of all-fruit jam at home, it'll still taste yummy, you'll consume far fewer useless calories, and you'll save lots of money.

24. Buy healthy add-ins for plain cereals. These include raisins, fresh berries, dried berries, almond slivers, pumpkin seeds, sesame sticks, and bananas. The best breakfast-cereal strategy is to buy unsweetened cereals and then add in your favorite flavors. That helps you bypass all the empty sugary calories -- and lets you enjoy the cereal more. For ease, keep a wide-mouth, well-sealed jar on your counter with shelf-stable ingredients for quick mix-ins. Keep a scoop and ziplock bags handy, and you've got a handy, nutritious meal or snack for home or on the go.

25. Read juice labels carefully. Orange juice, although quite healthy, often has 20 grams of sugar in the average 8-ounce glass. Instead, try guava juice. It has three times more vitamin C, and is loaded with potassium (a great blood pressure regulator) and beta-carotene.

Anonymous said...

How to Workout in Your Yard

Make appointments with yourself to spruce up the yard. Make a list of every yard and outdoor chore that needs to be done around your house. Break them down into 30-minute jobs. ("Mow front yard" and "Mow backyard," for instance.) Some of these jobs will be seasonal, and others will be monthly or weekly. Store this file where you will be able to refer to it regularly and add to it as you think of more jobs. On the family calendar, schedule 12 to 15 jobs that are appropriate for the next month. You're more likely to keep appointments with yourself if you write them down.

Wash your car every week in good weather. As kids, there was no better household chore to tackle in the dead of summer than washing the family car: You got a chance to cool off with spray from the hose (and admit it, you horsed around with your siblings, too). Washing your own car today can be almost as fun, and with the prices of professional washes as they are, it's a real money saver, too. Hauling buckets of water, dragging the hose around your vehicle, and scrubbing and buffing your car's finish will burn between 200 and 300 calories per hour.

Shovel snow by hand. If you live in a snow-prone region and have a driveway that's 50 yards long, okay, you need a snow blower. But many of us who have conventional driveways or a few square feet of asphalt to clear around a car that's parked on the street will get through the winter just fine with an old-fashioned, broad-bladed snow shovel. Even light show shoveling can burn more than 545 calories per hour, and your shoulder and arm muscles will get quite a workout. If that's too much of a challenge, use the snow blower on the driveway, but switch to a shovel for the sidewalk and front steps. Shoveling can be strenuous, even for very fit people, so check with your doctor before digging yourself out.

Skip the string trimmer. Unless you have a yard that rivals the grounds of Buckingham Palace, a power-driven string trimmer is probably more than you really need. Instead, tame the unruly grass blades that border your flower bed with a spring-loaded hand trimmer. Just be sure to keep the blades sharp, the mechanism lubricated, and wear work gloves to prevent blisters. Rake your own leaves. Sure, leaf blowers might just be one of the best inventions out there, but they're so loud that some communities have banned their use. Do your ears and your neighbors a favor and cut back on your leaf blower use. If you have so many leaves that you can't handle them with a rake alone, walk the perimeter of your yard with the leaf blower and corral them toward the center of the lawn. Then complete the job with your rake. You'll still work up a sweat and burn nearly 300 calories per hour.

Trade in your riding lawn mower. You don't have to push very hard to guide a self-propelled non-riding mower, but the walking will provide a nice aerobic workout.

Swing an ax, and heat your home this winter. Don't let the firewood folks deliver a cord of pre-chopped logs to your backyard. That's robbing you of great arm, shoulder, and back exercise. Starting in mid-summer, chop your own wood for half an hour every weekend. By the time snow falls, your upper body will be toned, and you'll have the fuel to keep your home toasty.

Install your mailbox on the very edge of your property. Take down that mailbox that's right outside your front door—that's not getting you any exercise. Install your mailbox either at the very end of your driveway (or even farther out, if your property is expansive) and walk out for your mail each day. Once you're off your driveway, you may be inspired to take a turn around the block.

Anonymous said...

Cold Weather Workouts

Too chilly for tennis?

Have a blast while getting fit this winter with fun calorie scorchers like snowball fights, sledding, skiing and ice skating—and wave a mittened hand goodbye to as many as 500 calories per hour.

Once indoors, nothing may sound better than a steaming mug of hot cocoa, but don't forget to sip water, even if you don't feel thirsty. Research shows we lose water in the winter just from breathing and by working harder under the weight of extra clothing.

Anonymous said...

Muscle Up in Minutes

Even if you're busier than a tollbooth collector on Labor Day weekend, you can still benefit from short sweat sessions. Above all, strengthen your muscles and increase your metabolism, as muscle burns more calories than fat. Try doing resistance moves that don't require equipment: push-ups for your upper body, crunches for your abs, and the invisible chair for your legs and butt (squat with your back against a wall; hold the position for up to two minutes). For a 20-minute workout that combines strength, stretching and cardiovascular training, visit For maximum health benefits, include 30 minutes a day of walking. No time? Work three 10-minute sessions into your life: Park farther away at work, buy a headset and walk in circles while you're on the phone, or take Brutus for two loops around the block.

Anonymous said...

Redo a Room (on No Budget!)

Photographs everywhere. Mat them and use similar frames. Consolidate in one or two spots, say, atop the TV cabinet and a table, or on a wall.

Furniture pushed against walls. This gives you less space, not more, says Foster. Floating the couch and chairs and facing them together makes a room more inviting. Many people have one or two more pieces of furniture than they need. Remove a few to see if they're missed.

Cluttered mantels. This space should showcase what's important to you -- but not everything at once. Hang art or a painting over the fireplace, and place just three or four pieces on the mantel that highlight it.

Anonymous said...

The Power of Flowers

Fresh flowers can cheer up any drab room -- not to mention score points with your sweetie. But make us kinder as well? So says Harvard psychologist Nancy Etcoff, PhD.

She sent 54 people either a mixed bouquet or a candle in a hurricane glass. Flower recipients said they felt more compassion toward others than those who got the candles, and reported more enthusiasm at work too. Place blooms in the kitchen or bedroom so you'll see them first thing in the morning. That's when moods tend to be lower and blossoms can provide their biggest boost.

Anonymous said...


Our first day at a resort my wife and I decided to hit the beach. When I went back to our room to get something to drink, one of the hotel maids was making our bed. I grabbed my cooler and was on my way out when I paused and asked, "Can we drink beer on the beach?"

"Sure," she said, "but I have to finish the rest of the rooms first."

Anonymous said...

Skin Care

It is really important for you to be able to identify your skin type.This is to enable you to look after your skin correctly.Also the selection of your cosmetics is, to a considerable extent, influenced by your skin type.Although no two skins are exactly similar most have characteristics which enable them to be grouped into one of the following types:Dry skin, Normal skin, Combination skin and Oily skin.
To determine your skin type, wash your face with a mild face wash.Then, after 30 minutes, press a clean tissue against your forehead, nose, cheeks and chin.If the tissue shows no trace of oil, then you have dry skin.Dry skin looks rough and is prone to premature fine lines and wrinkles.If your skin is oily in some parts but dry in others, then you have combination skin.Normal skin usually looks smooth and is not prone to break outs.Oily skin feels oily to touch and tends to shine.Oily skin is also prone to blackheads and pimples.A sensitive skin needs special care, as it may be sensitive to some ingredients found in popular cosmetics.Those with sensitive skin should always use beauty aids that are hypoallergenic to protect their skin from allergic reactions.A regular skin care programme, adapted to the needs of your particular skin type, goes a long way in keeping your skin radiant and problem free.

- Dry Skin:Dry skin needs extra care, as it is prone to fine lines and wrinkles.This is especially true during the winter months when it feels even drier and may feel too taut or may even flake.A few measures help alleviate dryness and keep your skin supple and, at the same time, guard against premature aging.
1.Always wash your face with a mild, soap-free face wash.Never use soap, as that would further strip your skin of natural oil.
2.Always use a moisturiser during the day.Use upward,circular motion to lightly massage the moisturiser into your face.Make sure not to pull or tug your skin.
3.You should consider using a night cream before going to bed at night.It is advisable to use a cream that contains Alpha Hydroxy Acids(or AHA's, as they're commonly known).AHA's are derived from sources such as milk, fruit and sugar-cane.These acids gently exfoliate the dry, dead, outermost layers of skin while they moisturise the newly revealed layers.They greatly benefit complexions that look dull, dry or flaky and they give your skin a beautiful glow.
4.Both AHA and Vitamin C help reduce fine lines and other signs of aging.Thus, you may get good results quickly by using a moisturiser or cream that contains Vitamin C during the day and an AHA-based night cream.Most known brands have moisturisers and creams that contain these.
5.If you have dry skin that tends to flake off, looks red and has some itchy patches that scab, consult your doctor to rule out eczema.Eczema, also known as atopic dermititis, is generally considered to be a hereditary condition that can occur throughout the year.Other causes of eczema can be fabrics such as wool, some skin-care products or detergents etc.Your doctor may prescribe a cream to soothe the redness and irritation.Non-irriating fabrics such as cotton also help avoid flare-ups.
6.Many people suffer from weather-related dry skin. If the weather in the winter months is normally drier and this tends to dehydrate your skin, regular use of moisturiser will keep your skin hydrated and supple.

Skin is one of the beauty. Have a good skin can show us look like tidy. So we should care about ourselves.

Please refer to:

Anonymous said...

Nail Care

Nail Damage And Prevention:

1.The simplest way to avoid nail damage is to wear gloves.
2.If you can't wear gloves, you could at least use a long handled mop-this allows you to keep your hands off water and your nails will definitely benefit.
3.If you do get your hands wet, remember to rinse them well and dry them carefully after the work is done.
4.Then apply ample amounts of a moisturising cream.
5.You must also take certain other precautions:
A.Use a pencil to operate the dial;
B.Use a tin-opener to open tins;
C.Use gardening gloves;
D.Avoid contact with strong chemicals;
E.Use moisturisers liberally.
6.Wear Polish-It works as a barrier for your nails and use acetone-free nail polish remover.
7.File in one direction only-Filing back and forth is bad because this frays and weakens the nails.File your nails in one direction only for the best results.
8.Keep your nails short.
9.Manicure after a bath.It is best to do your manicure after a bath because your nails are soft.

Nails can show our healthiness. Nails also can show our tidiness. The steps above is the benefit of taking care of our nails.

Please refer to:

Anonymous said...


Seems that everything we access today is under lock and key. Even the devices we use are protected by passwords. It can be frustrating trying to keep with all of the passwords and keys needed to access any door or computer program. The Java Rings have been programmed to store electronic cash to pay for lunches, automatically unlock doors, take attendance, store a student's medical information and allow students to check out books. All of this information is stored on the ring's button. Students simply press the signet of their Java Ring against the Blue Dot receptor, and the system connected to the receptor performs the function that the applet instructs it to. In the future, the Java Ring may start our car. Mobile computing is beginning to break the chains that tie us to our desks, but many of today's mobile devices can still be a bit awkward to carry around. In the next age of computing, we will see an explosion of computer parts across our bodies, rather than across our desktops. Digital jewellery, designed to supplement the personal computer, will be the evolution in digital technology that makes computer elements entirely compatible with the human form.

This article shows us about the development of the technology. There are a lot of gadgets in the market today, which have their own functions. The development of the technology is really amazing. And hope that there are more invention in the future, that can benefit the human being.

Anonymous said...

Java Ring
The Java Ring is made of stainless-steel, 16-millimeters (0.6 inches) in diameter that houses a 1-million-transistor processor, called an iButton. The ring has 134 KB of RAM, 32 KB of ROM, a real-time clock and a Java virtual machine, which is a piece of software that recognizes the Java language and translates it for the user's computer system. It is a computerized ring that will automatically unlock doors and log on to computers. The major component of this ring is iButton. The iButton is a computer chip enclosed in a 16mm thick stainless steel can. Because of this unique and durable container, up-to-date information can travel with a person or object anywhere they go. The steel iButton can be mounted virtually anywhere because it is rugged enough to withstand harsh environments, indoors or outdoors. It is small and portable enough to attach to a key fob, ring, watch, or other personal items, and be used daily for applications such as access control to buildings and computers, asset management, and various data logging tasks.

Java ring is another great invention in the history of the human being. In my opinion it has a great function but if it falls in the wrong hand we have to face a lot of bad consequences. So we have to be extra careful.

Anonymous said...

The Can and Grommet - ibutton
An iButton uses its stainless steel 'can' as an electronic communications interface. Each can has a data contact, called the 'lid', and a ground contact, called the 'base'. Each of these contacts is connected to the silicon chip inside. The lid is the top of the can; the base forms the sides and the bottom of the can and includes a flange to simplify attaching the button to just about anything. The two contacts are separated by a polypropylene grommet. The silicon chip within the iButton is protected by the ultimate durable material: stainless steel. We can drop an iButton, step on it, or scratch it. The iButton is wear-tested for 10-year durability

I-Button is great with its function. Most of the modern gadgets are inserted with this feature. And its manufacturer really guarantee that it is can be use for so long without serious physical damage because it is made of really strong polymers.

Anonymous said...

Heard about digital jewellery before? Today I am going to introduce my new selection. Digital Jewellery is an electronic device such as mini computers, cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and GPS receivers which is used as fashionable jewellery yet functional as electronic connecting device. We just need to wear it; the jewellery can be a watch or even rings. Digital Jewellery is an idea created from the combination of shrinking computer devices and increasing computer power used as fashion jewellery with embedded intelligence. The major component of digital jewellery is computer electronic device. The minor components are transistors on a microchip which is used to produce the computer gadget in the jewellery. This creation really amazing me and I hope that you all know this kind of amazing things.

Anonymous said...


Gold (pronounced /ˈɡoʊld/) is a chemical element with the symbol Au (from its Latin name aurum) and atomic number 79. It is a highly sought-after precious metal which has been used as money, a store of value and in jewelery, sculpture and ornamentation since the beginning of recorded history. The metal occurs as nuggets or grains in rocks, underground "veins" and in alluvial deposits. It is one of the coinage metals. Gold is dense, soft, shiny and the most malleable and ductile substance known. Pure gold has a bright yellow color traditionally considered attractive.

Gold formed the basis for the gold standard used before the collapse of the Bretton Woods system. The ISO currency code of gold bullion is XAU.

Modern industrial uses include dentistry and electronics, where gold has traditionally found use because of its good resistance to oxidative corrosion.

Chemically, gold is a transition metal and can form trivalent and univalent cations upon solvation, but is attacked by chlorine, fluorine, aqua regia and cyanide. Gold dissolves in mercury, forming amalgam alloys, but does not react with it. Gold is insoluble in nitric acid, which will dissolve silver and base metals, and this is the basis of the gold refining technique known as "inquartation and parting". Nitric acid has long been used to confirm the presence of gold in items, and this is the origin of the colloquial term "acid test," referring to a gold standard test for genuine value

Gold is the symbol of wealthy in most of the community. Most of the people like to invest in gold by buying in form of jewellery. But have ever think about what is it made of. By reading this post you got your chance to know about the gold better.

Anonymous said...

Mahatma Gadhi

Mohandas Karamchant Gandhi well known as Mahatma Gandhi was the important person in the history of India. He is officially honoured in India as a Father of Nation. He was a major political and spiritual leader of India who fights for the India's independence.

At the age of 13, he married to Kasturba, who was also the same age. For a boy of that age marriage meant only a round of feasts, new clothes to wear and a strange and docile companion to play with. His children names are Harilal, Manilal, Ramdas, and Devdas.

He fights for non-violent civil disobedience such as protesting excessive land-tax and discrimination on poor people, expanding women's rights, building religious and ethnic amity.
He became a leader of Indian Congress reject the proposals of British Cabinet Mission. He was the pioneer of "Satyagraha" concept was non violent resistance against British. He had salt march around 400km against tax on salt and emphasizes all Indians in public boycott courts law and withdraws their children from government school. After that, India quit from world war two and achieves independence on 1948. Finally, hard working of Gandhi and his followers India became a non-cooperation, non violence and peaceful country.

Anonymous said...

White Gold

White gold is an alloy of gold and at least one white metal, usually nickel or palladium. Like yellow gold, the purity of white gold is given in carats (karats).

White gold's properties vary depending on the metals and proportions used. As a result, white gold alloys can be used for different purposes; while a nickel alloy is hard and strong, and therefore good for rings and pins, gold-palladium alloys are soft, pliable and good for white gold gemstone settings. The highest quality white gold is usually at least 18 karat, and made up of gold and palladium, sometimes with other metals like copper, silver, and platinum for weight and durability, although this often requires specialized goldsmiths.

While some higher-quality white gold alloys retain their shine and lustre, most will be coated with a very thin layer of rhodium. This gives the naturally more-dull white gold a shine comparable to platinum or silver; however the rhodium may wear off over time.

Most of us don’t know that there is a element called white gold. It is a form of a gold. It is an alloy of the gold. Where, it is formed by the combination of the other elements as well. It is stronger than the normal gold.

Anonymous said...

Rose Gold

Rose gold is a gold and copper alloy widely used for specialized jewellery due to its reddish colour. It is also known as pink gold and red gold. Because it was popular in Russia at the beginning of the nineteenth century it is also known as Russian gold, although this term has become somewhat rare. Since it is an alloy, there is no such thing as "pure rose gold"; pure gold is yellow and pure copper is reddish. Although the names are often used interchangeably, the difference between red, rose, and pink gold is the copper content: The higher the copper content, the stronger the red coloration. A common alloy for rose gold is three-quarters gold and one-quarter copper by mass (18 carat).

In music, rose gold is also the name of a commonly-used finish in the interior of the bell of brass and woodwind instruments. It consists of a very thin plating of copper over a layer of silver. No actual gold is used.
Rose gold is formed when there is combination of gold and copper. It is in reddish colour, which is different from the normal gold. It is special because of its colour. It’s glittering red colour attract many people towards it.

Anonymous said...

Cellular System

Mobile phones send and receive radio signals with any number of cell site base stations fitted with microwave antennas. These sites are usually mounted on a tower, pole or building, located throughout populated areas, then connected to a cabled communication network and switching system. The phones have a low-power transceiver that transmits voice and data to the nearest cell sites, normally not more than 8 to 13 km (approximately 5 to 8 miles) away.

When the mobile phone or data device is turned on, it registers with the mobile telephone exchange, or switch, with its unique identifiers, and can then be alerted by the mobile switch when there is an incoming telephone call. The handset constantly listens for the strongest signal being received from the surrounding base stations, and is able to switch seamlessly between sites. As the user moves around the network, the "handoffs" are performed to allow the device to switch sites without interrupting the call.

Cell sites have relatively low-power (often only one or two watts) radio transmitters which broadcast their presence and relay communications between the mobile handsets and the switch. The switch in turn connects the call to another subscriber of the same wireless service provider or to the public telephone network, which includes the networks of other wireless carriers. Many of these sites are camouflaged to blend with existing environments, particularly in scenic areas.

The dialogue between the handset and the cell site is a stream of digital data that includes digitised audio (except for the first generation analog networks). The technology that achieves this depends on the system which the mobile phone operator has adopted. The technologies are grouped by generation. The first-generation systems started in 1979 with Japan, are all analog and include AMPS and NMT. Second-generation systems, started in 1991 in Finland, are all digital and include GSM, CDMA and TDMA.

The nature of cellular technology renders many phones vulnerable to 'cloning': anytime a cell phone moves out of coverage (for example, in a road tunnel), when the signal is re-established, the phone sends out a 're-connect' signal to the nearest cell-tower, identifying itself and signalling that it is again ready to transmit. With the proper equipment, it's possible to intercept the re-connect signal and encode the data it contains into a 'blank' phone -- in all respects, the 'blank' is then an exact duplicate of the real phone and any calls made on the 'clone' will be charged to the original account.

Third-generation (3G) networks, which are still being deployed, began in Japan in 2001. They are all digital, and offer high-speed data access in addition to voice services and include W-CDMA (known also as UMTS), and CDMA2000 EV-DO. China will launch a third generation technology on the TD-SCDMA standard. Operators use a mix of predesignated frequency bands determined by the network requirements and local regulations.

In an effort to limit the potential harm from having a transmitter close to the user's body, the first fixed/mobile cellular phones that had a separate transmitter, vehicle-mounted antenna, and handset (known as car phones and bag phones) were limited to a maximum 3 watts Effective Radiated Power. Modern handheld cellphones which must have the transmission antenna held inches from the user's skull are limited to a maximum transmission power of 0.6 watts ERP. Regardless of the potential biological effects, the reduced transmission range of modern handheld phones limits their usefulness in rural locations as compared to car/bag phones, and handhelds require that cell towers be spaced much closer together to compensate for their lack of transmission power.

Some handhelds include an optional auxiliary antenna port on the back of the phone, which allows it to be connected to a large external antenna and a 3 watt cellular booster. Alternately in fringe-reception areas, a cellular repeater may be used, which uses a long distance high-gain dish antenna or yagi antenna to communicate with a cell tower far outside of normal range, and a repeater to rebroadcast on a small short-range local antenna that allows any cellphone within a few meters to function properly.

Now days everybody in the world exposed to the usage of the cell phones. But you ever wonder about how the cell phone is function. In this post, I get to know about the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

SIM card
In addition to the battery, GSM cellphones require a small microchip, called a Subscriber Identity Module or SIM Card, to function. Approximately the size of a small postage stamp, the SIM Card is usually placed underneath the battery in the rear of the unit, and (when properly activated) stores the phone's configuration data, and information about the phone itself, such as which calling plan the subscriber is using. When the subscriber removes the SIM Card, it can be re-inserted into another phone and used as normal.

Each SIM Card is activated by use of a unique numerical identifier; once activated, the identifier is locked down and the card is permanently locked in to the activating network. For this reason, most retailers refuse to accept the return of an activated SIM Card.

Those cell phones that do not use a SIM Card have the data programmed in to their memory. This data is accessed by using a special digit sequence to access the "NAM" as in "Name" or number programming menu. From here, one can add information such as a new number for your phone, new Service Provider numbers, new emergency numbers, change their Authentication Key or A-Key code, and update their Preferred Roaming List or PRL. However, to prevent the average Joe from totally disabling their phone or removing it from the network, the Service Provider puts a lock on this data called a Master Subsidiary Lock or MSL.

The MSL also ensures that the Service Provider gets payment for the phone that was purchased or "leased". For example, the Motorola Razr V9C costs upwards of CAD $500. You can get one from Bell Mobility for approximately $200. The difference is paid by the customer in the form of a monthly bill. If, in this case, Bell Mobility did not use a MSL, then they may lose the $300–$400 difference that is paid in the monthly bill, since some customers would cancel their service and take the phone to another carrier such as Telus, or Verizon. This would eventually put the carrier or in this case, Bell Mobility out of business

Anonymous said...

iPod is a brand of portable media players designed and marketed by Apple Inc. and launched on October 23, 2001. As of 2008, the product line-up includes the hard drive-based iPod Classic, the touchscreen iPod Touch, the video-capable iPod Nano, the screen less iPod Shuffle and the iPhone. Former products include the compact iPod Mini and the spin-off iPod Photo (since reintegrated into the main iPod Classic line). iPod Classic models store media on an internal hard drive, while all other models use flash memory to enable their smaller size (the discontinued Mini used a Microdrive miniature hard drive). As with many other digital music players, iPods, excluding the iPod Touch, can also serve as external data storage devices. Storage capacity varies by model.

Apple's iTunes software can be used to transfer music to the devices from computers using certain versions of Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows operating systems. For users who choose not to use Apple's software or whose computers cannot run iTunes software, several open source alternatives to iTunes are also available. iTunes and its alternatives may also transfer photos, videos, games, contact information, e-mail settings, Web bookmarks, and calendars to iPod models supporting those features. Apple focused its development on the iPod line's unique user interface and its ease of use, rather than on technical capability. As of September 2007, more than 150 million iPods had been sold worldwide, making it the best-selling digital audio player series in history.
iPod is portable media player (PDA). The main purpose of the iPod is to entertain the user. With having this PDA you would not feel boring. It will entertain you with it’s features.

Anonymous said...

The meaning and usage of the word "radio" has developed in parallel with developments within the field and can be seen to have three distinct phases: electromagnetic waves and experimentation; wireless communication and technical development; and radio broadcasting and commercialization. Many individuals -- inventors, engineers, developers, businessmen -- contributed to produce the modern idea of radio and thus the origins and 'invention' are multiple and controversial.

Development from a laboratory demonstration to commercial utility spanned several decades and required the efforts of many practitioners.

Tesla demonstrating wireless transmissions during his high frequency and potential lecture of 1891. After continued research, Tesla presented the fundamentals of radio in 1893.In 1893, in St. Louis, Missouri, Nikola Tesla made devices for his experiments with electricity. Addressing the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia and the National Electric Light Association, he described and demonstrated in detail the principles of his wireless work. The descriptions contained all the elements that were later incorporated into radio systems before the development of the vacuum tube. He initially experimented with magnetic receivers, unlike the coherers (detecting devices consisting of tubes filled with iron filings which had been invented by Temistocle Calzecchi-Onesti at Fermo in Italy in 1884) used by Guglielmo Marconi and other early experimenters.

The first radio couldn't transmit sound or speech and was called the "wireless telegraph." The first public demonstration of wireless telegraphy took place in the lecture theater of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History on August 14, 1894, carried out by Professor Oliver Lodge and Alexander Muirhead. During the demonstration a radio signal was sent from the neighboring Clarendon laboratory building, and received by apparatus in the lecture theater.

In 1895 Alexander Stepanovich Popov built his first radio receiver, which contained a coherer. Further refined as a lightning detector, it was presented to the Russian Physical and Chemical Society on May 7, 1895. A depiction of Popov's lightning detector was printed in the Journal of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society the same year. Popov's receiver was created on the improved basis of Lodge's receiver, and originally intended for reproduction of its experiments.

Everybody love music. The main reason that the music can reach people is radio. In Jurassic ages people only listen to music through radio.

Anonymous said...


Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, also known as RDX, cyclonite, hexogen, and T4, is an explosive nitroamine widely used in military and industrial applications. Nomenclature variants include cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine and cyclotrimethylene trinitramine.

In its pure, synthesized state RDX is a white, crystalline solid. As an explosive it is usually used in mixtures with other explosives and plasticizers, phlegmatizers or desensitizers. It is stable in storage and is considered one of the most powerful and brisant of the military high explosives.

RDX forms the base for a number of common military explosives: Composition A (wax-coated, granular explosive consisting of RDX and plasticizing wax), composition A5 (mixed with 1.5% stearic acid), Composition B (castable mixtures of RDX and TNT), Composition C (a plastic demolition explosive consisting of RDX, other explosives, and plasticizers), Composition D, HBX (castable mixtures of RDX, TNT, powdered aluminium, and D-2 wax with calcium chloride), H-6, and C-4.

RDX is also used as a major component of many plastic bonded explosives used in nuclear weapons.

RDX is really powerful nuclear weapon. It is a major component in the manufacturing of the nuclear weapon. Other than that it is also use for so many good purposes.

Anonymous said...

The Egyptian version of Cinderella. In this version her name is Rhodopis (ra-doh-pes). Considered one of the oldest versions of the Cinderella story. It was first recorded by the Roman historian Strabo in the first century BC. This version is based on fact and fiction. Fact: there was a Greek slave girl named Rhodopis who married a Pharaoh Amasis (Dynasty XXVI, 570-536 BC) and became his queen. A fellow slave, Aesop, told her many stories. In this version the slipper is not golden but rose-colored.

"Long ago in the land of Egypt were the green water of the Nile River flows into the blue water of the Mediterranean Sea lived a young maiden named Rhodopis." Rhodopis was born in Greece but was kidnapped by pirates and carried down into Egypt where she was sold into slavery. Her owner turned out to be a kind old man who spent most of his time under a tree sleeping. Because of this he never saw how the other girls in the house, all servant girls, taunted and teased Rhodopis. They teased her because she looked differently from them. Their hair was straight and black while hers was golden and curly. They had brown eyes and she had green. Their skin had the glow of copper, but Rhodopis had pale skin that burned easily in the sun causing them to call her Rosy Rhodopis. They also made her work hard shouting at her all day, "Go to the river and wash the clothes," "Mend my robe," "Chase the geese from the garden,: "Bake the bread." Now Rhodopis had no friends only the animals. She had trained the birds to eat from her hand, a monkey to sit on her shoulder, and the old hippopotamus would slide up on the bank out of the mud to be closer to her. At the end of the day if she wasn't too tired she would go down to the river to be with her animal friends and if she had any energy left from the hard day's work she would dance and sing for them. One evening as she was dancing, twirling around lighter than air with her feet barely touching the ground, the old man woke from his sleep and watched as she danced. He admired her dancingt and felt that one so talented should not be without shoes. He ordered her a special pair of slippers. The shoes were gilded with rose-red gold and the soles were leather. Now the servant girls really disliked her for they were jealous of her beautiful slippers. Word arrived that the Pharaoh was holding court in Memphis and all in the kingdom were invited. Oh how Rhodopis wanted to go with the servant girls. For she knew there would be dancing, singing, and lots of wonderful food. As the servant girls prepared to leave in their finest clothes they turned to Rhodopis and gave her more chores to do before they returned. They poled their raft away leaving a sad Rhodopis on the bank. As she began to wash the clothes in the river she sang a sad little song--"wash the linen, weed the garden, grind the grain." The hippopotamus grew tired of this little song and splashed back into the river. The splashing of the water wet Rhodopis's slippers. She quickly grabbed them up, wiped it off and placed them in the sun to dry. As she was continuing with her chores the sky darkened and as she looked up she saw a falcon sweep down, snatch one of her slippers, and fly away. Rhodopis was in awe for she knew it was the god Horus who had taken her shoe. Rhodopis now with only one slipper put it away in her tunic. Now the Pharaoh, Amasis, Pharaoh of upper and lower Egypt was sitting on his throne looking out over the people and feeling very bored. He much preferred to be riding across the desert in his chariot. Suddenly the falcon swooped down and dropped the rose-red golden slipper in his lap. Surprised but knowing this was a sign from the god Horus he sent out a decree that all maidens in Egypt must try on the slipper, and the owner of the slipper would be his queen. By the time the servant girls arrived the celebrations had ended and the Pharaoh had left by chariot in search of the owner of the golden slipper. After searching on land and not finding the owner he called for his barge and began to travel the Nile pulling into every landing so maidens could try on the slipper. As the barge rounded the bend in front of the home of Rhodopis all heard the sounds of the gong, the trumpets blaring, and saw the purple silk sails. The servant girls ran to the landing to try on the shoe while Rhodopis hid in the rushes. When the servant girls saw the shoe they recognized it as Rhodopis's slipper but they said nothing and still tried to force their feet into the slipper. The Pharaoh spied Rhodopis hiding in the rushes and asked her to try on the slipper. She slid her tiny foot into the slipper and then pulled the other from her tunic. The Pharaoh pronounced that she would be his queen. The servant girls cried out that she was a slave and not even Egyptian. The Pharaoh responded with "She is the most Egyptian of all...for her eyes are as green as the Nile, her fair as feathery as papyrus, and her skin the pink of a lotus flower."

Anonymous said...

AK-47 (contraction of Russian: Автомат Калашникова образца 1947 года; Avtomat Kalashnikova obraztsa 1947 goda; "Kalashnikov's automatic rifle model of year 1947") is a 7.62 mm assault rifle developed in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Kalashnikov in two versions: the fixed stock AK-47 and the AKS-47 (S—Skladnoy priklad) variant equipped with an underfolding metal shoulder stock. Design work on the AK began in 1944. In 1946 the rifle was presented for official military trials, a year later the fixed stock version was introduced into service with select units of the Red Army (the folding stock model was developed later). The AK-47 was officially accepted by the Soviet Armed Forces in 1949. It is also used by the majority of the member states of the former Warsaw Pact. The AK-47 was also used as a basis for the development of many other types of individual and crew-served firearms. It was one of the first true assault rifles and, due to its durability and ease of use, remains the most widely used assault rifle in the world. More AK-type rifles have been produced than any other assault rifle.

AK-47 is the gas operated assault rifle. It was developed by the Russian (also known as Soviet Union). It was started to use in the World War 2. A deathly powerful weapon . Function in rotating bold method.

Anonymous said...

The Arctic Warfare Magnum

The AWM rifle is a variant of the British Accuracy International Arctic Warfare (AW). Compared to the AW, the AWM has a longer bolt to accommodate larger magnum-length cartridges such as the .300 Winchester Magnum and the .338 Lapua Magnum.

The AWM features a detachable box magazine which holds five rounds. The normal cartridges for this rifle, and the ones which have been accepted by NATO for use in AWM rifles, are .300 Winchester Magnum and .338 Lapua Magnum.

Muzzle brakes are fitted to reduce recoil, jump and flash and act as a base for optional iron sights and suppressors.

Normally, the AWMs are outfitted with a Schmidt & Bender PM II 10x42 telescopic sight with 10x fixed power of magnification. However, a Schmidt & Bender PM II with variable magnification of either 3-12x50, 4-16x50 or 5-25x56 can be used if the operator wants more flexibility to shoot at varying ranges, or when a wide field of view is required. Accuracy International actively promotes fitting the German made Schmidt & Bender PM II product line as sighting components on their rifles, which is almost unique for a rifle manufacturer. The German and Russian Army preferred a telescopic sight made by Zeiss[3] over Accuracy Internationals preference.

The AWM rifle is normally supplied in a metal transit case together with scope, mount, butt spacers, bipod, spare magazines, sling, cleaning and tool kits.

This is the most powerful weapon I even seen before. Its effective range is until 1000 metres. It’s function is by bolt action. Used in countries like United Kingdom, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands and many more.

Anonymous said...

The Milky Way
The Milky Way (a translation of the Latin Via Lactea, in turn derived from the Greek Γαλαξίας (Galaxias) sometimes referred to simply as "the Galaxy"), is a barred spiral galaxy that is part of the Local Group of galaxies. Although the Milky Way is one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe, its special significance to humanity is that it is the home galaxy of our Solar System. The plane of the Milky Way galaxy is visible from Earth as a band of light in the night sky, and it is the appearance of this band of light which has inspired the name for our galaxy.

Some sources hold that, strictly speaking, the term Milky Way should refer exclusively to the observation of the band of light, while the full name Milky Way Galaxy, or alternatively the Galaxy should be used to describe our galaxy as an astrophysical whole. It is unclear how widespread the usage of this convention is, however, and the term Milky Way is routinely used in either context.
It is a great example of the creation of the God. Where, there is no gravity. It looks fantastic from pictures and movies. But, once you lost there, there is no way out.

Anonymous said...


Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the Solar System. The planet is named after Mars, the Roman god of war. It is also referred to as the "Red Planet" because of its reddish appearance.

Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, having surface features reminiscent both of the impact craters of the Moon and the volcanoes, valleys, deserts and polar ice caps of Earth. It is the site of Olympus Mons, the highest known mountain in the Solar System, and of Valles Marineris, the largest canyon. Furthermore, in June 2008 three articles published in Nature presented evidence of an enormous impact crater in Mars' northern hemisphere, 10 600 km long by 8 500 km wide, or roughly four times larger than the largest impact crater yet discovered, the South Pole-Aitken basin.In addition to its geographical features, Mars’ rotational period and seasonal cycles are likewise similar to those of Earth.

Until the first flyby of Mars by Mariner 4 in 1965, many speculated that there might be liquid water on the planet's surface. This was based on observations of periodic variations in light and dark patches, particularly in the polar latitudes, which looked like seas and continents, while long, dark striations were interpreted by some observers as irrigation channels for liquid water. These straight line features were later proven not to exist and were instead explained as optical illusions. Still, of all the planets in the Solar System other than Earth, Mars is the most likely to harbor liquid water, and perhaps life. Water, in the state of ice, was found by the Phoenix Mars Lander on July 31, 2008.

Mars is currently host to three functional orbiting spacecraft: Mars Odyssey, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. This is more than any planet in the Solar System except Earth. The surface is also home to the two Mars Exploration Rovers (Spirit and Opportunity), the lander Phoenix, and several inert landers and rovers that either failed or completed missions. Geological evidence gathered by these and preceding missions suggests that Mars previously had large-scale water coverage, while observations also indicate that small geyser-like water flows have occurred during the past decade. Observations by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor show evidence that parts of the southern polar ice cap have been receding.

Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, which are small and irregularly shaped. These may be captured asteroids, similar to 5261 Eureka, a Martian Trojan asteroid. Mars can be seen from Earth with the naked eye. Its apparent magnitude reaches −2.9, a brightness surpassed only by Venus, the Moon, and the Sun, though most of the time Jupiter will appear brighter to the naked eye than Mars.

Mars is the nearest planet from the earth. There are still a lot of assumption that saying there is living things exist in the mars. The mars is so beautiful with its red colour.

Anonymous said...


Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System, after Jupiter. Saturn, along with Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, is classified as a gas giant. Together, these four planets are sometimes referred to as the Jovian planets, where Jovian is the adjectival form of Jupiter.

Saturn is named after the Roman god Saturnus (that became the namesake of Saturday), equated to the Greek Kronos (the Titan father of Zeus) and the Babylonian Ninurta. Saturn's symbol represents the god's sickle (Unicode: ♄).

The planet Saturn is composed of hydrogen, with small proportions of helium and trace elements. The interior consists of a small core of rock and ice, surrounded by a thick layer of metallic hydrogen and a gaseous outer layer. The outer atmosphere is generally bland in appearance, although long-lived features can appear. Wind speeds on Saturn can reach 1800 km/h, significantly faster than those on Jupiter. Saturn has a planetary magnetic field intermediate in strength between that of Earth and the more powerful field around Jupiter.

Saturn has a prominent system of rings, consisting mostly of ice particles with a smaller amount of rocky debris and dust. Sixty known moons orbit the planet. Titan, Saturn's largest and the Solar System's second largest moon (after Jupiter's Ganymede), is larger than the planet Mercury and is the only moon in the Solar System to possess a significant atmosphere.

Saturn is 2 planets away from the earth. There is one speciality about Saturn. It is the only planet with its own ring around the planet. The is 20 meter thick.

Anonymous said...

A ghost is said to be the apparition of a deceased person, frequently similar in appearance to that person, and usually encountered in places she or he frequented, the place of his or her death, or in association with the person's former belongings. The word "ghost" may also refer to the spirit or soul of a deceased person, or to any spirit or demon. A place in which ghosts are supposed to appear is described as haunted. A related phenomenon is the poltergeist, literally a 'noisy spirit' that manifests itself by moving and influencing objects, though a widespread view today is that these occurences are either fraudulent or manifestations of the psychic energy of, particularly, adolescent girls. Phantom armies, animals, trains and ships have also been reported.

The reality of ghosts is a vexed subject which divides believers and skeptics. The study of ghosts is both the subject of folklore and also, since the nineteenth century, of the investigations of parapsychologists, who have attempted to refine the vocabulary used in describing ghostly phenomena. Summoning or exorcising the shades of the departed is an item of belief and religious practice for spiritualists and practitioners of ritual magic. Though some claims of ghostly phenomena are proven frauds others remain unexplained or are subject to conflicting explanations. So far no one explanation has gained universal acceptance. According to a poll conducted in 2005 by the Gallup Organization about 32% of Americans believe in the existence of ghosts.

Does ghost really exist....? Yes this question is cannot be answered by most of the people.

Anonymous said...

Earth is the third planet from the Sun. Earth is the largest of the terrestrial planets in the Solar System in diameter, mass and density. It is also referred to as the World and Terra.

Home to millions of species, including humans, Earth is the only place in the universe where life is known to exist. Scientific evidence indicates that the planet formed 4.54 billion years ago,and life appeared on its surface within a billion years. Since then, Earth's biosphere has significantly altered the atmosphere and other abiotic conditions on the planet, enabling the proliferation of aerobic organisms as well as the formation of the ozone layer which, together with Earth's magnetic field, blocks harmful radiation, permitting life on land.

Earth's outer surface is divided into several rigid segments, or tectonic plates, that gradually migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. About 71% of the surface is covered with salt-water oceans, the remainder consisting of continents and islands; liquid water, necessary for all known life, is not known to exist on any other planet's surface.[18][19] Earth's interior remains active, with a thick layer of relatively solid mantle, a liquid outer core that generates a magnetic field, and a solid iron inner core.

Earth interacts with other objects in outer space, including the Sun and the Moon. At present, Earth orbits the Sun once for every roughly 366.26 times it rotates about its axis. This length of time is a sidereal year, which is equal to 365.26 solar days. The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted 23.4° away from the perpendicular to its orbital plane, producing seasonal variations on the planet's surface with a period of one tropical year (365.24 solar days). Earth's only known natural satellite, the Moon, which began orbiting it about 4.53 billion years ago, provides ocean tides, stabilizes the axial tilt and gradually slows the planet's rotation. A cometary bombardment during the early history of the planet played a role in the formation of the oceans. Later, asteroid impacts caused significant changes to the surface environment.

Anonymous said...

Mountain Bike

A mountain bike or mountain bicycle (abbreviated MTB or ATB (all terrain bicycle)) is a bicycle designed for off-road cycling, including jumps, and traversing of rocks and washouts, and steep declines, either on dirt trails, logging roads, or other unpaved environments. Bicyles used for mountain biking are different from road bikes and racing bikes, because mountain bikes need to be able to withstand the impacts of off-road use and the frame geometry needs to allows for the surmounting of obstacles such as logs and rocks. Most mountain bikes use 26 inch (559 mm) bicycle wheels with wide, knobby tires for extra traction and shock absorption. Since the 2000s, front wheel suspension has become the norm and full front and rear suspension has become increasingly common. Some mountain bikes are also fitted with bar ends on the handlebars to give extra leverage for hill-climbing.

Since the sport's development in the 1970s, many new subtypes of mountain biking have developed, such as cross-country (XC) biking, all-day endurance biking, Freeride-biking, downhill mountain biking, and a variety of track and slalom competitions. Each of these subtypes places different demands on the bike and the cyclist, and so high-end mountain bike companies make different designs to suit these different sports. MTBs produced in the 2000s often have a wide range of gears, giving 21 to 27 speeds, to facilitate steep hill climbing and rapid descents. Most higher-end mountain bikes produced since the mid-2000s use disc brakes instead of cantilever or V-brakes, because disc brakes offer better stopping power under extreme conditions.

The risk of injury is inherent in the sport of mountain biking, especially in the more extreme disciplines such as downhill biking, which can include drops and jumps over rocky terrain. To reduce the risk of injuries such as concussions, abrasions, and cuts, mountain bikers often wear protective equipment such as helmets, gloves, and padding. The amount of protective gear depends on the type of mountain biking and the difficulty of the course. While a cross-country rider on a flat dirt trail might only wear a road biking helmet and gloves, a downhill biker or dirt jumper will typically wear a full-face BMX-style helmet and plastic "armor" pads on the knees, elbows, chest, and back.

Anonymous said...

The Tsunami
Tsunami is a series of waves created when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced. Earthquakes, mass movements above or below water, some volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, underwater earthquakes, large asteroid impacts and testing with nuclear weapons at sea all have the potential to generate a tsunami. The effects of a tsunami can be devastating due to the immense volumes of water and energy involved. Since meteorites are small, they will not generate a tsunami.

The Greek historian Thucydides was the first to relate tsunamis to submarine quakes, but understanding of the nature of tsunamis remained slim until the 20th century and is the subject of ongoing research.

Many early geological, geographic, oceanographic etc., texts refer to "Seismic sea waves"—these are now referred to as "tsunami".

Some meteorological storm conditions—deep depressions causing cyclones, hurricanes—can generate a storm surge which can be several metres above normal tide levels. This is due to the low atmospheric pressure within the centre of the depression. As these storm surges come ashore the surge can resemble a tsunami, inundating vast areas of land. These are not tsunami. Such a storm surge inundated Burma (Myanmar) in May 2008.

Anonymous said...

Manchester United Football Club is an English football club, based at the Old Trafford stadium in Trafford, Greater Manchester, and is one of the most popular football clubs in the world, with over 330 million supporters worldwide – almost 5% of the world's population. The club was a founding member of the Premier League in 1992, and has played in the top division of English football since 1938, with the exception of the 1974–75 season. Average attendances at the club have been higher than any other team in English football for all but six seasons since 1964–65.

The club is the second most successful in the history of English football and by far the most successful of recent times, having won 20 major honours since the start of Alex Ferguson's reign as manager in November 1986. They are the Premier League's reigning champions, and have won England's top division 17 times, one short of Liverpool's record of 18 league titles. In 1968, they became the first English club to win the European Cup, beating Benfica 4–1. They won a second European Cup as part of an unprecedented Treble in 1999, before winning their third in 2008, 40 years almost to the day after their first. The club also holds the record for the most FA Cup titles with 11.

Since the late 1990s, the club has been one of the richest in the world with the highest revenue of any football club,[10] and is currently ranked as the richest and most valuable club in any sport, with a value of £897 million (€1,333 million / $1.8 billion) as of September 2008. Manchester United was a founding member of the now defunct G-14 group of Europe's leading football clubs and its replacement, the European Club Association.

Alex Ferguson has been manager of the club since 6 November 1986. The current club captain is Gary Neville, who succeeded Roy Keane in November 2005.

Anonymous said...


Werewolves, also known as lycanthropes, are mythological or folkloric humans with the ability to shape shift into wolves or wolf-like creatures, either purposely, being bitten by another werewolf or after being placed under a curse. This transformation is often associated with the appearance of the full moon, as popularly noted by the medieval chronicler Gervase of Tilbury, although it may have been recognized in earlier times among the ancient Greeks through the writings of Petronius. Werewolves are often granted extra-human strength and senses, far beyond those of both wolves or men. The werewolf is generally held as a European character, although its lore spread through the world in later times. Shape-shifters, similar to werewolves, are common in tales from all over the world, most notably amongst the American Indians, though most of them involve animal forms other than wolves.

Werewolves are a frequent subject of modern fictional books and films, although fictional werewolves have been attributed traits distinct from those of original folklore, most notably the vulnerability to silver bullets.[2] Werewolves continue to endure in modern culture and fiction, with books, films and television shows cementing the werewolf's stance as a dominant figure in horror.

Anonymous said...

For most of us, a rainbow of colours envelopes our lives. Over 80% of visual information is related to colour.¹ What colours and combinations of colours stimulate people to be interested in different things? What colours make us feel pleasure or disapproval, hot or cold, to be attracted or repelled, our appetite stimulated or suppressed?
Many reactions to colour are instinctual, universal and cross cultural boundaries. "Colors also convey messages that go beyond ethnic, racial, or gender boundaries. According to a 1997 survey by Cooper Marketing Group, Oak Park, IL, power is represented by the color scarlet red for 25% of respondents, black for 17% and bright violet blue for 13%. More than 55% of those surveyed chose one of these three colors out of 100 colors. Fragility was most represented by pale pink (27%), white (9%), and pale lavender (9%)."²
Other associations with colours are specific to a culture or regions. Mixing appropriate amounts of different colours however can neutralise inherent negative cultural connotations.
Web design which achieves successful marketing results is sensitive to the cultural, instinctual and iconic meanings of colour in relation to the product being promoted and considers the cultural backgrounds and gender of the targeted clientele. Avoiding the extremes of sheer garishness and boredom, effective design displays symphonic colour arrangements of shades, tints, tones and complementarities to tantalise and maintain interest. Adding textures too can alter colours - a roughly textured surface makes a colour seem darker, while a smooth surface lightens the same colour.
Colour trends may defy instinctual, cultural and iconic constraints - for example, the recent craze for vivid lime green. As Jill Morton says: "Psychologically, the 'anti-aesthetic' colors may well capture more attention than those on the aesthetically-correct list. History clearly demonstrates that this has been a prevalent trend in art since the turn of the 20th century, when Dada's urinals and snow shovels put an end to the era of Matisse and French Impressionism."³

Anonymous said...

Black is not a bad colour
It is also interesting to look at the different phases in history and how those phases have been reflected in the colours generally worn at those times. During times of severity and propriety the code of dress was very much dominated by black and grey. The Victorians mainly wore black - influenced by the Queen's long period of mourning no doubt - and were, in many ways, quite austere and, it has to be said, in many ways not very colourful. The Puritans too, of course, dressed in black. This is not to say that black is a bad colour. Every colour has its positive and negative aspects. Wearing black with another colour can enhance that other colour's energy. Black can also give the space sometimes needed for reflection and inner searching. It can indicate inner strength and the possibility for change.
Before the last war it was noted that a lot of red was being worn. Red in its most positive is the colour for courage, strength and pioneering spirit, all of which were much needed by the men and women who were fighting that war. However, in the most negative aspect, it is the colour of anger, violence and brutality. As the war was coming to an end, pale blue became a popular colour - an omen of the peace to come perhaps, also giving everyone the healing they must have so badly needed

Anonymous said...

Ryder Gabathuse
Botswana National Front (BNF) Women's Wing publicity secretary, Keneilwe Lekoba, has hailed the party leadership for taking gender issues seriously.
"I can see a lot of changes in the thinking of the party leadership. Gender oppression is one issue that is receiving a lot of attention from BNF leadership," said Lekoba, adding that a lot of BNF leaders are now "thinking outside the box." Gender issues have now become a component of BNF political education. She appreciated her party's latest move in recognising the interconnectedness between class theory and class oppression. She said since the BNF generally has a socialist leaning, the party is able to "analyse inequality on the basis of the tools of class theory and class oppression".

She appreciated the party's approach in merging the gender and class theories, then packaging them to enlighten the masses. This, she said, has now become a tool of analysis to explain societal inequalities.
Will this new thinking within the BNF help BNF women to participate in large numbers in the next general election?
"As we speak, I can't ascertain the number of women interested in contesting the 2009 general election at both parliamentary and council levels. The party has just issued a writ for the primary elections," explained Lekoba.
She was optimistic that the party is getting there. "I think what is important is sensitisation. Since the political education committee took up the sensitisation campaigns, I can see a lot of difference".

Anonymous said...

One of the most dangerous air pollutants is cigarette smoke. Restricting smoking is an important key to a healthier environment. Legislation to control smoking is in effect in some locations, but personal exposure should be monitored and limited wherever possible. Additional information about the effects of "secondhand" cigarette smoke is available from the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) and Medicine On-line.
Only through the efforts of scientists, business leaders, legislators, and individuals can we reduce the amount of air pollution on the planet. This challenge must be met by all of us in order to assure that a healthy environment will exist for ourselves and our children. Find out "What you can do to reduce air pollution".

Anonymous said...

Environmental policy instruments
Environmental policy instruments are tools used by governments to implement their environmental policies. Governments may use a number of different types of instruments. For example, economic incentives and market-based instruments such as taxes and tax exemptions, tradable permits, and fees can be very effective to encourage compliance with environmental policy. [5]
Voluntary measures, such as bilateral agreements negotiated between the government and private firms and commitments made by firms independent of government pressure, are other instruments used in environmental policy. Another instrument is the implementation of greener public purchasing programmes. [6]
Often, several instruments are combined in an instrument mix formulated to address a certain environmental problem. Since environmental issues often have many different aspects, several policy instruments may be needed to adequately address each one. Furthermore, instrument mixes may allow firms greater flexibility in finding ways to comply with government policy while reducing the uncertainty in the cost of doing so. However, instrument mixes must be carefully formulated so that the individual measures within them do not undermine each other or create a rigid and cost-ineffective compliance framework. Also, overlapping instruments lead to unnecessary administrative costs, making implementation of environmental policies more costly than necessary[7] In order to help governments realize their environmental policy goals, the OECD Environment Directorate studies and collects data on the efficiency of the environmental instruments governments use to achieve their goals as well as their consequences for other policies.[8]
The current reliance on a market based framework is controversial, however, with many prominent environmentalists arguing that a more radical, overarching, approach is needed than a set of specific initiatives, to deal coherently with the scale of the climate change challenge. For an example of the problems, energy efficiency measures may actually increase energy consumption in the absence of a cap on fossil fuel use, as people might drive more efficient cars further and they might sell better. Thus, for example, Aubrey Meyer calls for a 'framework based market' of contraction and convergence examples of which are ideas such as the recent Cap and Share and 'Sky Trust' proposal

Anonymous said...

Your colour preferences can tell a professional Colour Therapist a good deal about you.
Colour choices can indicate where there may be an imbalance of colour which can highlight a potential problem; whether emotional, physical, mental or spiritual and also gives indications of personality issues which may need to be addressed.
The emotional, physical, mental and spiritual aspects make up the whole person and really one cannot be isolated from the other.
A Professionally qualified Colour Therapy practitioner will help you to understand your Colour preferences, and indeed your need for a certain colour or colours.
Enhance your life with Colour
Colour Therapy is a totally holistic and non-invasive therapy for us all - adults, children, babies and animals. All we need to do is to heighten our awareness of the energy of colour and it can transform our lives.
Colour should be a part of our everyday life, not just something we experience for an hour or two with a therapist. Colour is all around us everywhere. This wonderful planet does not contain all the beautiful colours of the rainbow without reason. Nature and its colours are not simply here by chance, everything in nature is here for a purpose. Colour is no exception.

Anonymous said...


Colour is simply light of different wavelengths, and each colour has its own specific wavelength and vibration. These wavelengths resonate with energies in different areas of the body.
As we absorb colour energy not only through the eyes but also through the skin and the electro magnetic field or aura, Colour Therapy can be used on the body in a number of different ways.
As with any therapy, each therapist may have his or her own 'style', however, a number of common methods used are:
• The placing of colour silks on the body
• The directing of coloured light on to the body *.
• Solarized water
• Meditation with colour
• Colour breathing

Anonymous said...

nur amirah(cb08021)

hello everyone...

tell me more give me more n more benefit...improve my language,grammar, n vocabulary....

Anonymous said...

nur amirah (cb08021)

sciene fact >> animal

Rats breed so quickly that in just 18 months, 2 rats could have created over 1 million relatives.

* The blue whale can produce the loudest sound of any animal. At 188 decibels, the noise can be detected over 800 kilometres away.

* Horses and cows sleep while standing up.

* Giant Arctic jellyfish have tentacles that can reach over 36 metres in length.

* Locusts have leg muscles that are about 1000 times more powerful than an equal weight of human muscle.

* Instead of bones, sharks have a skeleton made from cartilage.

* Insects such as bees, mosquitoes and cicadas make noise by rapidly moving their wings.

* The horn of a rhinoceros is made from compacted hair rather than bone or another substance.

* Sharks lay the biggest eggs in the world.

* Even when a snake has its eyes closed, it can still see through its eyelids.

* Unlike humans, sheep have four stomachs, each one helps them digest the food they eat.

* Despite the white, fluffy appearance of Polar Bears fur, it actually has black skin.

* The average housefly only lives for 2 or 3 weeks.

* Mosquitoes can be annoying insects but did you know that it's only the female mosquito that actually bites humans.

* Cats use their whiskers to check whether a space is too small for them to fit through or not.

Anonymous said...

nur amirah(cb08021)

sciene fact >> palnet earth

Hawaii is moving towards Japan at the speed of 10cm a year. This is because they are on different tectonic plates.

* The worlds largest desert is the Sahara, it covers about one third of Africa!

* Earthquakes that occur out at sea can cause huge tsunamis capable of reaching land and endangering people.

* The earth isn't perfectly round, it is slightly fattened at the north and south poles.

* Scientists have the dated the Earth as being between 4 and 5 billion years old!

* Mt Everest is the highest mountain on earth, its peak reaches 8,848 metres (29028 feet) above sea level.

* Talc is the softest mineral found on Earth, reaching just 1 on Mohs scale of hardness, it is often used to make talcum powder.

* Although earthquakes can be deadly, most are very small and not even felt by humans.

* The volcanic rock known as pumice is the only rock that can float in water.

* Stretching out to an impressive length of 6696 kilometres (4160 miles) long, the Nile River is the longest river on earth.

* Natural gas doesn't have an odour, strong smells are added to it by humans so it can be detected when there are leaks.

Anonymous said...

nur amirah (cb08021)

Do you kno0o0w????

>>The brain uses over a quarter of the oxygen used by the human body.

>>The smallest bone found in the human body is located in the middle ear. The staples (or stirrup) bone is only 2.8 millimetres long.

>>It takes the body around 12 hours to completely digest eaten food.

>>As well as having unique fingerprints, humans also have unique tongue prints.

>>Antibiotics are only effective against bacteria, they won't help in fighting off a virus.

>>The colour of a humans skin is determined by the level of pigment melanin that the body produces. Those with small amounts of melanin have light skin while those with large amounts have dark skin.

>>Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. They are created inside the bone marrow of your bones.

>>Infants blink only once or twice a minute while adults average around 10.

>>Hummingbirds are so agile and have such good control that they can fly backwards.

>>Your sense of smell is around 10000 times more sensitive than your sense of taste.

>>Your nose and ears continue growing throughout your entire life.

Anonymous said...

nur amirah(cb08021)

Best Friends
© By Terry L. Hockenberry Jr

Looking back through the years,
I can't believe how long
We have been best friends,
Through good times and bad.

When I needed someone to cry,
With me and laugh together
Give me a shoulder to lean on,
And a hug to make me feel better.

You know how true it is,
When you know that no matter what
Happens or goes on down the road,
That there will always be best friends.

So as time passes and days go by,
Just remember that when you need me
That no matter what time or place,
I will always be there by your side, my best friend.

Anonymous said...

Love is patient, love is kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud. It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker. Love protects; preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life. Always stand steadfast in love, not fall into it. It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true. Love can occur between two or more individuals. It bonds them and connects them in a unified link of trust, intimacy and interdependence. It enhances the relationship and comforts the soul. Love should be experienced and not just felt. The depth of love can not be measured. Look at the relationship between a mother and a child. The mother loves the child unconditionally and it can not be measured at all. A different dimension can be attained between any relationships with the magic of love. Love can be created. You just need to focus on the goodness of the other person. If this can be done easily, then you can also love easily.

Anonymous said...

Friendship is an in-depth, relaxed relationship!
Friends relate.

It is an in-depth relationship combining trust, support, communication, loyalty, understanding, empathy, and intimacy.

These are certainly aspects of life that all of us crave.

Being able to trust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship.

Remember when you were young and went with a friend to her grandma's for the week-end. It was fun but when you got home, home was wonderful. Your feeling was "I'm home. I can relax now."

That's what a friendship should be.

You go out into the world and do your best. You have your ups and downs, your problems and triumphs, your fun and tribulations. You charm and you perform.

Then you come "home" to a friend. You can relax, put up your feet; you are relieved. If you still have to be charming and/or performing, it's not a relief.

Friendship is a comfy situation like home. You get home, kick off your shoes, relax and sigh, "Ahh, home."

Anonymous said...


already makes it simple to wirelessly upload photos to your favorite sharing sites, even on the go, but now it alerts your friends as well. As of today, users can integrate their Eye-Fi card with Twitter so that your followers will instantly know you’ve uploaded photos, and will receive a link to the new pics. You can even customize the message that your friends will see.

The company also now allows users to publish RSS feeds of photos to Google Reader, My Yahoo!, bloglines, newsgator, Pageflakes, netvibes, and others.

Now, just make sure you’re happy with all your photos before you add your Twitter account to the mix. The last thing you need is to accidentally broadcast those debaucharous photos you took last weekend by simply turning on the camera in the vicinity of your router.

Anonymous said...

By Mary Rita Schilke Korzan

When you thought I wasn’t looking, you displayed my first report, and I wanted to do another.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, you fed a stray cat, and I thought it was good to be kind to animals.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, you gave me a sticker, and I knew that little things were special things.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, you put your arm around me, and I felt loved.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw tears come from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things hurt--but that it’s all right to cry.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, you smiled, and it made me want to look that pretty too.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, you cared, and I wanted to be everything I could be.

When you thought I wasn’t looking--I looked...and wanted to say thanks for all those things you did when you thought I wasn’t looking.

Anonymous said...

Poems for/about Teachers
Poem to go with a teacher gift

For teaching children lessons,
to help them as they grow,
Let this gift remind you,
You're the best teacher we know!

Poem to go with a teacher gift

I chose this special present because I wanted you to know,
That I'm grateful for your hard work in helping me to grow.
For your constant understanding and for always being there,
To tell me I can do it and to show me that you care!

By Mary Rita Schilke Korzan

When you thought I wasn’t looking, you displayed my first report, and I wanted to do another.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, you fed a stray cat, and I thought it was good to be kind to animals.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, you gave me a sticker, and I knew that little things were special things.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, you put your arm around me, and I felt loved.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw tears come from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things hurt--but that it’s all right to cry.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, you smiled, and it made me want to look that pretty too.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, you cared, and I wanted to be everything I could be.

When you thought I wasn’t looking--I looked...and wanted to say thanks for all those things you did when you thought I wasn’t looking.

Author Unknown

"Whose child is this?" I asked one day
Seeing a little one out at play
"Mine", said the parent with a tender smile
"Mine to keep a little while
To bathe his hands and comb his hair
To tell him what he is to wear
To prepare him that he may always be good
And each day do the things he should"

"Whose child is this?" I asked again
As the door opened and someone came in
"Mine", said the teacher with the same tender smile
"Mine, to keep just for a little while
To teach him how to be gentle and kind
To train and direct his dear little mind
To help him live by every rule
And get the best he can from school"

"Whose child is this?" I ask once more
Just as the little one entered the door
"Ours" said the parent and the teacher as they smiled
And each took the hand of the little child
"Ours to love and train together
Ours this blessed task forever."

Anonymous said...

Why God Made Teachers
By Kevin William Huff

When God created teachers,
He gave us special friends
To help us understand His world
And truly comprehend
The beauty and the wonder
Of everything we see,
And become a better person
With each discovery.

When God created teachers,
He gave us special guides
To show us ways in which to grow
So we can all decide
How to live and how to do
What's right instead of wrong,
To lead us so that we can lead
And learn how to be strong.

Why God created teachers,
In His wisdom and His grace,
Was to help us learn to make our world
A better, wiser place.

Anonymous said...

nur amirah(cb08021)

1. Just because you deposited a check today doesn't mean you can start living it up tomorrow. It takes us three days on average to post the money to your account. (And why should we hurry? If you bounce a check, we collect around $30.)

2. Yes, we know the line is long and only one teller window is open, but no, the guy in the cubicle can't come over to help out. He may not be allowed to do a teller's job.

3. Call or visit in person to resolve a problem. Filling out online forms will usually get you the by-the-book reply, but a rep will often forgive a fee over the phone so we can all just get on with our lives.

4. Unless you're Wolfgang Puck, our loan officers have pretty much decided before you walk in that you're not getting a loan for your dream bistro. But they'll let you apply for one anyway. We're not crazy about lending to nonprofits and houses of worship either. We don't want the bad publicity when we go after them.

5. Our tellers routinely press you into opening new accounts because their jobs depend on it. Banks hire “mystery” customers who secretly test whether a teller is cross-selling services.

6. Don't blame us -- it's not our fault you can't control your spending. "The bank didn't make you swipe your card or write a check that you didn't have money for," says one teller in Akron, Ohio.

7. Postdating a check rarely works. With stacks of deposits to process, we look at account names, not dates. If the check bounces, you're liable.

8. Please don't haul in plastic bags of loose change. We really don't have the time or manpower to count it. Ask for free wrappers and bring in rolled coins next time.

9. Keep receipts for every ATM transaction -- and please don't feed cash directly into the machine without first putting it into an envelope (yes, people actually do this).

10. A consumer's brain registers an immediate "Ouch!" whenever he's hit with an itemized penalty, such as a bounced-check fee, so most people keep a much higher balance in their checking accounts than necessary, says personal-finance writer Jason Zweig. "Banks make a ton of money off this mental quirk since they would have to pay interest on the money if we left it in our savings accounts, where it belongs."

11. Banks don't always promote their checking accounts with the highest interest rate. Why tell you about those when you're already willing to sign up for an account that pays less?

12. A bank has the right to pay itself back out of your next deposit for any fees or overdraft loans that you owe.

13. Sorry, we can't afford to give out free toasters anymore to new customers. Business is brutal.

Interviews by Neena Samuel

Sources: David Bach, author of Fight for Your Money (spring 2009); Jason Zweig, author of Your Money & Your Brain (2007); Jean Ann Fox, director of financial services, Consumer Federation of America; anonymous bank employees in New York, Ohio, and Texas

From Reader's Digest - November 2008

Anonymous said...

nur amirah(cb08021)


Water Weights
Fill empty laundry detergent jugs with water to a weight you can handle, and cap. Do biceps curls, shoulder raises and other arm-slimming moves.

Pull Up a Chair
Sit on the edge of a sturdy kitchen chair with your hands on the edge of the seat. To strengthen triceps, move forward and lower yourself with your arms, bending at the elbows. Then stand in front of the chair and do squats (be sure not to sit completely) for hamstrings and quads.

Ottoman Action
To firm your buns, lie on the floor and place calves on an ottoman. Lift hips off the floor while squeezing glutes.

Become a Stair Master
Walk or run up and down stairs eight to ten times to increase your heart rate.

Make a Deal
Take 15 playing cards and place them in front of you in a pile. To strengthen legs, lunge toward each card, right foot in front, to pick up cards. Repeat with left leg. Then tone your abs: Lie down with knees bent, cards in hands. Sit up, contracting abs until you can reach forward and place one card on the floor. Repeat with all cards.

Have a Ball
Sit up, feet on the floor, knees bent at a 45-degree angle, and lean back slightly. Hold a soccer ball in front of you and move it from side to side, rotating your torso, to target your obliques. Next, lie down, knees bent. Place the ball between your knees and squeeze, to work your inner thighs.

From Reader's Digest - January 2008

Anonymous said...

nur amirah (cb08021)

4 Ways to De-Fat Your Cat..

If your dog starts packing on the pounds, you take him for walks to get him moving. With cats, it's more difficult. Today's felines lead an inactive lifestyle, says veterinarian James Richards, director of the Feline Health Center at Cornell University. "More and more cats are living indoors, so they're not out running around burning off calories."

If you can feel your cat's ribs with your fingers and see his waistline, he's probably healthy. If not, help your kitty drop some weight:

* Get him to play. Invest in some interactive toys such as a fishing-pole line for him to chase.

* Watch portions. Keep her food out of reach when you're not home. Cats should be fed mornings and evenings -- don't let them graze all day.

* Make him move. Encourage your cat to climb by putting a table in front of a window that looks out to a bird feeder or some alluring sight.

* Be patient. Have your vet weigh the kitty every few weeks at the start of the weight-loss program. Cats can safely lose up to 1% of their initial body weight per week.

From Reader's Digest - October 2005

Anonymous said...

nur amirah(cb08021)

Dreamers: Scents and Sensibility

For Lisa Price, it was a bad time to get sick. Her fledgling skin- and hair-care business, Carol's Daughter, was preparing for a surge in Valentine's Day sales. But instead of ramping up, everything came to a halt while Price was in bed with the flu for two weeks. That's when she realized that her hands-on management style was a problem.

"I never let anyone else make the products because I didn't want them to get my recipes," says Price. "But I realized that I couldn't work like this anymore. I had to let go."
Price had started cooking up fragrances and lotions in her Brooklyn kitchen in the early '90s. She wanted something unique, not something that made her smell "like the department store shelf. I found books that gave the basic guidelines for balancing volatile notes with grounding notes," she says. "I tried different ingredients, and I wrote them down as I worked so if I got a recipe right, I could reproduce it."

It was Price's mother, Carol, who urged her to turn her hobby into a business. Price took her Body Butter moisturizer and fragrance oils to a church flea market and sold everything. For the next nine years, her apartment was packed with jars, labels, baskets, and helpers.

By day, Price worked as a writer's assistant on The Cosby Show. By night, she created new products. Price's husband, Gordon, helped out at street markets and fairs; her cousin Michael handled logistics and customer service.

Price, who left TV in 1996, underestimated how fast the word would spread. When Essence magazine told her story, she returned from the hospital after the birth of her second son, Ennis, to find her voice mail overflowing. "My mailing list went from 2,000 to 5,000 in two days."

"The changes weren't easy," Price says. "But my mom always said, 'You can't block the blessing. You have to figure out how to manage it.' "

Price opened her first store, in the Fort Greene neighborhood of Brooklyn, in 1999. Three years later, she finally moved production out of her kitchen and into a warehouse. But while she kept coming up with new products-Almond Cookie Shea Soufflé moisturizer, Jamaican Punch Sea Salt Scrub, Black Vanilla hair conditioner—she struggled to keep up with the bills and payroll. She needed more expertise than her family could provide. "This was as much as I could do without capital," says Price. "But who wouldn't be afraid? You meet people interested in investing, but many don't have your best interests at heart."

Steve Stoute, a well-known marketer, was different. "He understood what I had done," says Price, and he offered to invest in the company.

Stoute brought professional advice and connections—endorsements from Mary J Blige, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Will Smith. But Price worried about working with people who weren't family. "I felt like I couldn't make mistakes because it wasn't my cousin now—it was someone who didn't know me. It took a lot of faith to let go."

That faith paid off when Stoute brokered deals that placed Carol's Daughter in Dillard's, Sephora, and Macy's and on HSN, the home-shopping channel. The company is now a multimillion-dollar business, with seven stores and 85 employees.

"I want Carol's Daughter to accomplish what Madam C. J. Walker wasn't able to do," says Price. "We know she started a beauty company, she was the first woman millionaire, and she happened to be African American. But you can't buy any of her products today. Forty years from now, I want people to be able to purchase Carol's Daughter Peppermint Foot Lotion. That's my big dream."

Getting Ahead With Lisa Price

Is your job getting easier or harder now that you've got investors?
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now we have systems, processes, a plan. There aren't so many bumps in the road. We can be creative and less reactive.

What is the smartest thing you've done while running the company?
Getting out of my own way. That, and understanding that it's not all about me. I had to learn when to let others take control, even if they did things differently. Eventually I realized that if I needed to, I could always take back the control.

Who are your customers?
African American women, but since we expanded distribution, we've been able to reach a broader audience. Except for a few hair products that might be too heavy, most products—lip gloss, massage oils, lotions, men's and women's fragrances—are for everyone.

What is the biggest mistake you've made?
Trusting someone else's opinion over my gut. I trusted they knew what they were talking about because they had a degree or had been in the field longer than I. They were wrong.

My gut was right.

What does money mean to you?
Money makes things a little bit easier a lot of the time. It doesn't solve all problems, but it isn't the root of all evil either.

Do you miss the kitchen action?
I don't miss it so much now, because I get to be creative in other ways. I'm writing blogs and introductions for brochures. I'm helping to create the decor for our new office space. And I'm working on the packaging for a holiday fragrance.

What was your most traumatic moment?
Probably the first time I went on HSN. It's live. I was deathly afraid of selling on camera. I had this horrible fear that the phones wouldn't ring and I wouldn't sell a thing. But I went, and I sold out.

From Reader's Digest - November 2008

Anonymous said...

nur amirah (cb08021)


One night a man had a dream. He dreamed
he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene he noticed two sets of
footprints in the sand: one belonging
to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along the path of
his life there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very
lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he
questioned the LORD about it:

"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow
you, you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most
troublesome times in my life,
there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why when
I needed you most you would leave me."

The LORD replied:

"My son, my precious child,
I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."

written by Mary Stevenson

Anonymous said...

khairul C11

The latest MSI unveils has been release in 27 Oct 2008. It continuing the high-performance and also affordable price.The R4830 series graphics card utilizes the ATI Radeon HD 4830 series GPU core, with 640 stream processors, 256-bit memory bus, and support for the new DirectX 10.1 standard, with performance similar to the R4850 series.
This make the graphic become more clear.For who like to play games, this is your chance to buy it with low price.

Anonymous said...

Khairul c11

TEACHING OF MATHS AND SCIENCE IN ENGLISH: Don't deny our children the chance to master English

This is an appeal sent to the prime minister and minister of education by the Parents Action Group for Education (Page) for the teaching of Science and Mathematics to be continued in English
AT the last and fourth roundtable discussions on the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English on Oct 21, the Parents Action Group for Education (Page) spoke for parents who are supportive of the policy to be maintained.

We provided a new and refreshing insight into parents' wishes for their children, the major stakeholders in this matter.

All arguments against the policy were addressed in detail, rebutted and effective solutions were recommended.

That the policy has relegated the superiority of Bahasa Malaysia is untrue.

In primary schools, Bahasa Malaysia is used as the medium of instruction for 59 per cent of school hours while English takes up 41 per cent.

In secondary schools, 62.5 per cent of school hours see the usage of Bahasa Malaysia while English is only used up to 37.5 per cent.

As Bahasa Malaysia has not been compromised at all, the issue of relegating the superiority of Bahasa Malaysia does not arise.

On the other hand, the abolition of the current policy will see an alarming drop of English language being used in schools -- in primary schools, 15 per cent, and in secondary schools, 17.5 per cent.


That English cannot be taught through Science and Mathematics is inaccurate.

There are two aspects: conversational and scientific English. The lingua franca of learning Science and Mathematics is English (terminologies are complete, reference materials are endless and the higher/tertiary education is in English).

Thus, scientific English must be learnt at the very beginning to form a strong foundation for these two subjects.

Let us not produce textbook scholars but thinkers in line with Thrust 1 (Building Negara Bangsa) and Thrust 2 (Developing Human Capital) of the National Education Blueprint.

It cannot be denied that conversational English will also be learnt along the way, as the way to master any language is continuous exposure and experience.

taken from :

Anonymous said...

khairul C11

Career tips(to find a job)

.People who take buses to the interview should use perfume to cover the smell of sweat. If possible, bring extra clothes to change before the interview session.

.When you go for an interview, wear clothes that are appropriate to the occasion. It is not the price of your clothes or how well they match the latest fashion but rather the distinct appearance of taking time to put them together is what gains you respect from the interviewer.

.Always wear something cheerful and light-coloured, like cream or light blue, light yellow or the most simple, white. Never wear black or dark colours because other people will think you are not in a good mood.

Anonymous said...

Khairul C11

Job Hunting

Always remember that the employer likes an individual who is knowledgeable and able to persuade the employer that you can multi-task and work independently though you are a fresh graduate.

The most critical question to ask oneself is: "Do I have the passion for this field of work?" If the answer is Yes, then the job becomes your passion and can be developed further into a hobby. With this attitude, your work becomes a passion and a hobby. This is the ultimate successful job hunting path to pursue.

Think of job hunting as looking for your "career" rather than just a plain "job".

Anonymous said...

Khairul C11

Interview (to find a job)

common question is "tell me about yourself." There is no need to explain about your family, your previous school and stuff like that. No need! Just tell the interviewer all of your specialty and ability. Convince them to hire you with your high level of confidence.

Prepare a copy of the documents of your work or projects. Present them during the interview and leave the interviewer a copy. By doing this, the interviewer may have a better image of you.

Anonymous said...

khairul C11

Achieve career success with 5Ds

Dependability means taking first person responsibility when you are given a job to do. You never blame someone for your work that is not done right. It means you take the initiative to see the job is done to the best of your ability. You take great pride in the work assigned to you.

When you are dependable, you become a competitive advantage for your organization. You are seen as someone worthy of more important assignments and hence increase your chances of achieving career success.

Being determined means having the stamina to see things through regardless of how tough they are. If you are to achieve career success, having determination is one critical factor. It not only ensures that you complete your work at hand no matter how tough, it also ensures that you achieve your long-term career goals.

A determined person is usually fueled by a keen sense of duty and passion for the work. When you do your work with passion, the quality will shine through and people will notice it.

Be a delight to work with in your workplace. No one likes to work with a grouch. Having a pleasing disposition, smile, never say die, being positive regardless of how huge the challenge, is part of being delightful at work. A delight at work carries with them a positive attitude. It is the positive energy that they rub off on you that makes you want to work with them. It is a real and sincere feeling.

When you carry with you a smile and a positive attitude at work, you are known as a delight. You will notice that colleagues wish for you to achieve career success. You can see them wish positive things for you.

A detailed worker never lets work that is haphazard leave their hands. A detailed person slogs to ensure that everything that is supposed to work is looked into. They are the people that take that extra precaution and the initiative to make sure things become near perfect. Just enough is not in their vocabulary. Good enough just isn\u2019t good enough for them.

For the detailed, only the best is good enough. When you are a detailed person your bosses trust you with jobs that need multitasking. They know you can be relied on to make sure everything little aspect is looked into. Such tasks increase your chance to achieve career success.

A devoted worker is an enthusiastic worker. When you become an enthusiastic worker, you are focused on the tasks at hand. You also become focused on the bigger goals of the organization. Due to this you are not as vulnerable to the \u2018disturbing ghosts\u2019 in your organization that is always causing disruption by being a complainer and spreading negative energy.

In order to achieve career success, it is important for you to cultivate these 5Ds. They help increase your chances of achieving career success. Besides, these qualities will also increase your work motivation.

taken from :

Anonymous said...

Khairul C11

How to get promoted

1.Where Are You and Why Are You There?

How to get promoted? First you will need to have a reference point. Ask yourself, where are you now? And why are you there? Is there any key strength that has brought you where you are now that you can continue to leverage for the next promotion? Are there any weaknesses that you really need to correct before the next promotion is possible? These questions, while simple are strategic. It allows you to check your strengths and weaknesses.


2.Put Pride, Passion and Belief In Everything You Do.

People who get promoted are those that have a sense of pride in their work. And they take pride in their work.They believe in themselves and they believe in the bigger goals of their unit or department and company.


3.What Is Your Part?

Know your part and play your part. What is your role? Are you an implementer? Or are you a leader? Know exactly what you need to do in order for your unit to achieve its goals. Knowing your part means being a team player. No one can succeed without help from others. We all need the support of colleagues. When the team succeeds, you succeed too.

Taken from :

Anonymous said...

Khairul C11
School days: a bad memory

School is where i have to go
School is like hell
School is where my bad points show
School is a prison cell

School is where im a punch bag
School is where i'm sent
School is where i'm called a hag
School is where i repent

I met a new kid at school today
thought i'd show them around
They gave me a look that said go away
Next second im on the ground

School is where we learn
So here is your education.

Anonymous said...

khairul C11

Guys if you what to know more about computer especially hardware just surf this web

In this site your can see the latest hardware product.You also can search the best price to buy computer or it hardware. It really interesting because you can search things that you like or want to know about it

Anonymous said...

nur amirah (cb08021)


Campus Life offers a comprehensive range of accommodation services both on and off campus.
Memorabilia The Griffith Shop offers a wide range of Griffith University Memorabilia.
Clubs Griffith University's clubs and societies provide a chance to get involved in the social side of university life.
Sport Griffith is an athlete friendly university and provides many sporting facilities and events.
Child Care Recognised as a leader in the provision of quality care, Griffith University Child Care offers a range of care for children from 3 months to primary school age.
Fitness485 Join the new gym at Nathan and Mt Gravatt today.
What's On Find out the latest news and events happening on your campus.
Food Griffith Food offers a variety of food outlets for students and staff across each of its Brisbane and Logan campuses.
Academic Dress The Academic Dress Service is here to help you with your graduation including sale and hire of academic dress.
Conferences We hire various venues on campus and can accommodate conference delegates in our residential colleges
Catering We are able to cater at any venue in the University and tailor menus to accommodate any individual needs you may have.
Retail Services Commercial Services offer convenient facilities and services to students, staff and visitors to Griffith.

Anonymous said...

nur amirah (cb08021)


When you came into the world, she held you in her arms. You thanked her by wailing like a banshee. When you were 1 year old, she fed you and bathed you. You thanked her by crying all night long.When you were 2 years old, she taught you to walk. You thanked her by running away when she called.When you were 3 years old, she made all your meals with love. You thanked her by tossing your plate on the floor. When you were 4 years old, she gave you some crayons. You thanked her by coloring the dining room table.When you were 5 years old, she dressed you for the holidays. You thanked her by plopping into the nearest pile of mud.When you were 6 years old, she walked you to school. You thanked her by screaming, "I'M NOT GOING!" When you were 7 years old, she bought you a baseball. You thanked her by throwing it through the next-door-neighbor's window. When you were 8 years old, she handed you an ice cream. You thanked her by dripping it all over your lap. When you were 9 years old, she paid for piano lessons. You thanked her by never even bothering to practice. When you were 10 years old, she drove you all day, from soccer to gymnastics to one birthday party after another. You thanked her by jumping out of the car and never looking back. When you were 11 years old, she took you and your friends to the movies. You thanked her by asking to sit in a different row. When you were 12 years old, she warned you not to watch certain TV shows. You thanked her by waiting until she left the house.Those Teenage Years When you were 13, she suggested a haircut that was becoming. You thanked her by telling her she had no taste. When you were 14, she paid for a month away at summer camp. You thanked her by forgetting to write a single letter.When you were 15, she came home from work, looking for a hug. You thanked her by having your bedroom door locked. When you were 16, she taught you how to drive her car. You thanked her by taking it every chance you could.When you were 17, she was expecting an important call. You thanked her by being on the phone all night. When you were 18, she cried at your high school graduation. You thanked her by staying out partying until dawn.Growing Old and Gray When you were 19, she paid for your college tuition, drove you to campus, carried your bags. You thanked her by saying good-bye outside the dorm so you wouldn't be embarrassed in front of your friends. When you were 20, she asked whether you were seeing anyone. You thanked her by saying, "It's none of your business."When you were 21, she suggested certain careers for your future. You thanked her by saying, "I don't want to be like you." When you were 22, she hugged you at your college graduation. You thanked her by asking whether she could pay for a trip to Europe.When you were 23, she gave you furniture for your first apartment. You thanked her by telling your friends it was ugly.When you were 24, she met your fiancé and asked about your plans for the future. You thanked her by glaring and growling, "Muuhh-ther, please!" When you were 25, she helped to pay for your wedding, and she cried and told you how deeply she loved you. You thanked her by moving halfway across the country.When you were 30, she called with some advice on the baby. You thanked her by telling her, "Things are different now." When you were 40, she called to remind you of an relative's birthday. You thanked her by saying you were "really busy right now."When you were 50, she fell ill and needed you to take care of her. You thanked her by reading about the burden parents become to their children. And then, one day, she quietly died. And everything you never did came crashing down like thunder. "Rock me baby, rock me all night long." The hand who rocks the cradle ... may rock the world". Let us take a moment of the time just to pay tribute and show appreciation to the person called MOM though some may not say it openly to their mother. There's no substitute for her. Cherish every single moment. Though at times she may not be the best of friends, may not agree to our thoughts, she is still your mother!!!Your mother will be there for you; to listen to your woes,your braggings,your frustrations,etc.Ask yourself "Have you put aside enough time for her, to listen to her "blues" of working in the kitchen, her tiredness???"Be tactful, loving and still show her due respect, though you may have a different view from hers. Once gone, only fond memories of the past and also regrets will be left.DO NOT TAKE FOR GRANTED THE THINGS CLOSEST TO YOUR HEART. LOVE HER MORE THAN YOU LOVE YOURSELF. LIFE IS MEANINGLESS WITHOUT HER.

Anonymous said...

nur amirah (cb08021)

How to make your life happy?????????

MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO BE HAPPY. Learn to find pleasure in simple things.

MAKE THE BEST OF YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES. No one has everything, and everyone has something of sorrow intermingled with gladness of life. The trick is to make the laughter outweigh the tears.

DON'T TAKE YOURSELF TOO SERIOUSLY. Don’t think that somehow you should be protected from misfortune that befalls other people.
YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYBODY. Don’t let criticism worry you.


NEVER BORROW TROUBLE. Do the things you enjoy doing but stay out of debt. Imaginary things are harder to bear than real ones.

AVOID PEOPLE WHO MAKE YOU UNHAPPY. Since hate poisons the soul, do not cherish jealousy, enmity, grudges.

HAVE MANY INTERESTS. If you can’t travel, read about new places.
DON'T HOLD POSTMORTEMS. Don’t spend your time brooding over sorrows or mistakes. Don’t be one who never gets over things.

DON'T SHOW PRIDE WHEN YOU GET VICTORY. After the resurrection Jesus did not reveal Himself before Pilate or Herodotus or the High Priests, who were torturing, crucifying and sealing the sepulchre; but revealed Himself before His own Disciples and those who believed in Him.

DO WHAT YOU CAN FOR THOSE LESS FORTUNATE THAN YOURSELF. Blessed is he that considereth the poor; the Lord will deliver him in the time of trouble (Ps 41:1).

KEEP BUSY AT SOMETHING. A busy person never has time to be unhappy.


Anonymous said...

nur amirah (cb08021)

Tragedy of 11 september...


Do you remember the tragedy on September 11,a date that will not be forgot not only by Americans but also by the world especially by Muslim.The tragedy that has give effect to the muslim world.

So today , i write a special entry , that have been written few years ago but now, i reedit and re post back. i’m sorry if my english is not good.
When we entered the 21st century, we were portrayed with the thing that should not occur in this modern life. When we talking about the advance of human being in all aspects such as material, intellectual, education and others, there are still some people who act as animal in this new millennia. This people always claim that they are civilized people;more advance that any other nations in the world and always want to create peace around the world. When they talk about peace, they speak nicely but they act totally different from what they said. They like crabs who try to teach their son how to walk correctly. They created the disaster in this modern time, war in Iraq and Afghanistan .The war in Afghanistan and Iraq told us that the war never be good and always destructive . At whatever reasons, war should be ovoid. War in Iraq had caused thousands millions of Iraqis life in trouble, some of them lost their beloved one, some of them disable for the whole life and many of baby have been killed even before they know that there are Iraq people. Many of Iraqis have killed during the war; some of them have been killed without reasons other than they are Iraq people. They were killed when the slept, when they pray, when they were at wedding ceremony, together with family and at any time were the invader soldiers want to release the plane missiles.
The war in Iraq gives us lesson how the civilized country like US can act inhumanly. They go around the world, promoted peace, but what they have done just created a disaster to the human being. If they want to create peace, why don’t they solve the problem in Palestine. The Palestine crisis has been last for almost half decade. During that period, many resolutions have been released but no concrete agreement has been achieved. When the suicide bomber attacks the Israelis, the Palestine people will be blame for not want peace. But they forget that who first started the crisis, Palestinian or Israelis? They said they wanted end the Saddam Hussein dictatorship and bring democracy in Iraq, but why don’t they do the same thing to other countries. Look at Lebanon and some countries that have rule by royal family. If there a are democracy in Lebanon , for sure sheikh Hasan Nasrullah, a Hizbullah leader will be the president because he got more votes than any candidates in election, but he cannot. Coz, you have to be a Christian to be a president, you have to a Sunni to be Prime Minister and you have to a syiah to be a speaker, so there no room for the sheikh Hasan Nasrullah to be a president. So why don’t US, who always claim to be “World police” come to Lebanon and bring democracy. But unfortunately, until now , they don’t do that.
When the suffer of Palestinian will end?What happen in the Iraq and Afghanistan goes back to the September 11 tragedy in 2001. In the other words, the invasion of US in Afghanistan and Iraq and the war against terrorist, or specifically war against Muslim and Islam is a result of the September 11 tragedy. The attack of terrorist on the World Trade Centre has changed the world not only in term of politic but also the perspective of the non-Muslim toward Muslim and Islam itself. I still can review my mind on what happen on September 11 2001. In the early morning on 11, almost 9.25 US time, a passenger plane attack the south tower on the WTC. At that time, I still remember, I was in front of the television waiting for the world news to be aired on RTM 1. I was very young at that time, 14 and still study in form 2 in school but my interest to the global issues especially the Palestine issues make different from my schoolmates. Probably, I was a kampong boy but I have an international mind. In the class, when my schoolmates talked about new films, music, games, comic and other thing a teenager like to do , I just keep quit and show not interest at all. My interest only on what happen to the world, war, and political situation in other countries. Until now, I’m still the same person as I was at 14 and even become more interest to see peace in the world. Because of my interest on the global issues, it is become my habit to watch news even though it is only aired on 11 at night. As usual, on September 11, I was watching television while waiting the world news to be aired at 11 pm. unfortunately, a few minutes before the world news, suddenly there were a breaking new. I was shocked and thinking that if this breaking news takes a long time, I probably will miss the opportunity to watch a world’s news. The presenter started the breaking news by said the WTC has been attacked by plane. At that time, I blurred. I never heard about WTC before and to hear about that for the first time created my curiosity. From that moment, I noticed that WTC was a center of business not only for US but also for the world. It was one of the US symbols of civilization. In this tragedy, nearly 3000 innocent Americans unintentionally have killed and many more were injured. The first plane attacked a south tower at 9.25 US time and collapsed one hour later. The second plane attacked the north tower almost half an hour after the first attacked and collapsed after two hours burnt. Besides these two planes, there were another two planes; one attacked an US military administration building, a Pentagon and another one, crashed on the way to attack the Bush residence, A White House.

Anonymous said...

nur amirah (cb08021)

Look into my eyes...

Tell me what you seeYou don’t see a damn thing’cause you can’t relate to meYou’re blinded by our differencesMy life makes no sense to youI’m the persecuted oneYou’re the red, white and blue
Each day you wake in tranquilityNo fears to cross your eyesEach day I wake in gratitudeThanking God He let me riseYou worry about your educationAnd the bills you have to payI worry about my vulnerable lifeAnd if I’ll survive another dayYour biggest fear is getting a ticketAs you cruise your CadillacMy fear is that the tank that has just leftWill turn around and come back
Yet, do you know the truth of where your money goes?Do you let your media deceive your mind?Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knowsHas our world gone all blind?
Do you know the truth of where your money goes?Do you let your media deceive your mind?Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows?Someone tell me…
Ooohh, let’s not cry tonightI promise you one day it’s throughOhh my brothers, Ohh my sistersOoohh, shine a light for every soul that ain’t with us no moreOhh my brothers, Ohh my sisters
See I’ve known terror for quite some time57 years so cruelTerror breathes the air I breatheIt’s the checkpoint on my way to schoolTerror is the robbery of my landAnd the torture of my motherThe imprisonment of my innocent fatherThe bullet in my baby brotherThe bulldozers and the tanksThe gases and the gunsThe bombs that fall outside my doorAll due to your fundsYou blame me for defending myselfAgainst the ways of my enemiesI’m terrorized in my own landBut am I the terrorist?
Yet, do you know the truth of where your money goes?Do you let your media deceive your mind?Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knowsHas our world gone all blind?
Do you know the truth of where your money goes?Do you let your media deceive your mind?Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows?Someone tell me…
Ooohh, let’s not cry tonight, I promise you one day it’s throughOhh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,Ooohh, shine a light for every soul that ain’t with us no moreOhh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,
America, do you realize that the taxes that you payFeed the forces that traumatize my every living daySo if I won’t be here tomorrowIt’s written in my fateMay the future bring a brighter dayThe end of our wait
Ooohh, let’s not cry tonight, I promise you one day it’s throughOhh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,Ooohh, shine a light for every soul that ain’t with us no moreOhh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,
Ohh let’s not cry tonight I promise you one day is throughOhh my brothers! Ohh my sisters!Ooh shine a light for every Soul that ain’t with us no moreOhh my brothers! Ohh my sisters!

Anonymous said...

nur amirah(cb08021)

Give and take...

Every relationship needs give and take between the partners to truly be a relationship, and to truly succeed. And I'm not talking about the age-old joke, "Okay then, you give, and I'll take." I'm talking about honestly working together. There are many ways a couple can have that give and take in their life together. The sharing of responsibilities for one: he cuts the grass, she does the flower beds.The same concept of give and take can, and should, be applied to your private moments. Doing so can bring the two of you even closer to each other than you already are.

Anonymous said...

South East Asia whose strategic sea-lane position brought trade and foreign influences that fundamentally influenced its history. Hindu India, the Islamic Middle East and Christian Europe to its west, and China and Japan to the north-east were major influences brought by shipping routes passing through the region. Malaysian history is also intertwined with that of neighbouring Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Brunei and Thailand. This trade and foreign cultures brought the area great wealth and diversity, but has also domination and colonialism. The history of Malaysia is one of successive phases of outside influence, followed by the mid-twentieth century establishment of independence from foreign colonial powers. Hindu and Buddhist cultures imported from India dominated early Malaysian history. They reached their peak in the Sumatran-based Srivijaya civilisation, whose influence extended through Sumatra, Java, the Malay Peninsula and much of Borneo from the 7th to the 14th centuries. Although Muslims had passed through Malaysia as early as the tenth century, it was not until the 14th and 15th centuries that Islam first established itself on the Malayan Peninsular. The adoption of Islam by the fifteenth century saw the rise of number sultanates, the most prominent of which was the Melaka (Malacca). Islamic culture has had a profound influence on the Malay people, but has also been influenced by them. The Portuguese were the first European colonial powers to establish themselves in Malaysia, capturing Malacca in 1511, followed by the Dutch. However, it was the British, who after initially establishing bases at Jesselton, Kuching, Penang and Singapore, ultimately secured their hegemony across the territory that is now Malaysia. The Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824 defined the boundaries between British Malaya and the Netherlands East Indies (which became Indonesia). A fourth phase of foreign influence was immigration of Chinese and Indian workers to meet the needs of the colonial economy created by the British in the Malay Peninsula and Borneo.[1]

Japanese invasion in World War II ended British domination in Malaysia. The subsequent occupation from 1942 to 1945 unleashed nationalism in Malaya and Borneo. In the Peninsula, the Malayan Communist Party took up arms against the British. A tough military response was needed to end the insurgency and bring about the establishment of an independent, multi-racial Federation of Malaya in 1957. On 31 August 1963, the British territories in North Borneo and Singapore were granted independence and formed Malaysia with the Peninsular states on 16 September 1963. Approximately two years later, Singapore was expelled from the Federation. A confrontation with Indonesia occurred in the early-1960s. Race riots in 1969 led to the imposition of emergency rule, and a curtailment of political life and civil liberties which has never been fully reversed. Since 1970 the "National Front coalition" headed by United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) has governed Malaysia. Economic growth dramatically increased living standards by the 1990s. This growing prosperity helped minimise political discontent.[citation needed] Successive UMNO-dominated governments have promoted the use of the Malay language and carried out systematic positive discrimination in favour of Muslims, measures which cause great resentment.

Anonymous said...

sonnet 18
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
by william shakepeare

this poems is poems of a day on 27 th october in this web.. i had read this poem before this. and i think it is amazing

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to Time thou grow'st.
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

William Shakespeare

Anonymous said...

tittle :time

time is the most important thing in our life. we can not turn it back.. but we just can appreciate every single time that we have.

Time, time, time
Make time, give time, take time out
Win time, cost time, the time of your life
Spend time, sell time, the good times and the bad
Kill time, zero time, all the time in the world

Time watch, time travel, time to begin
Time table, time square, can I fit you in
Time frame, time to go, time that you grew up
But tell me...

How do you feel?

Shaun William Hayes

Anonymous said...

A Man in Love

L'Homme qui ne se trouve point, et ne se trouvera jamais.

The man who feels the dear disease,
Forgets himself, neglects to please,
The crowd avoids, and seeks the groves,
And much he thinks when much he loves;
Press'd with alternate hope and fear,
Sighs in her absence, sighs when near.
The gay, the fond, the fair, the young,
Those trifles pass unseen along,
To him a pert insipid throng.
But most he shuns the vain coquette;
Contemns her false affected wit:
The minstrel's sound, the flowing bowl,
Oppress and hurt the amorous soul.
'Tis solitude alone can please,
And give some intervals of ease.
He feeds the soft distemper there,
And fondly courts the distant fair;
To balls the silent shade prefers,
And hates all other charms but hers.
When thus your absent swain can do,
Molly, you may believe him true.

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Anonymous said...

feeling is not just love, but hate is the most dangerous feeling that will make us think without rationally.
I Hate...

I hate,
hate that I can't trust

I hate,
hate that I must lie because they'd rather believe I'm fine.

I hate,
hate who I've been.

I hate,
hate to make decisions.

I hate,
hate that I can't hate those I should.

I hate,
hate my life.

I hate,
hate that I can't die.

I hate,
hate to live in fear and hate.

I hate,
hate my uncertainty.

I hate,
hate the lies people tell me.

I hate,
hate that I believe.

I hate,
hate those that wish their lives were mine.

I hate,
hate all emotion that's mine.

I hate,
hate that I need others.

I hate,
hate my own d*mn incompetence.

I hate,
hate that there's so much to hate.

(Written: 7-25-07. Submitted: 7-25-07.)

Dama Tristeza

Anonymous said...

do you ever think what is your life look alike???
do you like your journey in your life??????
do you like to live???
but , just believe, life is the most interesting things in your life. you born , because of love and love is priceless.

Life in the heart of

Life in deserts was sandy,
Life in caves was lonely,
Life in ocean was salty,
Life in stars was resplendent,
Life in car was modern,
Life in mountains was exhilarating,
Life in Sun was brilliant,
Life in forests was mystical,
Life in shadows was enigmatic,
Life in battlefield was belligerent,
Life in pearls was exotic,
Life in office was monotonous,
Life in sky was breezy,
Life in submarine was voluptuous,
Life in trees was mischievous,
Life in roses was fragrant,
Life in grass was intoxicating,
Life in webs was silken,
Life in paradise was divine,
Life in temples was sacrosanct,
Life in gutter was abhorrent,
Life in dirt was deplorable,
Life in rain was seductive,
Life in beehives was vivacious,
Life in wine was sensuous,
Life in computers was brazen,
Life in nests was sequestering,
Life in statues was stationary,
Life in icebergs was freezing,
Life in anthills was irascible,
Life in lakes was placid,
Life in locks was invincible,
Life in photographs was still,
Life in gardens was pleasant,
Life in mousetrap was asphyxiating,
Life in fists was curled,
Life in prison was disdainful,
Life in whirlpool was spinning,
Life in theater was dramatic,
Life in art was enchanting,
Life in boats was undulating,
Life in diamonds was glittering,
Life in moon was milky,
Life in kitchen was appetizing,
Life in beauty was ravishing,
Life in titillation was enticing,
Life in fantasy was stupendous,
Life in motherslap was blissful,
Life in medicine was healing,
Life in corpse was standstill,
Life in lavatory was pathetic,
Life in seedlings was blossoming,
Life in horseback was gallivanting,
Life in snakeskin was slithering,
Life in oven was sizzling,
Life in greenery was sedative,
Life in rebellion was evoking,
Life in discrimination was appalling,
Life in benevolence was gratifying,
Life in humanity was God,
Life in cheese was tangy,
Life in achievement was exultating,
Life in ambition was propelling,
Life in eyelashes was flirtatious,
Life in palms was dependant,
Life in fashion was bombastic,
Life in recluse was esoteric,
Life in keyhole was inconspicuous,
Life in kites was exuberant,
Life in glass was reflecting,
Life in tea was rejuvenating,
Life in sheep was impeccable,
Life in rocks was jagged,
Life in chains was abominable,
Life in feathers was tickling,
Life in egotism was preposterous,
Life in dawn was brandnew,
Life in dewdrops was mesmerizing,
Life in intrigue was electrifying,
Life in eloquence was mystifying,
Life in clock was pragmatic,
Life in childhood was nostalgic,
Life in robots was mechanical,
Life in fabric was shielding,
Life in soul was stupefying,
Life in roots was entangling,
Life in chains was hedonistic,
Life in bareness was lascivious,
Life in haziness was romantic,
Life in knives was lethal,
Life in chili was piquant,
Life in swings was fascinating,
Life in lechery was insane,
Life in rhythm was celestial,
Life in pulse was frantic,
Life in lies was cowardice,
Life in superstitions was non-existent,
Life in revenge was pugnacious,

But life in the heart of your beloved; WAS; IS; AND

Anonymous said...

we i was 7 years old, i was too excited enter to school. and, the most unforgetable things happened everyday. childhood??? hurmmm...
what should i say.?? it is priceless.

Childhood Memories Sung to the Tune of Shawnee West Franklin Bison Blues

Some people have a childhood garden
Filled with green and growing things
Some people have a childhood garden
Filled with purple peonies
Mine is sere
Throughout the year
Nothing grows here

Some people have a childhood rainbow
A sea of colors all aglow
Some people have a childhood rainbow
Red to violet in a row
Mine is gray
Bow of clay
Without a ray

Some people have a childhood temple
Covered with a million treasured dreams
Some people have a childhood temple
A sunny Wat of Gods and kings
Mine is plain
Squats in the rain
Functional 'n sane

Where childhood memories abound
Life flows vividly around
Where childhood memories have fled
Hearts lie dead

Tim Bovee

Anonymous said...

when i was young, just a little girl, i always point my finger to rainbow on the sky. and my brother always remind me do not doing like that. i scared because he said that a dragon will eat my finger. how could him........?????

Purple Rainbow

Is a rainbow still a rainbow if the rainbow's colored purple;
for the color purple's in a rainbow but a rainbow's not just purple.
It'd be quite a pretty sight though,
in the sky gleaming bright;
a purple rainbow running 'cross like a traveler's light.
no I wouldn't like a purple rainbow running through the night, for it's the rainbow's diversity that brings glee to me


Anonymous said...


Take off your shades and see what's going on,
you see only the darkness building, darkness and the wrong

Take off your shades and join us
come and dance in the light,
there is no need to fear it,
to hide in the night.

There is no need to drink it down,
to smoke it all away.
Come, join us, join us while we play.

Take off your shades and see, see what you could be,
no more drugs or alchohal, just free to be yee


Anonymous said...

do you ever think someone forget about you?
and , actually , u like him or her?
may be your friend or your love one?
If You Forget Me

I want you to know
one thing.

You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats
that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.

Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.

If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.

If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.

if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine.

Pablo Neruda

Anonymous said...


Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

Langston Hughes

Anonymous said...

Teacher Says, Teacher goes

Teacher says,
teacher goes,
teacher smiles,
teacher knows,

what you have done,
was clearly a mistake,
maybe it is,
time for a break.

Teacher says,
teacher goes,
teacher smiles,
teacher knows,

that you have been naughty.
That you have been quite foughty.
That you are being rude,
don't call teacher a dude.

Teacher says,
teacher goes,
teacher smilies,
teacher know,

that you were making faces,
behind teachers back,
that you were throwing spitballs,
at the teacher's pet.

Teacher says,
teacher goes,
teacher smilies,
teacher knows.

So enough is said,
so now you know,
that whatever you do.....

Teacher says,
Teacher goes,
Teacher smilies,
Teacher knows

Jasmine Aira

Anonymous said...

what do you think about war?
war is the most unhappy things in this world.

All To War

(to the soul of every victim of war)

I lost my mother
I lost my father
I lost my brother
And lost my dreams too

I lost my friends
I lost my family
I lost my sister
And lost my will too

I lost my school
I lost my work
I lost my city
And lost my rights too

I lost my day
I lost my night
I lost my sight
And lost my morning dew

Ezekiel Johnson

Anonymous said...

Alone on Sea

Alone i lay on a wooden raft
Alone i stay in the dark
Alone i pray to survive
Alone i may not survive

Alone i look out the sea
Alone i wake up on the sea
Alone i seek out for help
Alone i may not survive

Alone i eat my dry food
Alone i drink the salty water
Alone i sit in the cold
Alone i may not survive

Alone, yes, alone i stare at the storm
Alone, yes, alone i live on the sea
Alone, yes, alone i wait for the rescue boat
Alone, yes, alone i may not survive

Alone, yes, alone i pray to be safe
Alone, yes, alone i call out for help
Alone, yes, alone i get on the boat
Alone, yes, alone i was rescued

Alone, yes, alone i lived on sea for months
Alone, yes, alone i walk ashore unaided
Alone, yes, alone i continue to hold the
Guinness World Record for survival at sea

This poem is dedicated to Poon Lim. After reading a book called 'Sole Surviver' written by Rythanne Lum McCunn, I wrote this poem about Poon Lim who lived on sea on a wooden raft for 133 days and survived.

Anonymous said...

Giving Because

Strength beckons,
Strength bonds,
Strength comforts,
Strength weakens,
Love is strength,
Yet strength is___


Richard Stilwell

Anonymous said...

do you ever feel innocence????


Innocence stolen without my permission
Innocence gone without my submission

Innocence lost through another's plan
Innocence no longer for another man

Innocence turned to hatred and fear
Innocence gone, no man can come near

Innocence taken from a little girls heart
Innocence replaced by mistrust, you thought you were smart

Innocence dissapears like dew in the sun
Innocence faded before it's begun

Innocence obscured like a cloud over the moon
Innocence ripped away too soon

Mandi Ducroq

Anonymous said...

when i feel lonely?????
i hate lonely
Lonely am I

Lonely are the nights
Lonely are the days
Lonely am I, in so many ways

Lonely are the seasons
Lonely are the years
So lonely am I, that it brings tears.

Lonely is this place
Lonely is my life
Lonely am I, that I reach for a knife

Lonely is this court room
Lonely is my sentence
So lonely am I that I ask for repentance.

jim foulk

Anonymous said...

A marriage of two

A marriage of two
is for love that is true

A marriage of two
is always something new

A marriage of two
happens sometimes out of the blue

A marriage of two
is worth it when its due

A marriage of two
is a marriage of trust
Many can find themselves lost
It can be an expensive cost

They are only very few
who have a clue
of when love accrues

A marriage of two
is about love making
It is not about
money raking

A marriage of two
can be bad
A marriage of two
can be sad
You should only be glad if
A marriage of two
is for love that is true

Copyright 2005 - Sylvia Chidi

Sylvia Chidi

Anonymous said...

world without you,

world without you,
I can never fathom,
A world without you,
I only see your Kingdom kissing me,
I love the success we shared,
You and me,
Eventually I found redemption of you,
Me and you,
Where I perceive nature's beauty,
This is the revelation,
World without you is insanity,
World without you is sadness,
World without you is no world,
World without you is all ugly,
World without you is foolisness,
World with you is Beauty Unfathomable,
World with you is their envy,
World with you their hatred,
World with you is their cofusion,
World with you made them raise hell,
World with you we are even more than conquerer's.

''maxim''(MaxRahim) muyu

Anonymous said...

i love school

school just school

School we need it
school, friends
school you have teachers
school is great
high school is even better
college, PARITES

school you mite find your true love
new experiences everyday
school, dances
school just school
school who dose not love it
school is fun

school, preps
school, classes
school, math, science, computer classes
school is great love it
school just school
we need school

kerri king

Anonymous said...

Birth Of Love

The birth of my love
It comes with the need to be strong
It comes with the need to be true

The birth of my love
From the depth of its source
Comes with the fear to lose
The fear of rejection
The fear of solitude

The birth of my love
Yearns for your presence
Yearns for your love
You to love me
With all your heart
Love me

I say all this with the truth for both of us
The birth of my love you shall
Feel with an embrace
See it in my eyes
Hear it in my voice
The birth of our love

Shapulani Banda

Anonymous said...


Nature is mighty
Nature is strong
Nature is usually always right
Nature is rarely ever wrong
Nature is beauty
Nature is moody
Nature is smart
Nature always has the greater part
Nature is blue
Nature is green
Nature is every color possibly seen
Nature is true
Nature is beaming
Nature is dreaming
Nature is in every place
Nature is always with grace
Nature is true
Nature is you
Nature is me
Nature will forever be free.

Michael Carlson

Anonymous said...


Honesty is beautiful
Kindness is beautiful
Intelligence is beautiful
Talent is beautiful

Beautiful is a romance with such abundance
Beautiful are the flowers that roam the earth
Beautiful is awaking to the sound of singing birds
Beautiful is a disguise
Playing hide and seek inside and outside
Beautiful is as naked as the rising sun
Beautiful is delightful and truthful
Beautiful is the golden daylight that shines
And the taste of sweet colored red wine
Beautiful was never ever created by mistake
Beautiful is the ingredient we bake life’s cake
When all or nothing is at stake

I am beautiful
You are beautiful
We are beautiful

Beautiful is great
Beautiful is sweet
Beautiful is love
Beautiful is power

Come to me Mr. & Mrs. Beautiful
Let me into your little secret
Of why you are so obedient and dutiful

Copyright 2005 - Sylvia Chidi - Watch the Beautiful Video at

Copy and paste the link below into your browser and watch my poetry movie
http: // v=xKYBvY7_5V0

Sylvia Chidi

Anonymous said...

i love pink ?
do you like pink?
pink colour is interesting..The Colour Pink

When the baby was born a lovely pink
From a pink nipple it did drink
Just before the journey home
It was dressed in pink
It's tiny socks were a wooley pink
It's bassinette was also pink
It was placed in a black convertable
The upholstery was a lovely pink
Then they arrived home at last
To be greeted by a hot pink house
Where it had a lovely bath
A pink bubble bath
In a plastic pink tub
Then mother put it to bed
In it's little pink cot
With it's lovely pink Quilt
And it's pink teddy bear
No wonder my baby brother
Thought he was a little girl
When they put a pink ribbon
In his curls

Repost Series 2006

allan james saywell

Anonymous said...

It was August I remember, I remember when I met her, She was perfect I remember...

It was August I remember
I remember when I met her
She was perfect I remember
in her body, mind and soul

In September I remember
I remember her all over
She was perfect I remember
in her body, mind and soul

In October I remember
I remember her all over
We were lovers I remember
in body, mind and soul

In November I remember
I remember lies she told me
She was wilful I remember
Wilful to the n'th degree

In December I remember
I remember it was over
Still, she is all that I remember
Love forever sweet Nicole


Sean Joyce

Anonymous said...


sad for all the time my embrace was empty of you
sad for being stubborn to be sad

sad for touching objects baring your presence
sad for not touching you...

sad for re adi ng your name everywhere i turn
sad for all the blue jackets other men should not have worn

sad for all my weak spots left to be weak
sad to open my eyes in the morning

sad for a cruel truth not even dreams can survive
sad without dreaming

sad of nothing to hope for
sad for still seing beautiful things worth for you to know

just what she is not

Cristina Geanta

Anonymous said...

What Is The Value Of Money?

Money we all know is a medium of exchange
Buyers and sellers relate to each other through money
The question here is – what is the value of money?
Few say money is the root of all evil
Many say money is the root of prosperity
And how valuable is money
Almost everything is measured by money
People go to work everyday because of money
Wealth of individuals is measured by money
All purchases and transactions are made by money
Every country has a name for its own money
The importance of some countries
In based on the value of their money
What is the value of money?
The rise and fall of foreign exchange
Is used to measure the value of money
Success to many is also measured by money
Corporate positions are measured by money
There are some people who marry for money
What is the value of money?
To many, money is everything
You cannot get many things done without money
Many have pondered and contemplated to ask
Can human beings live without money?
Then, how shall we determine and decide
The prices of individuals and materials
Differences between the rich and the poor
Are calculated in monetary terms
The power bestowed by money
Seems bigger than imagined


Anonymous said...


The Apollo 13 mission was launched at 2:13 p.m. EST, April 11, 1970 from launch complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center. The space vehicle crew consisted of James A. Lovell, Jr. commander, John L. Swigert, Jr., command module pilot and Fred W. Haise, Jr. lunar module pilot.

The Apollo 13 Mission was planned as a lunar landing mission but was aborted en route to the moon after about 56 hours of flight due to loss of service module cryogenic oxygen and consequent loss of capability to generate electrical power, to provide oxygen and to produce water.

Spacecraft systems performance was nominal until the fans in cryogenic oxygen tank 2 were turned on at 55:53:18 ground elapsed time (GET). About 2 seconds after energizing the fan circuit, a short was indicated in the current from fuel cell 3, which was supplying power to cryogenic oxygen tank 2 fans. Within several additional seconds, two other shorted conditions occurred.

Electrical shorts in the fan circuit ignited the wire insulation, causing temperature and pressure to increase within cryogenic oxygen tank 2. When pressure reached the cryogenic oxygen tank 2 relief valve full-flow conditions of 1008 psi, the pressure began decreasing for about 9 seconds, at which time the relief valve probably reseated, causing the pressure to rise again momentarily. About a quarter of a second later, a vibration disturbance was noted on the command module accelerometers.

The next series of events occurred within a fraction of a second between the accelerometer disturbances and the data loss. A tank line burst, because of heat, in the vacuum jacket pressurizing the annulus and, in turn, causing the blow-out plug on the vacuum jacket to rupture. Some mechanism in bay 4 combined with the oxygen buildup in that bay to cause a rapid pressure rise which resulted in separation of the outer panel. The panel struck one of the dishes of the high-gain antenna. The panel separation shock closed the fuel cell 1 and 3 oxygen reactant shut-off valves and several propellant and helium isolation valves in the reaction control system. Data were lost for about 1.8 seconds as the high-gain antenna switched from narrow beam to wide beam, because of the antenna being hit and damaged.

As a result of these occurrences, the CM was powered down and the LM was configured to supply the necessary power and other consumables.

The CSM was powered down at approximately 58:40 GET. The surge tank and repressurization package were isolated with approximately 860 psi residual pressure (approx. 6.5 lbs of oxygen total). The primary water glycol system was left with radiators bypassed.

All LM systems performed satisfactorily in providing the necessary power and environmental control to the spacecraft. The requirement for lithium hydroxide to remove carbon dioxide from the spacecraft atmosphere was met by a combination of the CM and LM cartridges since the LM cartridges alone would not satisfy the total requirement. The crew, with direction from Mission Control, built an adapter for the CM cartridges to accept LM hoses.

The service module was jettisoned at approximately 138 hours GET, and the crew observed and photographed the bay-4 area where the cryogenic tank anomaly had occurred. At this time, the crew remarked that the outer skin covering for bay-4 had been severely damaged, with a large portion missing. The LM was jettisoned about 1 hour before entry, which was performed nominally using primary guidance and navigation system.

Anonymous said...

11 september

The September 11 attacks (often referred to as nine-eleven, written 9/11) were a series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001. On that morning, nineteen Islamist terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners.[1][2] The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others working in the building, causing both buildings to collapse within two hours, destroying at least two nearby buildings and damaging others. The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon. The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania, after some of its passengers and flight crew attempted to retake control of the plane, which the hijackers had redirected toward Washington, D.C. There are no survivors from any of the flights.

Excluding the 19 hijackers, 2,974 people died in the attacks. Another 24 are missing and presumed dead.[3][4] The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 90 different countries. In addition, the death of at least one person from lung disease was ruled by a medical examiner to be a result of exposure to dust from the World Trade Center's collapse.[5]

The United States responded to the attacks by launching a War on Terrorism, invading Afghanistan to depose the Taliban, who had harbored al-Qaeda terrorists, and enacting the USA PATRIOT Act. Many other states also strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded law enforcement powers. Some American stock exchanges stayed closed for the rest of the week, and posted enormous losses upon reopening, especially in the airline and insurance industries. The economy of Lower Manhattan ground to a halt, as billions of dollars in office space was damaged or destroyed.

The damage to the Pentagon was cleared and repaired within a year, and the Pentagon Memorial was built on the site.[6] Rebuilding the World Trade Center site has proven more difficult, with controversy over possible designs as well as the pace of construction. Construction delays, revised cost estimates, security concerns, and public criticism have all led to changes and delays to the final plans in rebuilding the complex to this day.

Anonymous said...


The Bhopal disaster was an industrial disaster that occurred in the city of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India, resulting in the immediate deaths of more than 3,000 people, according to the Indian Supreme Court. A more probable figure is that 8,000 died within two weeks, and it is estimated that an additional 8,000 have since died from gas related diseases[1][2].

The incident took place in the early hours of the morning of December 3, 1984, in the heart of the city of Bhopal in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. A Union Carbide subsidiary pesticide plant released 42 tonnes of methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas, exposing at least 520,000 people to toxic gases. The Bhopal disaster is frequently cited as the world's worst industrial disaster.[1][2][3][4][5] The International Medical Commission on Bhopal was established in 1993 to respond to the disasters.

Background and causes, summary
The Union Carbide India, Limited (UCIL) plant was established in 1969 near Bhopal. 51% was owned by Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) and 49% by Indian authorities, although UCC was responsible for all techniques and designs. It produced the pesticide carbaryl (trade mark Sevin). Methyl isocyanate (MIC), an intermediate in carbaryl manufacture, was also used. In 1979 a plant for producing MIC was added to the site. MIC was used instead of less toxic (but more expensive) materials, and UCC was well aware of the substance's properties and how it had to be handled. [6][7][8]

During the night of December 3rd 1984, large amounts of water entered tank 610, containing 42 tonnes of methyl isocyanate. The resulting reaction generated a major increase in the temperature inside the tank to over 200°C (400°F). The MIC holding tank then gave off a large volume of toxic gases, forcing the emergency release of pressure. The reaction was sped up by the presence of iron from corroding non-stainless steel pipelines. A mixture of poisonous gases flooded the city of Bhopal. Massive panic resulted as people woke up in a cloud of gas that burned their lungs. Thousands died from the gases and many were trampled in the panic.

Theories for how the water entered the tank differ. At the time, workers were cleaning out pipes with water, and some claim that because of bad maintenance and leaking valves, it was possible for the water to leak into tank 610[3]. UCC maintains that this was not possible, and that it was an act of sabotage by a "disgruntled worker" who introduced water directly into the tank[9]. However, the company's investigation team found no evidence of the necessary connection.[10]

The 1985 reports[10][11][12] give a quite clear picture of what led to the disaster and how it developed, although they differ in details.

Factors leading to this mega-gas leak include:

The use of hazardous chemicals (MIC) instead of less dangerous ones
Storing these chemicals in large tanks instead of several smaller ones
Possible corroding material in pipelines
Poor maintenance after the plant ceased production in the early 1980's
Failure of several safety systems (due to poor maintenance and regulations)
Plant design and economic pressures to reduce expenses contributed most to the actual leak. The problem was then made worse by the plant's location near a densely populated area, non-existing catastrophe plans, shortcomings in health care and socio-economic rehabilitation, etc. Analysis shows that the parties responsible for the magnitude of the disaster are the two owners, Union Carbide Corporation and the Government of India, and to some extent, the Government of Madhya Pradesh.

Anonymous said...

nur amirah (cb08021)

The Highwayman (my favorite poem in the world)

The wind was a torrent of darkness upon the gusty trees,
The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,
The road was a ribbon of moonlight looping the purple moor,
And the highwayman came riding-- Riding--riding--
The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn door.

He'd a French cocked hat on his forehead, and a bunch of lace at his chin;
He'd a coat of the claret velvet, and breeches of fine doe-skin.
They fitted with never a wrinkle; his boots were up to his thigh!
And he rode with a jeweled twinkle-- His rapier hilt a-twinkle-- His pistol butts a-twinkle, under the jeweled sky.

Over the cobbles he clattered and clashed in the dark inn-yard,
He tapped with his whip on the shutters, but all was locked and barred,
He whistled a tune to the window, and who should be waiting there
But the landlord's black-eyed daughter-- Bess, the landlord's daughter--
Plaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair.

Dark in the dark old inn-yard a stable-wicket creaked
Where Tim, the ostler listened--his face was white and peaked--
His eyes were hollows of madness, his hair like mouldy hay,
But he loved the landlord's daughter-- The landlord's black-eyed daughter;
Dumb as a dog he listened, and he heard the robber say:

"One kiss, my bonny sweetheart; I'm after a prize tonight,
But I shall be back with the yellow gold before the morning light.
Yet if they press me sharply, and harry me through the day,
Then look for me by moonlight, Watch for me by moonlight, I'll come to thee by moonlight,
though hell should bar the way."

He stood upright in the stirrups; he scarce could reach her hand,
But she loosened her hair in the casement! His face burnt like a brand
As the sweet black waves of perfume came tumbling o'er his breast,
Then he kissed its waves in the moonlight (O sweet black waves in the moonlight!), And he tugged at his reins in the moonlight, and galloped away to the west.

He did not come in the dawning; he did not come at noon.
And out of the tawny sunset, before the rise of the moon,
When the road was a gypsy's ribbon over the purple moor,
The redcoat troops came marching-- Marching--marching-- King George's men came marching, up to the old inn-door.

They said no word to the landlord; they drank his ale instead,
But they gagged his daughter and bound her to the foot of her narrow bed.
Two of them knelt at her casement, with muskets by their side;
There was Death at every window, And Hell at one dark window, For Bess could see, through her casement, the road that he would ride.

They had bound her up at attention, with many a sniggering jest!
They had tied a rifle beside her, with the barrel beneath her breast!
"Now keep good watch!" and they kissed her. She heard the dead man say,
"Look for me by moonlight, Watch for me by moonlight, I'll come to thee by moonlight, though Hell should bar the way."

She twisted her hands behind her, but all the knots held good!
She writhed her hands till her fingers were wet with sweat or blood!
They stretched and strained in the darkness, and the hours crawled by like years,
Till, on the stroke of midnight, Cold on the stroke of midnight, The tip of one finger touched it! The trigger at least was hers!

The tip of one finger touched it, she strove no more for the rest;
Up, she stood up at attention, with the barrel beneath her breast.
She would not risk their hearing, she would not strive again,
For the road lay bare in the moonlight, Blank and bare in the moonlight,
And the blood in her veins, in the moonlight, throbbed to her love's refrain.

Tlot tlot, tlot tlot! Had they heard it? The horse-hooves, ringing clear;
Tlot tlot, tlot tlot, in the distance! Were they deaf that they did not hear?
Down the ribbon of moonlight, over the brow of the hill,
The highwayman came riding-- Riding--riding-- The redcoats looked to their priming! She stood up straight and still.

Tlot tlot, in the frosty silence! Tlot tlot, in the echoing night!
Nearer he came and nearer! Her face was like a light!
Her eyes grew wide for a moment, she drew one last deep breath,
Then her finger moved in the moonlight-- Her musket shattered the moonlight-- Shattered her breast in the moonlight and warned him--with her death.

He turned, he spurred to the West; he did not know who stood
Bowed, with her head o'er the casement, drenched in her own red blood!
Not till the dawn did he hear it, and his face grew grey to hear
How Bess, the landlord's daughter, The landlord's black-eyed daughter, Had watched for her love in the moonlight, and died in the darkness there.

Back, he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky,
With the white road smoking behind him and his rapier brandished high!
Blood-red were his spurs in the golden noon, wine-red was his velvet coat
When they shot him down in the highway, Down like a dog in the highway, And he lay in his blood in the highway, with the bunch of lace at his throat.

And still on a winter's night, they say, when the wind is in the trees,
When the moon is a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,
When the road is a gypsy's ribbon looping the purple moor,
The highwayman comes riding-- Riding--riding-- The highwayman comes riding, up to the old inn-door.

Anonymous said...

mobile phone use

A mobile phone (also known as a wireless phone or cellular phone[1]) is a short-range, electronic device used for mobile voice or data communication over a network of specialised base stations known as cell sites. In addition to the standard voice function of a mobile phone, telephone, current mobile phones may support many additional services, and accessories, such as SMS for text messaging, email, packet switching for access to the Internet, gaming, bluetooth, infrared, camera with video recorder and MMS for sending and receiving photos and video. Most current mobile phones connect to a cellular network of base stations (cell sites), which is in turn interconnected to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) (the exception is satellite phones).

Anonymous said...

Main article: Death of Diana, Princess of Wales

The entrance to the Pont d'Alma tunnel, the site of Diana's fatal car accident.On 31 August 1997, Diana died after a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris along with Dodi Al-Fayed and the acting security manager of the Hôtel Ritz Paris, Henri Paul, who was instructed to drive the hired Mercedes-Benz through Paris in order to elude the paparazzi.[27] Their black 1994 Mercedes-Benz S280 crashed into the thirteenth pillar of the tunnel. The two-lane tunnel was built without metal barriers in front of the pillars. None of the four occupants wore seat belts.[N 2] [N 3]

The paparazzi, who had been trailing the car, arrived at the Alma underpass at different stages. Serge Arnal, Christian Martinez and Stéphane Darmon appear to have arrived first, quickly followed by Serge Benhamou. Records supplied by mobile telephone operators Itinéris and SFR support Serge Arnal's claim that he attempted to call the emergency services. Film seized from the cameras of Christian Martinez and Serge Arnal showed that they were taking photographs of the car and/or the occupants almost immediately after arrival at the scene – there were no emergency services near the car visible in their photographs.

Blood analysis showed that Henri Paul was illegally intoxicated with alcohol while driving. He drove at high speed in order to evade the pursuing paparazzi. Tests showed he had consumed amounts of alcohol three times that of the French legal limit. Fayed's bodyguard, Trevor Rees-Jones, who was in the passenger seat, was closest to the point of impact and yet he was the only survivor of the crash. Henri Paul and Dodi Fayed were killed instantly, and Diana—unbelted in the back seat- slid forward during the impact and, having been violently thrown around the interior, "submarined" under the seat in front of her, suffering serious damage to her heart with subsequent internal bleeding.[30] She was eventually, after considerable time, transported by ambulance to the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, suffering two episodes of cardiac arrest on the way.[30] Despite lengthy resuscitation attempts, including internal cardiac massage, she died at 4 a.m. local time.[31] Her funeral on 6 September 1997 was broadcast and watched by an estimated 2.5 billion people worldwide.[32]

An eighteen-month French judicial investigation concluded in 1999 that the car crash that killed Diana was caused by Paul, who lost control of the car at high speed while intoxicated.[33]

Since February 1998, Dodi's father, Mohamed Al-Fayed (the owner of the Hôtel Ritz, for which Paul worked) has claimed that the crash was a result of a conspiracy,[34] and has since contended that the crash was orchestrated by MI6 on the instructions of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.[35]

Fayed's claims that the crash was a result of a conspiracy were dismissed by a French judicial investigation,[33] and Operation Paget, a Metropolitan police inquiry that concluded in 2006.[36]

An inquest headed by Lord Justice Scott Baker into the deaths of Diana and Dodi Fayed began at the Royal Courts of Justice, London on 2 October 2007 and was a continuation of the original inquest that began in 2004.[37] A jury decided on 7 April 2008 that Diana had been unlawfully killed by the grossly negligent driving of chauffeur Henri Paul and press photographers. The following day Mr. Fayed announced he would end his 10 year campaign for the sake of the late Princess of Wales's children.

Anonymous said...

china history
Chinese civilization originated in various city-states along the Yellow River (Chinese: 黃河; pinyin: Huáng Hé) valley in the Neolithic era. The written history of China begins with the Shang Dynasty (ca. 1600 BC - ca. 1100 BC).[1] Turtle shells with ancient Chinese writing from the Shang Dynasty have been carbon dated to as early as 1500 BC.[2] The origins of Chinese culture, literature and philosophy, developed during the Zhou Dynasty (1122 BC to 256 BC) that followed the Shang. It was the longest lasting dynasty and spans the period in which the written script evolved from ancient oracle script to the beginnings of modern Chinese writing.

The feudal Zhou Dynasty eventually broke apart into individual city states, creating the Warring States period. In 221 BC, Qin Shi Huangdi united the various warring kingdoms and created the first Chinese empire. Successive dynasties in Chinese history developed bureaucratic systems that enabled the Emperor of China to directly control the vast territories.

The conventional view of Chinese history is that of a country alternating between periods of political unity and disunity and occasionally becoming dominated by foreign peoples, most of whom were assimilated into the Han Chinese population. Cultural and political influences from many parts of Asia, carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion, and assimilation, merged to create modern Chinese culture.

Anonymous said...

Health maintenance
Main article: Self care
Achieving health and remaining healthy is an active process. Effective strategies for staying healthy and improving one's health include the following elements:

[edit] Nutrition
Main article: Nutrition

The updated USDA food pyramid, published in 2005, is a general nutrition guide for recommended food consumption.Nutrition is the science that studies how what people eat affects their health and performance, such as foods or food components that cause diseases or deteriorate health (such as eating too many calories, which is a major contributing factor to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease). The field of nutrition also studies foods and dietary supplements that improve performance, promote health, and cure or prevent disease, such as eating fibrous foods to reduce the risk of colon cancer, or supplementing with vitamin C to strengthen teeth and gums and to improve the immune system.

Personal health depends partially on the social structure of one’s life. The maintenance of strong social relationships is linked to good health conditions, longevity, productivity, and a positive attitude. This is due to the fact that positive social interaction as viewed by the participant increases many chemical levels in the brain which are linked to personality and intelligence traits. Essentially this means that positive reinforcement from a third party make one more socially adept, in control, and relaxed physically and mentally, all of which are proven to effect the nervous system(UHF).

[edit] Sports nutrition
Main article: Sports nutrition
Sports nutrition focuses the link between dietary supplements and athletic performance. One goal of sports nutrition is to maintain glycogen levels and prevent glycogen depletion. Another is to optimize energy levels and muscle tone. An athlete's strategy for winning an event may include a schedule for the entire season of what to eat, when to eat it, and in what precise quantities (before, during, after, and between workouts and events). Participants in endurance sports such as the full-distance triathlon actually eat during their races. Sports nutrition works hand-in-hand with sports medicine.

[edit] Exercise
Main article: Physical exercise

A U.S. Marine emerges from the water upon completing the swimming leg of a triathlon.Exercise is the performance of movements in order to develop or maintain physical fitness and overall health. It is often directed toward also honing athletic ability or skill. Frequent and regular physical exercise is an important component in the prevention of some of the diseases of affluence such as cancer, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity and back pain.

Exercises are generally grouped into three types depending on the overall effect they have on the human body:

Flexibility exercises such as stretching improve the range of motion of muscles and joints.
Aerobic exercises such as walking and running focus on increasing cardiovascular endurance and muscle density.
Anaerobic exercises such as weight training or sprinting increase muscle mass and strength.
Physical exercise is considered important for maintaining physical fitness including healthy weight; building and maintaining healthy bones, muscles, and joints; promoting physiological well-being; reducing surgical risks; and strengthening the immune system.

Proper nutrition is just as, if not more, important to health as exercise. When exercising it becomes even more important to have good diet to ensure the body has the correct ratio of macronutrients whilst providing ample micronutrients; this is to aid the body with the recovery process following strenuous exercise. When the body falls short of proper nutrition, it gets into starvation mode developed through evolution and depends onto fat content for survival. Research suggest that the production of thyroid hormones can be negatively affected by repeated bouts of dieting and calorie restriction[5]. Proper rest and recovery is also as important to health as exercise, otherwise the body exists in a permanently injured state and will not improve or adapt adequately to the exercise.

The above two factors can be compromised by psychological compulsions (eating disorders such as exercise bulimia, anorexia, and other bulimias), misinformation, a lack of organization, or a lack of motivation. These all lead to a decreased state of health.

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness can occur after any exercise, particularly if the body is in an unconditioned state relative to that exercise and the exercise involves repetitive eccentric contractions.

[edit] Hygiene
Main article: Hygiene
Hygiene is the practice of keeping the body clean to prevent infection and illness, and the avoidance of contact with infectious agents. Hygiene practices include bathing, brushing and flossing teeth, washing hands especially before eating, washing food before it is eaten, cleaning food preparation utensils and surfaces before and after preparing meals, and many others. This may help prevent infection and illness. By cleaning the body, dead skin cells are washed away with the germs, reducing their chance of entering the body.

[edit] Stress management
Main article: Stress management
Prolonged psychological stress may negatively impact health, such as by weakening the immune system. See negative effects of the fight-or-flight response. Stress management is the application of methods to either reduce stress or increase tolerance to stress. Certain nootropics do both. Exercising to improve physical fitness, especially cardiovascular fitness, boosts the immune system and increases stress tolerance. Relaxation techniques are physical methods used to relieve stress. Examples include , progressive relaxation, and fractional relaxation. Psychological methods include cognitive therapy, meditation, and positive thinking which work by reducing response to stress. Improving relevant skills and abilities builds confidence, which also reduces the stress reaction to situations where those skills are applicable. Reducing uncertainty, by increasing knowledge and experience related to stress-causing situations, has the same effect. Learning to cope with problems better, such as improving problem solving and time management skills, may also reduce stressful reaction to problems. Repeatedly facing an object of one's fears may also desensitize the fight-or-flight response with respect to that stimulus -- e.g., facing bullies may reduce fear of bullies.

[edit] Health care
Main article: Health care. See also Public health, below
Health care is the prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well being through the services offered by the medical, nursing, and allied health professions. According to the World Health Organization, health care embraces all the goods and services designed to promote health, including “preventive, curative and palliative interventions, whether directed to individuals or to populations”.[6] The organized provision of such services may constitute a health care system. This can include a specific governmental organization such as the National Health Service in the UK, or a cooperation across the National Health Service and Social Services as in Shared Care.

[edit] Workplace wellness programs
Main article: Workplace wellness
Workplace wellness programs are recognized by an increasingly large number of companies for their value in improving the health and well-being of their employees, and for increasing morale, loyalty, and productivity. Workplace wellness programs can include things like onsite fitness centers, health presentations, wellness newsletters, access to health coaching, tobacco cessation programs and training related to nutrition, weight and stress management. Other programs may include health risk assessments, health screenings and body mass index monitoring. Mostly overseen or not mentioned is a group of determinants of health which could be called coincidence, hazard, luck or bad luck. These factors are quite important determinants of health but difficult to calculate.

Anonymous said...

Always Friends

I accept you in confidence,
I listen and admire your wisdom.
We are one when we are together,
You and I will always be friends.

When you are angry,
I am there to sooth your aggression.
When you are sad,
I am there to cheer you up.

We understand each others thoughts,
Words with us aren?t needed.
We have a trust that is very rare,
You and I will always be friends.

What we enjoy doing together comes natural,
We accept life and move ahead.
I am your shadow and you mine,
We are inseparable if only in mind.

by Randall Beers

Anonymous said...

Outdoor Sports That Cause the Most Injuries

Whacked your bean snowboarding? Join the crowd.

In 2004 and 2005 (the most recent years there’s info for), 48 percent of outdoor-sports-related injuries that required trips to the ER were due to falls, reports a study in Wilderness and Environmental Medicine.

Play it safe: Maintain your equipment, stay within your skill and fitness levels, carry your cell phone, and suit up in proper protective gear. Have a look at some of the sports that bench us most often:

Snow-boarding: 25.5 %

Sledding: 10.8 %

Hiking: 6.3 %

Riding personal watercraft: 3.7 %

Mountain biking: 3.6 %

Water ­skiing/tubing: 3.6 %

Other: 39.7 %

Anonymous said...

NEW STUDY: Yoga Can Change How Genes Operate

Meditation and yoga can alter how your genes operate, reports a study in the online journal PLoS One.

Researchers found that genes associated with the fight-or-flight response to stress reacted positively to yoga. For example, genes that help counter oxidative stress, which can lead to cellular damage, were turned on.

The gist: You really can battle the effects of stress with your mind, says the study’s co–senior author Herbert Benson, M.D.

Anonymous said...

What makes a friend?

A friend
What makes a friend?
A friend
Is someone that everyone needs
A friend
Is that special one
A friend
Is someone you tell EVERYTHING
A friend
Is someone you never lie to
A friend
Can be a boy or a girl
A friend
Is someone that is always their
A friend
Will always listen to you
A friend
Always has input to give
A friend
Will never leave you in the dust
A friend
Will help you through the thick and the thin
A friend
Will always stand by your side
A friend
Will never let you down
A friend
Is someone everyone needs
What would you do if you didnt have a friend?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mom

I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry Mom
I must apologize for I'm wrong
I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry Mom
I need a chance to be strong

I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry Mom
I'm sorry I got bad remarks
But I really want to play and dream
and hate anything thats routine

I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry Mom
I'll wake up on time, I know the rule
do my homework and study hard
once I'm back from school

I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry Mom
I'm just learning the ways
Of what is good and what is bad
and making choices in stead

I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry Mom
I'll never disappoint you,
I'll try ever harder not to
Yeah, its true, Yeah, its true.

Anonymous said...

Life Is A Gift

Life is an opportunity, …. benefit from it.
Life is beauty, …. admire it.
Life is bliss, …. taste it.
Life is a dream, …. realize it.
Life is a challenge, …. meet it.
Life is a duty, …. complete it.
Life is a game, …. play it.
Life is a promise, …. fulfill it
Life is sorrow, …. overcome it.
Life is a song, …. sing it.
Life is a struggle, …. accept it.
Life is a tragedy…. confront it.
Life is an adventure, …. dare it.
Life is luck, …. make it.
Life is too precious, …. do not destroy it.
Life is life, …. fight for it.

by Mother Theresa

Anonymous said...


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same:
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools;

Anonymous said...


mom i love you
mom i care
mom i here for you even though you dont know
mom i think about you every day
mom i wish i could take away all your sorrow all your pain
mom your not the last one standing your the strongest one in my heart

Anonymous said...


A Smile costs nothing, but gives much

It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give

It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever

None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it,
and none is so poor, but that he can be made rich by it

A Smile creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business,
and is the countersign of friendship

It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad,
and it is nature’s best antidote for trouble.

Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen,
for it is something that is of no value to anyone, until it is given away

Some people are too tired to give you a smile;
Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give.

Anonymous said...

Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes....

Versatile, full of fiber, nutritious and delicious. Find out what makes sweet potatoes a superfood.

Scroll down for 8 sweet potato recipes.

They're a superfood.
One medium sweet potato (often called a yam, although they're not the same thing) is rich in beta-carotene and meets your daily need for vitamin A. It also provides nearly a third of the vitamin C you need each day.

They're packed with fiber.
When eaten with the skin on (roasted whole or cut up into oven fries), a sweet potato has as much fiber as half a cup of oatmeal, for about 100 calories, says dietitian Joan Salge Blake, author of Nutrition & You.

They're versatile.
One of Salge Blake's favorite dishes is sweet potato soup seasoned with ginger, garlic, and curry or sprinkled with olive oil or rosemary. She also includes sweet potatoes in casseroles, meat stews, and cinnamon-laced quick breads.

Anonymous said...

What exactly is Aids?

Aids stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This is a broad description of a variety of symptoms displayed by someone who has been infected by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It usually takes about a decade for someone who is "HIV positive" to develop full-blown Aids. Once they are infected, they are infected for life.

Anonymous said...

How Boys and Girls Learn Differently

David Chadwell, the country’s first—and only—state coordinator of single gender education, walks us through the gender differences.
At a primary school Manning, a small town 65 miles east of Columbia, South Carolina, second grade teachers Holly Garneau and Anna Lynne Gamble are convinced that segregating elementary-age boys and girls produces immediate academic improvement—in both genders. Eager to capitalize on their past progress, the two created a teaching plan for the upcoming semester. The kids will be in a coed environment for homeroom, lunch, and recess, then divide up for four hours each day to learn their math, science, reading and social studies. But first, Garneau and Gamble need the parents’ approval. That’s where David Chadwell, South Carolina’s coordinator of single gender education, comes in.
He doesn’t argue the politics of the issue. He emphasizes the science “These (learning) differences are tendencies, not absolutes. That is important,” he tells the group. “However, we can teach boys and girls based on what we now know because of medical technology.”

Just as he’s explained to hundreds of parents and teachers across the state, Chadwell patiently walks the Manning crowd through how boys and girls perceive the world.

“They see differently. Literally,” he begins. Male and female eyes are not organized in the same way, he explains. The composition of the male eye makes it attuned to motion and direction. “Boys interpret the world as objects moving through space,” he says. “The teacher should move around the room constantly and be that object.”

The male eye is also drawn to cooler colors like silver, blue, black, grey, and brown. It’s no accident boys tend to create pictures of moving objects like spaceships, cars, and trucks in dark colors instead of drawing the happy colorful family, like girls in their class.

The female eye, on the other hand, is drawn to textures and colors. It’s also oriented toward warmer colors—reds, yellow, oranges—and visuals with more details, like faces. To engage girls, Chadwell says, the teacher doesn’t need to move as much, if at all. Girls work well in circles, facing each other. Using descriptive phrases and lots of color in overhead presentations or on the chalkboard gets their attention.

Parents tilt their heads, curious to hear more.

Boys and girls also hear differently. “When someone speaks in a loud tone, girls interpret it as yelling,” Chadwell says. “They think you’re mad and can shut down.” Girls have a more finely tuned aural structure; they can hear higher frequencies than boys and are more sensitive to sounds. He advises girls’ teachers to watch the tone of their voices. Boys’ teachers should sound matter of fact, even excited. Chadwell’s voice sounds much more forceful as he explains.

Chadwell continues. A boy’s autonomic nervous system causes them to be more alert when they’re standing, moving, and the room temperature is around 69 degrees. Stress in boys, he says, tends to increase blood flow to their brains, a process that helps them stay focused. This won’t work for girls, who are more focused seated in a warmer room around 75 degrees. Girls also respond to stress differently. When exposed to threat and confrontation, blood goes to their guts, leaving them feeling nervous or anxious.

“Boys will rise to a risk and tend to overestimate their abilities,” he says. Teachers can help them by getting them to be more realistic about results,” he says. “Girls at this age shy away from risk, which is exactly why lots of girls’ programs began in the private sector. Teachers can help them learn to take risks in an atmosphere where they feel confident about doing so.”

It’s an aha! moment for many of the parents, who seem to understand.

These differences can be accommodated in the classroom, Chadwell adds. “Single gender programs are about maximizing the learning.”

From Reader's Digest

Anonymous said...

What does aids do to the body?

The virus itself does not kill. HIV attacks a person's immune system, our natural defence system, fatally weakening it over time. To be more precise, HIV sabotages a specific immune cell, known as CD4 lymphocyte. This makes Aids sufferers especially vulnerable to infections. People with Aids often succumb to illnesses such as pneumonia that a healthy person would normally be expected to fight off. Without treatment, the average survival time after developing Aids is 10 months, but in individual cases it can range from two weeks up to 20 years.

Anonymous said...


HOPE is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.
I ’ve heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

Anonymous said...

Satellite TV Reception

You are sitting at home, watching TV, and while your show is entertaining you, outside the weather is getting worse. It starts raining, the wind is getting stronger, but your Satellite Antenna is doing its work as if it is a sunny quiet day.

This is the experience of most people that enjoy satellite TV; Smooth reception no matter what weather it is outside. (Of course an hurricane that can destroy your house may be capable of moving your satellite dish as well.)

Bad weather doesn’t do much to Satellite antenna reception. But sometimes your antenna can loose reception completely and generally there are some obvious reasons for it that you can solve your self very quickly: No Satellite TV but Free Coffee

You come home from work, sit down in the couch switch on the TV and your Satellite TV Receiver and.. Nothing! Your son brings you a cup of coffee and asks how your day was.

When these 2 very rare events occur at the same time and your son is not playing with his basketball outside in the yard like he usually does, you better go check your antenna on the roof (or where ever your antenna is located.) If a very familiar basketball got stuck between the dish and the receiver, you know what to do!

Gardens, Trees and Satellite TV

It is the middle of summer, every day is a sunny day, your garden is doing great, you need to water the plants and trees practically every day, but it is worth it. They grow very fast, you get compliments from your neighbors all the time and you’re very happy. You don’t even get upset because your satellite tv seems to have problems every now and then. However, it is getting worse as the weeks pass and you don’t have a clue why. You look at your antenna, trying to follow the line of sight to the skies where somewhere, though invisible to the naked eye, the satellite is doing its work. But your eyes don’t get any further than one of your trees that has grown so much it is now in the line of sight to the satellite. 2 possible solutions; either cut the top out of the tree, or move your antenna so that it can see over or along the side of the tree.

Kites, Birthdays and Satellite TV

You got your son a kite for his birthday. The next day all Satellites seem to have fallen out of the sky. Well, you get the picture.

Of course the examples described above are not to be taken too serious. However, in very rare cases reception problems may occur. In case you hired an installation company for the installation of your Satellite TV system, it is best to call them if you have any problems. However, if you are able, do check if there are any problems that can can be cause by external factors. They may be easy to solve and save you the costs of the installation company visiting. Do not take any risks climbing on the roof to reach your antenna. Have qualified people take the risks for you. They are trained and use safety equipment to prevent injuries.

Anonymous said...

All About Paintballs

Paintballs are gelatin capsules filled with a water-soluble marking dye. The dye inside is non-toxic, meaning that if you swallow it, it will not hurt you. However, the taste is not very pleasant.

Paintballs are manufactured by many different companies. As with most things, paintballs can be either low quality, or high quality. Of course, paintballs also come in a variety of colors. Paintballs can also be bought in many different quantities, with just as many variations of prices.

Most paintball fields require you to purchase and use their paint. This is how they make their money. Therefore, in most cases, brand and quality of the paint will not be deciding factors.

The best way to determine which brand/quantity/quality of paintballs you should buy is to know how you will be using those paintballs. If you are using the paintballs for practice, you naturally will want to go with the cheapest paintballs. Quality will not matter much in this instance.

If you will be using the paintballs for rec-ball, again, quality is not quite as important, and you may want to go with the cheapest price. However, if you will be using the paintballs for tournament play, quality matters a great deal. You want paintballs that will not break easily inside your gun or in transit. At the same time, you do want paintballs that will break easily when they hit an opponent. Many tournaments will require you to use the paint that they are selling. Tournament grade balls tend to be resistant to “wiping”, meaning that the paint is harder to wipe off. This discourages cheating.

You must also purchase the right size paintballs for your gun. Paintballs sizes are measured in calibers. The most common caliber of the barrel on a paint gun is .68. However, it is important that you check the documentation that comes with your gun to make sure you know the correct caliber of your gun’s barrel, therefore enabling you to purchase the correct caliber paintballs.

Both paintballs and paint ball gun barrels range in sizes from .67 to .71 calibers. Just because your gun requires a .68 caliber paintball, does not necessarily mean that this is the best caliber for your gun. Paintballs are not perfectly round. You will need to experiment with different sizes, close to the caliber your gun calls for. It may be that a .67 caliber paintball works best in your gun, even if your barrel bore is .68. An easy test to see if a paintball will work in your gun is to put the ball in one end of the barrel. If it rolls out on its own, it is too small. It is a good fit if you can easily blow it out of the barrel. If you cannot easily blow it out, it is too big.

When choosing the color of your paintballs, it is necessary to consider the playing environment. If you are playing in the woods, bright colors may be preferred, as it is easier to see the paint. Some paintballs glow in the dark. If you are playing at night, this may be what you want.

A few brands of paintballs that are made for cold weather playing. They are designed for better performance during the winter months.

Occasionally, paintballs will break inside the barrel of your gun. If this is happening on a regular basis, there may be a problem. It could be the gun. You may have your velocity set to high. The ideal setting for your guns velocity is about 280. You may also bust balls in the barrel if you do not keep it clean. Having too much oil or not enough oil in the barrel can also cause the paintballs to break. Often, too much air pressure, or uneven air pressure, can cause the paintballs to break.

If the problem is not the gun, it is the paintballs. The most common problem will be the size of the paintballs you are using. Try using a smaller size. Dirty paintballs can also cause them to break. If your paintball hits the ground, do not use it in your gun. Take the loss.

Cheaper paint breaks more often than quality paint. Old paint breaks more often than new paint. Extreme temperatures also have an effect on your paint. Unless your paint is especially made for cold temperatures, avoid using it or storing it in such conditions. High humidity can also cause problems, by weakening and warping the paintballs. You should throw out paintballs that you have had for three or more months. Paint may also break if you are shooting the gun faster than what your hopper can manage. This is called over shooting the feed.

When storing your paintballs, keep this in mind. Higher quality paintballs last longer than low quality when kept in storage. You will need to store your paintballs in a dry area where the temperature does not vary too much. Store paintballs in a sealed container or bag to keep dust and dirt out.

It is a good idea to purchase low quantities of different quality/brand/priced paintballs and try them out to see which one works best for you and your paintball gun.

Anonymous said...

17 deaths on Day 3 of Ops Sikap XVII


Seventeen deaths were recorded on the third day of Ops Sikap XVII yesterday, bringing the overall death toll to 48 since the operation begun on Oct 24 in conjunction with the Deepavali celebration.
Bukit Aman Traffic Chief SAC II Abd Aziz Yusof said in a statement today that motorcyclists and pillion riders made up almost half of the dead while six were motorists and their passengers.

A pedestrian and a cyclist were also killed yesterday.

He said that of the 3,010 accidents reported nationwide, three fatal accidents occurred on highways, four on federal roads, four on state roads, five on municipal roads and one on other roads.

A total of 17,645 summonses were issued for various traffic offences.
Aziz said police would continue to monitor accident-prone areas during the operation which ends on Oct 29. — BERNAMA

Anonymous said...

Costs to Purchase and Maintain Scuba Diving Equipment

The costs of scuba diving equipment can easily run over $1,000 dollars. Although renting is always an option, for a diver that is developing a long term interest in this sport, purchasing is worth your while, not just in money but also in the quality of your scuba equipment.
Without going into the pros and cons of renting vs buying the scuba diving equipment, let's talk about the various types of scuba equipment that you should consider buying and how much you should budget for spending on them.
Mask: a mask can range from $20 to $150.00 dollars. A mask has relatively little travel inconvenience compared to other scuba equipment so packing it in a suitcase and walking around in it will not be a big challenge.
Snorkel: They should not run you more than $50.00, and the lower end will be around $17.00
Fins: Although they are not as easy to pack as a pair of snorkels, they range from $30 to $150.00 and are more affordable than many other scuba diving equipment.
Regulator: They range from $150 - $500, sometimes even more and are at the higher end of the price range than other scuba equipment.
Exposure suits: They vary according to type (ie wetsuit vs drysuit). Check here for types and prices.
BC: Typically from $150 to $500.00 and like regulators, are also at the high end of the price range than other scuba diving equipment.
Weights: $1.70 a pound.
Tanks: Between $100 to $400.
Remember, the last two are heavier to carry around than the others. We recommend buying tanks and weights last, and the others before as they are less expensive, and easier to pack and travel with.

The maintenance for scuba equipment is astonishingly the same. Although there is specific preventative care that is required for only for dive suits, tanks, or BCs, there are some things you can do to all your scuba gear that will insure a long life for them.
After every dive, make sure to give your all of your scuba gear a good rinse with fresh water.
After rinsing the scuba diving gear, allow it to dry, but not in direct sunlight. Most of the scuba equipment that you carry is made of neoprene rubber, which can be broken down when exposed to direct sunlight. Extra care should be taken between dives, when they are most vulnerable to the sun, especially in tropical climates
Whether you have a wet or a dry suit, neoprene exposure suits should be hung on a non-wire hanger to dry. Wire hangers can cause unnecessary creases.
All your scuba diving equipment should be stored in a cool, yet dry place.
Separate your neoprene related equipment from your other scuba gear, especially if they are damp. Over time, they can stick together and tear when pulled apart.
After you return from your dive trip, make sure to unpack as soon as possible to prevent any compression or flattening of the scuba equipment that you paid good money for.

Anonymous said...

MOTOR-Protect Your Car From Road Salt

Every winter drivers should take active steps to protect their car from road salt. Road salt is necessary for safe transportation when snow and ice accumulate on roads and highways and cause dangerous driving conditions.

Salt was first used in the 1930's in snow and ice control to make roads safe and passable by creating a lower freezing temperature of the water. It is the most available and cost-effective de-icer. It is easy to store, handle, and apply. Some 15 million tons of de-icing salt is used each year in the U.S. and about 4-5 million in Canada.

Salt keeps snow and ice from bonding to the pavement and to allow snowplows to remove accumulations quickly and efficiently.

Studies show that salt use reduces accidents by 88%.

Washing your car during wintertime is one of the best things you can do to maintain the value of your car. Mud, salt, rain, sleet, and snow can damage your car's clear finish. Mud and salt caked on the undercarriage promote rust, especially in older vehicles, and can also affect how well your car drives.

To prevent winter damage, it is recommended that you wash your vehicle every 10 days. Wash your vehicle whenever the temperature is 40 degrees F. and above. Do it during the day so that it dries completely before freezing evening temperatures begin.

Immediately after washing the vehicle, open and close all doors, the trunk, and other parts of the car with locks several times before parking it to prevent locks from freezing.

Always wash your car right after a snow or rain shower. Rain and snow collect pollutants in the air and drop them as acid rain which can damage the cars protective finish. Snow and sleet also include the corrosive road salt.

Wash the underside of your car often during the winter months in car washes that do not use recycled water.

Avoid driving through large puddles of standing water which is saturated with road salt.

Any paint chips that are larger than the tip of a pen should be taken care of immediately.

Wax your car at least every six months. Put a good heavy coat of wax on your car before the winter storms hit. This heavy coat will protect your paint from the corrosive salt and cold temperatures.

More frequent waxes are needed if your car is red, black or white because these colors are more susceptible to acid rain and UV rays.

When spring time rolls around, treat your car to a good wax job again. Be sure to remove all road grime and salt off of the car before you begin waxing.

Anonymous said...

What’s In Your Hiking Pack?

Every time I leave the pavement, I take along my trusty hiking pack – even if I have no intention of hiking. Doing this has become a habit rather than a conscious decision. My pack goes with me when a hike, camp, hunt, fish, bird watch and even when I drive out of town. I’ve been a boy scout and a United States Marine so I suppose I have learned to be prepared for almost anything. My pack is full of items I hope I will never need.

What’s In Your Hiking Pack? As an outdoor enthusiast, you have complete control over what you carry or what stays in the car – such as a cell phone, do you carry one? I wouldn’t dare go in the backcountry without all of the items listed below as “Highly Recommend.” What’s In My Hiking Pack? Here is my list split into two categories with the weight of each item in ounces:

Highly Recommend: Cell Phone (5 ounces), First-Aid Kit (9), Flashlight (4), Food - Beef Jerky (4), Insect Repellent (3), Map & Compass (4), Multi-Tool (9), Pack (24), Signal Mirror (1), Spare Vehicle Key (1), Sunglasses & Sunscreen (2), Water, Waterproof matches (1), Waterproof windbreaker (24), Whistle (1). Total weight: 5 pounds 12 ounces, not including water.

Nice to Have: Bandana (1), Binoculars (12), Cash & ID (1), Disposable Camera (4), Emergency Blanket (1), Extra Batteries (4), GPS Unit (10), Hand warmers (1), Hunting knife (8), Lighter (1), Lip Balm (1), Mini-Umbrella (10), Paper & Pen (1), Rangefinder (8), Road Flare (4), 12 feet of rope (2), Saw (7), Toilet Paper (1), Two-Way Radio (7), Work Gloves (2). Total weight: 5 pounds 2 ounces.

The total weight of my hiking pack not counting water, is 10 pounds 14 ounces. My pack has a shoulder harness system that takes the weight off of my lower back and distributes it evenly across my shoulders and upper back. I hardly notice my pack when I’m wearing it. One last point, if you carry something – make sure you know how to use it.

We’ve all heard quotes about being prepared, such as “Chance favors the prepared mind.” – Louis Pasteur and “The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital.” – Joe Paterno and “Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.” – Euripides. I suggest carrying a well thought out pack is a good habit and a good outdoor life-skill. One day it may save a family member, an outdoor companion or even you.

Plan ahead before you venture into our backcountry, even if you plan to be gone only an hour or two. It makes good sense. With just this small amount of planning you’ll get the most out of your backcountry experiences. Use this information and you’ll Get It Right The First Time.

Get Outdoors!

Anonymous said...

Breathe easy


A better understanding of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can make life easier, writes DR DANIEL K. C. LEE.

DO you cough? Do you bring up phlegm? Do you get breathless? Do you wheeze?

If the answer is yes to any of the questions above, then you may be suffering from undiagnosed respiratory disease.

More than 80 million people in China will die in the next 25 years from respiratory disease.

Smoking is prevalent. You only have to look around you.
Tobacco smoke damages your lungs through direct inhalation (active smoking) and indirect exposure (passive smoking).

There is also concern about the under-diagnosis of respiratory disease and lack of public awareness of symptoms and treatment.

This article will focus on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide.

What is COPD?

COPD primarily encompasses two related respiratory conditions known as chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Persistent airway inflammation features in chronic bronchitis and this leads to coughing, phlegm production, breathlessness and wheezing.

Lung tissue destruction occurs in emphysema causing the organ to lose its natural elasticity. As a result, air becomes trapped in the lungs when the airways collapse during exhalation. This leads to hyper-inflation of the lungs.

Oxygen delivery from the lungs into the bloodstream is also diminished. This is because the tiny air sacs in the lungs become enlarged and are no longer able to function properly.


They tend to set around your middle 30s. Symptoms are gradual over time. You may not notice anything amiss until a problem may be at hand.

You may notice that you get a little breathless when climbing stairs or have difficulty keeping up with your contemporaries. You cough quite often or bring up thick phlegm, especially when you wake up in the mornings.

You may even hear yourself wheeze on occasions. You may find that you are unable to gain weight. Perhaps, you are losing weight without dieting or exercising. Pay attention to these symptoms as they may be pointing towards an underlying respiratory disease such as COPD.

What do you need to do?

If you suspect that you have a respiratory condition, visit a respiratory physician without delay. Early diagnosis and treatment may prevent further problems.

It may also minimise deterioration of your condition and avert hospitalisation. The doctor will take your detailed history and do the appropriate investigations.


You will be required to undergo a simple procedure known as spirometry which simply involves you blowing into a machine via a mouthpiece. This will allow basic measurement of respiratory function to determine whether you have narrowing of your airways.

You may be required to undergo further tests to assess the volume of your lungs. In people with COPD, there is air trapping where the lungs may become hyper-inflated.

Another test is the diffusion study which involves breathing in a mixture of gas. This test will determine whether you have damage in the tiny lung air sacs which may affect the transport of oxygen from your lungs into your bloodstream.

The three tests above are commonly performed together and are known collectively as a full respiratory function test.

A chest X-ray will be required to assess your lungs. This will usually be followed up by a CT scan of your chest should there be any abnormality detected on your X-ray.


The aim of treatment in COPD is to provide symptomatic relief as well as to minimise flare-ups and hospitalisation.

There are generally two forms of medication. One is delivered through inhaler devices and the other ingested as oral tablets.

Inhaler therapy opens up the airways in your lungs. It also dampens down airway inflammation. This will enable you to breathe better. It will also help you to feel less breathless. You may feel more energetic.

Inhaled medication can also be delivered through a spacer or nebuliser device. The latter is the usual mode of treatment for patients.

Oral tablets work in conjunction with inhaler therapy. They are complementary by helping the airways stay open as well as keeping inflammation in check.

Sometimes, a flare-up requiring hospitalisation occurs. Do not worry if this happens as people with COPD are more prone to chest infections.

It is best to be always on the look out for chest infections. If treated early, a full blown flare-up may be avoided.

A machine to help breathing may sometimes be required for hospital patients. Some people with COPD may find that they need oxygen therapy at home.

Surgery for COPD may be an option but only for the select few. It is complex and difficult with many potential complications.

The same criteria apply to lung transplantation.

It is now well recognised that a multidisciplinary approach is best with COPD. This is known as pulmonary rehabilitation. It involves the expertise of healthcare providers from various specialties. These usually consist of respiratory specialists, physiotherapists, nurses, occupational therapists, counsellors and dieticians.

Warning signs

COPD may affect your heart when it causes the blood vessels in your lungs to constrict and harden. This results in an increase of pressure in your lungs which causes your heart to strain as it struggles to pump blood to the lungs.

You may experience ankle swelling as a result. You may also find that you are unable to lie flat when you sleep because of breathlessness.

If you cough up blood or notice streaks of it in your phlegm, see your respiratory specialist without delay. You may also be losing weight for no apparent reason. You must be wary of these symptoms as COPD is associated with an increased risk of lung cancer.

Living with COPD

There are many people with COPD who live fulfilling lives. Learn more about the condition. Get support from your healthcare providers. Living with COPD may be difficult but understanding it will make the journey easier.

• Dr Lee is consultant respiratory physician in Prince Court Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. He has more than 200 publications in peer reviewed medical journals. He is a graduate from Cardiff University, and did research and trained in the United Kingdom. He is also author of Understanding COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease published by Family Doctors Publications in association with the British Medical Association.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Beyond all question, I might have had a wiser friend than he. The atmosphere in which alone he breathed was dense; his awful dread of death showed how much muddy imperfection was to be cleansed out of him, before he could be capable of spiritual existence; he meddled only with the surface of life, and never cared to penetrate further than to ploughshare depth; his very sense and sagacity were but a one-eyed clear-sightedness.... Dr. Johnson's morality was as English an article as a beefsteak.

Anonymous said...

Taft represented a victory for everything that was least progressive in Roosevelt. The great love which bound the two men, as it has been described touchingly and at length by dozens of their friends and aides, contained scarcely a glimmer of common interest relating to reform. It had to do with social standing, political advancement, favors asked and favors given.... The essence of Roosevelt's conservatism was his dependence on party politics; of Taft's his adherence to the law. Roosevelt, that is to say, was a politician; his friend was a lawyer.

(Louis Filler (b. 1912), U.S. historian, educator. Crusaders for American Liberalism: The Story of the Muckrakers, ch. 25, Harcourt Brace (1939).)

Anonymous said...

30 minutes a day to a healthy heart....

This essential guide presents one simple plan to conquer all six major threats to your heart. Imagine if there were small lifestyle changes that could reduce your weight, lower your blood pressure, cut your cholesterol, and stabilize your insulin levels--all at the same time! Well, you'll find them right here--proven steps ready to be acted on, ready to start delivering their life-lengthening benefits almost overnight. 30 Minutes a Day to a Healthy Heart takes the latest medical research and puts it to work in a program that's easy, personal, and effective. Inside, you'll find ways to tweak your diet, busy your body, and fire up your mental and spiritual muscles for a strong, healthy heart. The publisher of this book is reader's digest.

Anonymous said...

Lighthouse of new England

A beautiful pictorial guide to the lighthouses in New England. Join John Marcus and Susan Cole Kelly on a tour of the lighthouses of New England! This lavishly illustrated book details the fascinating history of lighthouses in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Long Island. Along the way you’ll enjoy excerpts from original keepers’ logs and spend time on the last manned lighthouse in America, Boston Light. With stunning photography that brings each lighthouse to life, this beautiful book is essential for every New Englander and lighthouse enthusiasts everywhere. The publisher of this book is Voyageur Press and the author is Jon Marcus; Susan Cole Kelly (photographer).

Anonymous said...

Meaningful Life..

n order for soul to lift us into awareness and inspiration, it's got to have fuel. Happiness is the fuel.
Happiness is like gasoline in an airplane. Take it away and nothing gets off the ground.
Happiness has two frames, the present moment and the future.
Some of the spiritual gurus advise people to live only in the present. If we would just live in the "now" and not think about the future, they say, life would be bliss. But I've found that doesn't really work. People think lots about the future and they should.
On the other hand, if you only think about the future, you're never going to enjoy what's right under your nose.
I once had a friend who took a vacation with his family to Hawaii. When he got back, I asked him how it went.
"Lousy," he said.
"How could a trip to Hawaii be lousy?"
"All I ever did was take photographs," he said."I got three albums out of it, but I barely relaxed for a moment."
That's what you call living in the future.
So we're going to focus on how to achieve both present-moment happiness and joy about the future.

Anonymous said...

Best Friend..

Simple vs Real

Anyone can stand by you when you are right, but a Friend will stand by you even when you are wrong...
A simple friend identifies himself when he calls. A real friend doesn't have to.
A simple friend opens a conversation with a full news bulletin on his life.
A real friend says, "What's new with you?"
A simple friend thinks the problems you whine about are recent.
A real friend says, "You've been whining about the same thing for 14 years. Get off your duff and do something about it."
A simple friend has never seen you cry. A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.
A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names. A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.
A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed. A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.
A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems. A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.
A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest. A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.
A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.
A real friend knows that it's not a friendship until after you've had a fight.
A simple friend expects you to always be there for them. A real friend expects to always be there for you!

Anonymous said...

Comparison between Willingham and Weis......

Washington coach Tyrone Willingham and Notre Dame coach
Charlie Weis are facing off for the second time since Willingham was fired as the coach of the Fighting Irish.
Posted by's Graham Watson
This weekend's matchup between Notre Dame and Washington is starting to stir up feelings from 2005. That was the first time Fighting Irish coach Charlie Weis and Huskies coach Tyrone Willingham met on the field -- just months after Willingham was fired from Notre Dame.
Even now, as both coaches are moving in opposite directions -- Willingham is likely on his way out after his fourth consecutive losing season while Weis is starting to get the Irish back to a winning standard -- some still question whether it was the right move to knee-jerk fire Willingham and hire Weis. Especially since some believe that the bulk of Weis' success came with Willingham's recruits in 2005 and 06.
"In 2005 it was definitely there. You could act like it wasn't there because you felt like [it was] this dog-and-pony show that we always talk about, that's how I felt at the time. I don't feel that way now," Weis said. "We've gone our separate ways from there. I think that that was probably the one hurdle that we both had to get through, just so we could get through it. But I've gone my way, he's gone his way, our programs have as well."
The success of this year's Irish team is starting to bridge some of the gap between Weis supporters and what's left of the pro-Willingham faction. As Weis proves he can win with players he's recruited and Willingham continues to struggle, the comparisons between the two coaches become few and far between.
This is the first time these teams have met since 2005 and though Weis has had his struggles, his 4-2 Irish are in a much better position than Willingham's 0-6 Huskies. The Irish should win their first road game relatively easy this week.
And Weis said he's not thinking about comparisons to Willingham or any of the naysayers that still question whether he's the right man for the job. The Irish are worried about a bowl berth and they can't help the fact that the road goes through Washington.
"Now I feel like, hey, it's the second half of the season, we need to get off to a good start, we've just had a nice long weekend off," Weis said if his team's bye week. "We've got to get off to a good start, and Washington happens to be the team we're playing.

Anonymous said...

HSP Huygens Programme

If you want to take part in the HSP Huygens Programme, you must meet the following requirements.
You are an excellent student: you have obtained excellent results in all your previous studies and you are in the top 10% of students in your study or research programme.
You must have already attended a programme of education (e.g. high school or above) in a country outside the Netherlands.The Dutch study programme should be registered in CROHO, the Central Register of Higher Education Programmes. You can find this information in the Dutch nomination letter.
You should be in the final phase of your bachelor’s studies, or studying towards a master’s degree in the Netherlands, and your study must be used primarily to earn a degree at the Dutch institution.
At the start of the academic year (1 September) in which you study in the Netherlands, you must be no older than 35 years of age.
Scholarships are only awarded for studies lasting at least 6 months, but no longer than 24 months.
Your studies or research in the Netherlands must constitute a deepening and broadening of your previous studies.
If you are already a graduate, you must have graduated less than two years ago.
If you want to do research or practical training, it is possible, but it must form part of your studies (a programme on the CROHO list), i.e. you must earn study credits for it.
Scholarships are only awarded for an MPhil. programme if this programme leads to the award of a Dutch master’s degree.

Anonymous said...

How To Manage Time and Priorities

Final examinations are just around the corner...feeling stressed up due to improper time management? Life is always there to enjoy..but you should always chase your dreams! The key word here is...

"Good time management means defining priorities and scheduling activities"

Here are the 3 simple rules for effective time management:

1. Don't create impossible situation

Don't get trapped into doing too much. Don't try to work full time and take a full load. Don't take too many lab classes. Use time to create success, not failure. Be realistic about school. For most classes, plan to study 2 hours for every 1 hour of class.

Identify your first priority classes and do whatever it takes to succeed. Drop second priority classes or reduce work hours if necessary.

2. Define priorities using the 3-List method

a) The weekly calendar

Create a weekly calendar. Make it your basic time budgeting guide. List your courses, work, study time, recreation, meals, TV, relaxation, etc.

Plan to study first priority classes when you work best. Be flexible, adapt your schedule to changing needs. Keep your schedule handy and refer to it often. If it doesn't work, change it.

b)The daily "Things to do"

Write down all the things that you want to do today. Note homework due or tests or subjects you want to emphasize. Include shopping and personal calls, etc.

This list is a reminder. Use it to set daily priorities and to reduce decision-making and worry. If time is tight, move items to your long-term list.

Rewrite this list each morning. Use visualization to help you focus on what to do. This list is also a measure of your day-to-day success. Check off items as you finish them and praise yourself for each accomplishment.

c)Goals and other things

This can be one or two lists, a monthly list and or a long-term list. Put down your goals and things you have to do. What do you want to accomplish over the next month or year?

Use this list to keep track of all your commitments. If you're worried about something, put it on this list. The purpose of this list is to develop long-term goals and to free your mind to concentrate on today.

3. Avoid distractions and lack of focus

Time is precious. Yet many people waste time by getting stuck in one or more of the following habits.

Procrastination - putting off important jobs.

Emotional blocks - boredom, daydreaming, stress, guilt, anger and frustration reduce concentration.

Sickness - getting sick and blowing your schedule.

In all of these cases, the first step is to recognize the problem and resolve to improve. Use priority lists to focus attention. Try positive self-talk. To avoid distractions, find a quiet place to study, the library or a study hall.

All the best and good luck pals!!!

Anonymous said...

The Google Android phone is here!

On Tuesday, T-Mobile and Google announced the first-ever handset with Google's new Android operating system.Called the T-Mobile G1, it has both full touch-screen functionality, a QWERThe Google Android phonTY keyboard, a trackball for one-handed navigation, plus access to mobile Web applications like Google Maps Street View, Gmail, YouTube, and more.

The G1 is available for per-order now in the US in limited quantities for T-Mobile registered users.

It will be available in retail stores from October 22, for $179 with a two-year voice and data agreement.

Anonymous said...

Khairul C11

Amazing Holes - Don't Dare to Miss this!

Mirny Diamond Mine, Siberia. I'm pretty sure most people have seen this one. It's an absolute beast and holds the title of largest open diamond mine in the world, at 525 metres deep with a top diameter of 1200 metres there's even a no-fly zone above the hole due to a few helicopters being sucked in.

Kimberley Big Hole - South Africa apparently the largest ever hand-dug excavation in the world, this 1097 metre deep mine yielded over 3 tonnes of diamonds before being closed in 1914.

Glory Hole - Monticello Dam - A glory hole is used when a dam is at full capacity and water needs to be drained from the resevoir.The glory hole belonging to monticello dam in california and it's the largest in the world, its size enabling it to consume 14400 cubic feet of water every second.

Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, this is supposedly the largest man-made excavation on earth. extraction began in 1863 and still continues today, the pit increasing in size constantly. in its current state the hole is 3/4 mile deep and 2.5 miles wide.

Great Blue Hole, Belize situated 60 miles off the mainland of belize is this incredible geographical phenomenon known as a blue hole. there are numerous blue holes around the world but none as stunning as this one.

Anonymous said...

Khairul C11

Two lucky newborns inspire hospital workers to buy lottery tickets!!

Hailey Jo Hauer and Xander Jace Riniker, both born at 8:08 a.m. on 8/8/08, weighing 8 pounds, 8 ounces, in neighboring states.

Xander, born at St. Luke’s Hospital in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is the eighth grandchild for his mother’s parents. And he’s not the only one in his family with an unusual birthday: His 2-year-old brother, Kael, was born on 4/5/06.

Anonymous said...

khairul C11

Amazing Facts between Abraham Lincoln & John F Kennedy

Strange coincidences & Amazing Facts between Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.

Both of their wives lost their children while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.

Both were shot in the head.

Both were shot with one bullet.

Both were rumored to be killed in a conspiracy.Neither was confirmed to be a conspiracy.

Lincoln was shot in the Ford Theater.
Kennedy was shot in a card made by the Ford Motor Company (a Lincoln no less)

Anonymous said...

khairul C11

GENIUS Boy - Amazing IQ Level

A year ago a footage emerged from a remote village in India. The video showed a young girl receiving surgery to separate her fingers, which were badly burned and fused together. Why did this operation make headlines around the world? The surgery was performed by a 7-year-old boy named Akrit Jaswal.

Now 13 years old, Akrit has an IQ of 146 and is considered the smartest person his age in India - a country of more than a billion people. Before Akrit could even speak, his parents say they knew he was special.

Anonymous said...

khairul C11

Who Was Robin Hood ?

The historical search for the legendary thief Robin Hood has turned up masses of possible names. One candidate includes the Yorkshire fugitive Robert Hod, also known as Hobbehod or Robert Hood of Wakefield..

The large number of suspects is complicated further as the name Robin Hood became a common term for an outlaw. As literature began to add new characters to the tale such as Prince John and Richard the Lionheart the trail became more obscure. To this day no one knows who this criminal really was.

Anonymous said...

Khairul C11

The Tarim Mummies

An amazing discovery of 2,000 year old mummies in the Tarim basin of Western China occurred in the early 90s. But more amazing than the discovery itself was the astonishing fact that the mummies were blond haired and long nosed.

In 1993, Victor Mayer a college professor collected DNA from the mummies and his tests verified that the bodies were all of European genetic stock.

Ancient Chinese texts from as early as the first millennium BC do mention groups of far-east dwelling caucasian people referred to as the Bai, Yeuzhi, and Tocharians. None, though, fully reveal how or why these people ended up there.

Anonymous said...

khairul C11

The Lost Roman Legion

After the Parthians defeated underachieving Roman General Crassus’ army, legend has it that a small band of the POWs wandered through the desert and were eventually rounded up by the Han military 17 years later.

First century Chinese historian Ban Gu wrote an account of a confrontation with a strange army of about a hundred men fighting in a “fish-scale formation” unique to Roman forces.

An Oxford historian who compared ancient records claims that the lost roman legion founded a small town near the Gobi desert named Liqian, which in Chinese translates to Rome. DNA tests are being conducted to answer that claim and hopefully explain some of the residents’ green eyes, blonde hair, and fondness of bullfighting.

Anonymous said...

khairul C11

Fall of the Minoans

The Minoans are best known for the legend of Theseus and the Minotaur, but it is in fact the demise of this once-great civilisation that is more interesting. While many historians concentrate on the fall of the Roman Empire, the fall of the Minoans, who resided on the island of Crete, is an equal, if not greater mystery. Three and a half thousand years ago the island was shaken by a huge volcanic eruption on the neighbouring Thera Island. Archeologists unearthed tablets which have shown that the Minoans carried on for another 50 years after the eruption, before finally folding. Theories of what finally ended them have ranged from volcanic ash covering the island and devastating harvests to the weakened society eventually getting taken over by invading Greeks

Anonymous said...

khairul C11

The Carnac Stones

Everyone has heard of Stonehenge, but few know the Carnac Stones. These are 3,000 megalithic stones arranged in perfect lines over a distance of 12 kilometers on the coast of Brittany in the North-West of France. Mythology surrounding the stones says that each stone is a soldier in a Roman legion that Merlin the Wizard turned in to stone. Scientific attempts at an explanation suggests that the stones are most likely an elaborate earthquake detector. The identity of the Neolithic people who built them is unknown.

Anonymous said...

khairul C11

Disappearance of the Indus Valley Civilization

The ancient Indus Valley people, India’s oldest known civilization had a culture that stretched from Western India to Afghanistan and a populace of over 5 million. le—India’s oldest known civilization— were an impressive and apparently sanitary bronze-age bunch.

The scale of their baffling and abrupt collapse rivals that of the great Mayan decline. They were a hygienically advanced culture with a highly sophisticated sewage drainage system, and immaculately constructed baths.

There is to date no archaeological evidence of armies, slaves, conflicts, or other aspects of ancient societies. No one knows where this civilization went.

Anonymous said...

Christina Aguilera
Christina Aguilera After Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera was the most popular female singer of the late-'90s teen pop revival. Unlike many of her contemporaries, Aguilera was a technically skilled singer with a genuinely powerful voice, belting out her up-tempo dance numbers and ballads with a diva's panache. Born Christina Maria Aguilera on December 18, 1980, on Staten Island, her parents were of Irish and Ecuadorian stock and her father's military career meant the family moved quite a bit during her childhood. They eventually settled in Philadelphia, where Aguilera began performing in talent shows at age six, with considerable success. She appeared on Star Search in 1988 (though she didn't win) and in 1992 joined the cast of the Disney Channel's The New Mickey Mouse Club, which also included Spears, future *N Sync members Justin Timberlake and JC Chasez, and Felicity star Keri Russell. After two years, Aguilera moved to Japan, where she recorded the hit duet "All I Wanna Do" with pop star Keizo Nakanishi. Returning to the U.S. in 1998, Aguilera recorded the song "Reflection" for Disney's Mulan; her performance helped earn her a record deal with RCA. Her self-titled debut album was released in the summer of 1999 and with teen-oriented dance-pop all the rage, the lead single "Genie in a Bottle" shot to the top of the charts for five weeks; the album also hit number one on its way to sales of over eight million copies in the U.S. alone. The follow-up, "What a Girl Wants," was the first number one single of the year 2000 and Aguilera consolidated her near-instant stardom by performing at the White House Christmas gala and the Super Bowl halftime show, and winning a Grammy for Best New Artist. Further hits followed in "I Turn to You" and another number one, "Come on Over Baby (All I Want Is You)."

In September 2000, seeking a place in that year's Latin pop boom, the part-Ecuadorian Aguilera recorded a Spanish-language album called Mi Reflejo, learning the lyrics phonetically since she didn't speak Spanish. It was followed quickly by the holiday album My Kind of Christmas; both sold extremely well, a testament to Aguilera's popularity. In the spring of 2001, Aguilera was featured -- along with Pink, Mya, and Lil' Kim -- on the chart-topping blockbuster remake of Patti LaBelle's "Lady Marmalade" featured on the Moulin Rouge soundtrack. Aguilera was by now a fixture at music industry awards shows; as she enjoyed her celebrity, a collection of old demos -- recorded when she was 14 and 15 -- was released under the title Just Be Free, despite Aguilera's vehement objections.

Ms. Aguilera attempted to deter the mass media's expectations when she issued her second studio album in fall 2002. Stripped, which appeared in October on RCA, was quickly criticized for its adult, yet confident approach. Aguilera's look had gone from glossy to gritty. She appeared topless on the cover of the album and went nude for a fall issue of Rolling Stone. Debut single "Dirrty" revealed Aguilera's new sexual power and became a chart smash. ..

Anonymous said...

Life Brought Me So I Came

Original Urdu Transliteration

Laai Hayaat to aaye qaza le chali chaley
Apni Khushi se na aaye na apni khushi chaley

Kam hongey is bisaat par hum aisey bad qumaar
Jo chaal hum chaley woh nihayat buri chaley

Behtar to hai yehi ke na duniya se dil lagey
Par kya karein jo kaam na be dil-lagi chaley

Duniya ne kis ka raah-e-fanaa mein diya hai saath
tum bhi chaley chalo yunhi jab tak chali chaley

Jaatey Hawaa-e-shauq mein hain is chaman se Zauq
Apni balaa se Baad-e-Saba ab kabhi chaley

English Translation

The life brought me so I came; the death takes me away so I go
Neither I came on my own nor I go with my will

There may be a few gamblers as bad as I am
Whatever move I made it proved to be very bad

It’s better that one should not get hooked to the charms of the world
However, what one can do when nothing can be accomplished without getting involved

Who’s come to the rescue of someone who’s about to leave this world!
You too keep moving till you can move on

O Zauq! I’m leaving this garden with a pinning for fresh air
Why should I care now whether zephyr blows or not!


Anonymous said...

Slave Boy

They shaved his head
to clothe him in ugliness
out of jealousy and fear
of his beauty.

They erased the night
and left him in dawn.

Yusuf ibn Harun al-Ramadi

Anonymous said...

What is your substance, whereof are you made,
That millions of strange shadows on you tend?
Since every one hath, every one, one shade,
And you, but one, can every shadow lend.
Describe Adonis, and the counterfiet
Is poorly imitated after you;
On Helen's cheek all art of beauty set,
And you in Grecian tires are painted new;
Speak of the spring and foison of the year,
The one doth shadow of your beauty show,
The other as your bounty doth appear;
And you in every blessed shape we know.
In all external grace you have some part,
But you like none, none you, for constant heart.

(William Shakespeare (1564-1616), British poet. What is your substance, whereof are you made (l. 1-14). . . The Unabridged William Shakespeare, William George Clark and William Aldis Wright, eds. (1989) Running Press.)

Anonymous said...

The cock, that is the trumpet to the morn,
Doth with his lofty and shrill-sounding throat
Awake the god of day, and at his warning,
Whether in sea or fire, in earth or air,
Th' extravagant and erring spirit hies
To his confine.

(William Shakespeare (1564-1616), British dramatist, poet. Horatio, in Hamlet, act 1, sc. 1, l. 150-5. Wandering ("extravagant") spirits return to where they came from in daylight.)

Anonymous said...

Sports nutrition
Main article: Sports nutrition
Sports nutrition focuses the link between dietary supplements and athletic performance. One goal of sports nutrition is to maintain glycogen levels and prevent glycogen depletion. Another is to optimize energy levels and muscle tone. An athlete's strategy for winning an event may include a schedule for the entire season of what to eat, when to eat it, and in what precise quantities (before, during, after, and between workouts and events). Participants in endurance sports such as the full-distance triathlon actually eat during their races. Sports nutrition works hand-in-hand with sports medicine.

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum and good day to all..


A friend that is unique
A friend that is one of a kind
A friend that is perfect
A type friend who is hard to find
A friend that is sweet
A friend that is perpetually fair
A friend that you know
Will always be there
A friend with an amazing spirit
A friend with a striking heart
A friend that is trustworthy
A friend that is smart
A friend that assuages your pain
A friend that can dry your tears
A friend with unrestricted love
A friend that can alleviate your fears
A friend with an exquisite smile
That could never be ignored
A friend that’s never been hurtful
A friend that is easily adored
A friend that is respectful
A friend who is loved by all
A friend that is relied upon
A friend to never let fall
A friend you can talk to
Her compassion is known by a glistening glow
Just by sparking her remarkable light
The whole world will know
What a great and amazing person she is
A friend I shall never forget
She is the greatest ever been known
Best of all the friends I’ve ever met..

Anonymous said...

From my reading, there are seven ways to implement storytelling today. Stories can be usedin any kind of organisation at any level and with any audience. There are the ways that can immedietely begin practising the art of storytelling in our own work. Firstly, keep a notepad handy to job down examples or main point. It's too important. Secondly, develop a catchy title for each story so as to grab people's attention at the every beginning. Thirdly, incorporate stories in our regular communications. For example memos, reports, presentations and meetings. Then, set a date with our work team to identify stories that exemplify the value of our collective contribution to corporate goals. Besides that, share the stories in our regularly schedule meetings. Then ask for feedback on our storytelling skills- or hire a coach- to hone our delivery. last but not least, continually collect new stories so we can always have fresh tales to supplement the legends.

Anonymous said...

Top 10 Reasons To Smile

Smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. Smile to improve your health, your stress level, and your attractiveness.

1. Smiling makes us attractive.

We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in.

2. Smiling Changes Our Mood

Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

3. Smiling is Contagious

When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.

4. Smiling Relieves Stress

Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.

5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System

Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.

6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure

When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?

7. Smiling Releases Endorphins,Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin

Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.

8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger

The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day -- you'll look younger and feel better.

9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful

Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.

10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive

Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.
More Fun Ways to Live Longer

Anonymous said...

What is friendster?

Friendster is an Internet social network service. The Friendster site was founded in Mountain View, California, United States by Roland Gochangco in March 2002 and is privately owned. Friendster is based on the Circle of Friends and Web of Friends techniques for networking individuals in virtual communities and demonstrates the small world phenomenon.[citation needed] It currently has more than 70 million members worldwide and is mostly used in Asia.Based on, Friendster ranked 2nd most visited website in the Philippines while Yahoo! is the most visited website in the Philippines, and third party is 16th.It is estimated that nearly 90 percent of internet users in the Philippines have Friendster accounts.David Jones, vice president for global marketing of Friendster, said that "the biggest percentage of users is from the Philippines, clocking in with 39 percent of the site's traffic."

Also, it caters to men and women interested in meeting people due to different reasons. Such reasons are: looking for friends; looking for activity partners; relationship with men; relationship with women; or just looking around(see

Anonymous said...

final examination just around the,i want share some tips before we meet final examination.
1. Start studying at least one week before the final exam. To ace your final exam, you must spend several hours studying, but this doesn’t mean studying all night before the final exam. This never seems to work anyway. But, if you spend an hour each night for a week before the final exam, you’ll slowly take in the information and remember it.

2. Read all of the assignments when they are assigned. Reading ten chapters worth of material the week before the final exam will not work. In order to ace your final exam, you must read the material when your instructor assigns it. When you try to read all that material in one week, before your final exam, it’s simply too much to take in. You must be able to remember this material in order to ace your final exam.

3. Memorize important information. If you pay attention in class, your instructor will, more than likely, mention pieces of information and say that they will be on the final exam. Write these down and memorize them. If you want to ace your final exam, pay attention to any piece of information that seems important. When reading a chapter in your textbook, highlight anything that even sounds like it might be on the text. The final exam will, more than likely, be just like the midterm you took earlier in the semester.
4. Think about the midterm exam. What was the layout of that exam? Most instructors will use the same layout for the final exam. If you know that the test was a fill in the blank type test, you’ll know to memorize important dates, names, and vocabulary words. If the layout is multiple choice you should study important facts.

5. Listen to your instructor. Most instructors will tell you exactly what the final exam will be, if you just listen. Your instructor wants you to ace your final exam and will help you. An instructor may tell you important pieces of information that you should write down, they may tell you the layout of the final exam, and they may even give you a study sheet of the questions that will be asked.

6. Make your own study sheet. After you have written down important facts, names, vocabulary words, pieces of information your instructor gave you, and anything you highlighted in your textbook you should make a study sheet of this material. This will make it much easier for you to study for and ace your final exam.

7. Have someone quiz you. After you have studied, ask a friend or family member to quiz you. As they ask you questions, have them highlight the information you didn’t remember. Then after you have studied some more, they can quiz you on the information you didn’t know or you could quiz yourself.

8. Quiz yourself. This may sound impossible, but it’s not. Take the information you didn’t know and write it down on a piece of paper. For example, if you missed vocabulary words, write down the words and then put the study sheet away. This will allow you to quiz yourself and see if you have memorized the information.

9. Talk with your instructor. If your instructor hasn’t given your class any idea of what will be on the final exam, just ask. Your instructor may be willing to tell you the layout, what to study, etc.

10. Write down dates. Nothing is worse than walking into class and finding out today is the final exam. You may have been studying, but still not completely ready. In order to ace your final exam, you must keep up with when the test will be given. This ensures that you will give yourself enough time to study and ace the final exam.
but the most important is as muslim we must work hard,pray and tawakal to Allah.
best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

interview tips

1. Be on time!
Aim to be early - you can always find a nearby cafe/shop/pub to wait in. And if worst comes to worst and you are going to be late, then definitely ring in and let them know.

2. Be Prepared!
Look at the employers' website and learn something about the company before you attend your interview. Feed them the opportunity to talk proudly about something positive you have found.
3. Write down and practice possible questions!
Writing them down and practicing them with someone will make it easier to remember when you get to the interview. Use the third person when talking about the job. Avoid sounding as though you assume the job is yours.
4. What are your weaknesses?
' Try to find an area of your experience/skill that is currently lacking. An interviewer will appreciate your candour - as long as whatever you disclose can be easily remedied.
5. You never get a second chance to make a first impression!
SMILE! Dress professionally in simple business attire. And don't forget that firm handshake and to maintain eye contact - without glaring!
6. Be honest!
There really is no point lying about your background and/or skills. If you get caught, or even manage to get out to resort and then get found out, you can be sure you won't be around for long!
8. Talk about specific achievements!
Interviewers like to know how you felt about about a particular success. Some will ask for specific examples of things you've done that you're particularly proud of; how you solved problems; how you learned - and improved - from difficult situations.
9. Be enthusiastic and positive!
Don't criticize previous employers, particularly within the industry. Focus on positive achievements and views.

Anonymous said...

Today I have read an article about internet hacking.
Sound interesting to me. Actually my dream is to become a computer expertise. I love everything about computer. Hacking sounds good to. Unfortunately, there are a lot of internet hackers out there use their hacking skills to deceive people for money. How sad!

The article I have read is from site. Like people said, we can't escape from punishment. The articles says that an east Auckland computer hacker, who scammed hundreds of thousands dollars and attracted the FBI to New Zealand, has been jailed for three years.

What a waste. Such a brilliant brain should use their skills to do good things and help people. With such a genius brain, he could create something that brings benefits to the whole world.

Moral of the story is, do not use your brain in the wrong way to get money. Of course the advantage can be gotten, but there is always punishment waiting for the guilty people. When it happened, there is no turning back.

Anonymous said...

Halitosis is also known as bad breath. It is an extremely embarrassing problem for many people to deal with. Halitosis is the result of the action taken by bacteria that live in your mouth, tongue, and tonsils. We all have these bacteria, which make us possible to have bad breath. But, did you know that there are stomach bacteria that cause bad breath? If you think that bad breath is caused only by the bacteria living in your mouth, think again.

It was once suggested that one of the causes of bad breath is Helicobacter Pylori, the organism that causes stomach ulcers and ulcers in the duodenum. There was a laboratory test done that detects the substance in a breath if there’s a presence of this organism, but there was no firm proof that Helicobacter pylori is responsible for the unpleasant smell on the breath. Usually, stomach breath doesn’t exist. Unless you belch, but the odor that comes out from belching is associated with the food you have eaten.

Bad breath from the stomach is actually not a big of a deal. It is so, because only few bacteria can survive in our stomach due to the very acidic condition down in there. The only smell that you can detect from the stomach breath (when you belch) is the odor of foods like onions, garlic, or any other food with strong odor, instead of coming from the stomach bacteria that cause bad breath. However, this unpleasant smell is only temporary and will disappear in a day or so.

On rare occasion, a condition other than stomach bacteria that cause bad breath seems to come from lower down in our body. There are some illnesses like cancers that can cause our breath to have an odd smell. Liver or kidney disease can cause unpleasant stomach breath. It is true then that bad breath could be a sign of other serious problem.

If you notice an unpleasant and persistent smell from your breath that is not associated with the food or medications that you have taken, you should consult your doctor for a professional opinion. Do not try to ignore it or treat it by using bad breath products. For all you know it could be a serious health problem. And, if your concerns are still about stomach bacteria that cause bad breath, or if you think that you have other health problems, these should be discussed with your doctor, as well. Should your bad breath condition is indeed from your stomach, appropriate treatment must be taken.

Anonymous said...

Prevent Colds and the Flu
1.Wash your hands and wash them often.
2.Wash your hands twice every time you wash them.
3. Use this hand-drying strategy in public restrooms.
4.Carry hand sanitizer with you
5. Use your knuckle to rub your eyes.
6.Run your toothbrush through the microwave on high for 10 seconds to kill germs that can cause colds and other illnesses.
7. Get a flu shot every fall.
8. Stop blaming yourself when things go wrong at work.
9. Put a box of tissues wherever people sit.
10. Leave the windows in your house open a crack in winter.
11. Lower the heat in your house 5 degrees
12. Speaking of which, buy a hygrometer.
13. Sit in a sauna once a week.
14. Inhale air from your blow-dryer.
15. Take a garlic supplement every day.
16. Eat a container of yogurt every day.
17. Once a day, sit in a quiet, dim room, close your eyes, and focus on one word.
18. Scrub under your fingernails every night
19. Change or wash your hand towels every three or four days during cold and flu season.
20. At the very first hint of a cold, launch the following preventive blitz. Here's how:
21. Wipe your nose -- don't blow.
22. Sneeze and cough into your arm or a tissue.
23. Don't pressure your doctor for antibiotics.

Anonymous said...

today i want to share a song title everybody changing

You say you wander your own land
But when I think about it
I don't see how you can
You're aching, you're breaking
And I can see the pain in your eyes
Says everybody's changing
And I don't know why

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

You're gone from here
And soon you will disappear
Cause everybody's changing
And I don't feel right

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

Anonymous said...


Today i had read an interesting article... The article is about someone who had escape from death after he has been attacked by a crocodile.. The title of the article is "Lucky to survive croc attack".. Thing's like this that pull my attention...

Ok.. This lucky even happen at river bank of Batang Samarahan , Serian, Sarawak... This story remind's me to my section mate.. That guy that I mean is Micheal .. This is because he came from Sarawak..

Back to the story, the guy that have been attack at the river bank is Lester Japeng.. According to his name I can guest that guy came from Iban race ..His age is 35 years old..

One day he gone to cacth fish with his 5 relative's along banks of Batang Samarahan.. Around 8pm 1.2m long crocodile attacked him..

According to this story, the crocodile attacked and bite his left arm, and then Lester punch the crocodile with his killer right hook that force the beast to retreat..
Because of that he received 21 stitches on his arm... He then become the first man that survive from crocodile attack at Sarawak.. Lester also said that he punch the crocodile same as he punch the concrete wall...

Reading about this I remember about the man that very love an animal that he found.. The man is Steve Irwin.. I respect this man because he love every animal even that the animal are crocodile , shark, or any predator else... But he had passed away because sting of sting ray..It is a big lost, because losing him..

My conclusion here, always be careful and alert to the nature around you no matter where you are especially when you near a jungle, ocean, and river... Always have companions with you when you are in that situations...

That all from me...

Anonymous said...

alo . We’re Skype...
Skype was founded in 2003 by Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis. Skype created a little piece of software that makes communicating with people around the world easy and fun. With Skype you can say hello or share a laugh with anyone, anywhere. And if both of you are on Skype, it’s free.
Skype is available in 28 languages and is used in almost every country around the world. Skype generates revenue through its premium offerings such as making and receiving calls to and from landline and mobile phones, as well as voicemail and call forwarding. Skype, based in Luxembourg, has relationships with a growing network of hardware and software providers and is an eBay company

Anonymous said...


“fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too.
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.”

I have received this massage today. This massage told us that we can read although the letters were arranged incorrectly. This shows that our mind doesn’t read every letters but the whole word. The important is the first and the last word in the correct order. Try to read all the sentences. Have fun..:)

Anonymous said...

Just now I have read an article which is about how to release our stress. Normally student nowadays always has some stress because of the quiz, test, coursework and the assignment. There are some tips how to relax our minds.

Massage is kneading muscles and soft body tissues to relieve stress, tension, and pain. A good massage therapist loosens and relaxes tight or sore muscles. Your whole body feels relaxed, refreshed and invigorated.

2.Deep Breathing
Practice deep breathing anywhere while you are meditating, doing yoga, waiting to give a speech, or in your car stuck in traffic. Most forms of meditation include some type of breath practice, according to Jahnke. Breathing deeply and slowly helps you calm down and feel more relaxed. There are several ways to practice deep breathing, but the idea is to do it slowly and mindfully.

3.And these are some simple techniques:
* Count to Ten
If a situation gets really bad, count to ten slowly to give yourself time to think about the best way to react.
* Talk To Yourself
As you slowly breathe in, say to yourself, "I am." As you breathe out, say slowly to yourself "calm." Repeat this until your mind is calm and you can focus on your breathing.
* Write It Out
Writing can be good therapy. If you're overloaded with worries, take a pencil and paper and spend 20 minutes writing down your concerns and possible solutions to the problems.
* Take A Break
Get a change of scenery by doing something simple. A walk outdoors can give you a new outlook on a situation.
* Take A Bath
Add some soothing music and scented bath oil and let your stress just melt away!
* Get Back To Nature
Nature can be a great stress-reducer. Drive to the ocean and take a walk on the beach or just watch the waves rolling ashore. Stroll through a flower garden or nature trail. Listen to a tape of ocean sounds or birds.
Relaxing for 15 minutes or more a day, using these techniques or others that you might discover on your own, can go a long way in relieving stress.

I hope that these tips will help you to reduce your stress.

Anonymous said...

Hi, now is move in october already . Today i'm read an interest araticle that teach us how to utilize our computer to make money, this quite interest because it let me know even we don't hv any sources and materials, but with a computer that can online, we'll be albe to make a good imcome by using it .
The way for making those money is becoming one of the AdSense Earner who manage to setting place or website for the advestisement. It list out many ways that need to take precausion when running this business, but the most important things is we need to understant clearly what the business about and how to running that. Beside, consistency is the most important part to bring that business success.
To conclude this comment, i'm think that runnning a business like this is acceptable for students like us get free time beside study, but must know that the risk of running this business and take precaution to avoid it.Furthermore don't get too deep to running this business until forget the duty of us as a student.

The reference website for this article is

Anonymous said...

Snooker is a cue sport that is played on a large baize-covered table with pockets in each of the four corners and in the middle of each of the long side cushions. A regulation (full-size) table is 12 ft × 6 ft (3.6 m x 1.8 m). It is played using a cue and snooker balls: one white cue ball, 15 red balls worth one point each, and six balls of different colours yellow (2), green (3), brown (4), blue (5), pink (6) and black (7).[1] A player (or team) wins a frame (individual game) of snooker by scoring more points than the opponent(s), using the cue ball to pot the red and coloured balls. A player wins a match when a certain number of frames have been won.

Snooker is particularly popular in many of the English-speaking and Commonwealth countries,[2] and in China,[3][4] with the top professional players attaining multi-million pound career earnings from the game

Anonymous said...


today, i had read the news about pregnant teenagers raped.I really interested to read it.It happened at Petaling Jaya.In that news said a pregnant teenager was raped by a man entrusted by her boyfriend to look after her.
To add insult to injury, the 16-year-old girl was also left to deal with the trauma on her own after her boyfriend did not return for her.

The incident occurred in a house in Damansara on Saturday, where the girl had stayed with her boyfriend.

It is learnt that the boyfriend had asked his friend if he could stay with the girl who was four months pregnant. The friend then raped the girl as soon as the boyfriend stepped out of the house.

The girl went back to her parents' house and after relating her ordeal, lodged a report at the police station here.
Police picked up the boyfriend on Saturday and are now looking for his friend. Petaling Jaya police chief Assistant Commissioner Arjunaidi Mohamed confirmed the case.

Anonymous said...

Today I had read a news from the internet. The news was about Mohd Muin Yaakub, which was 15 years old, grimaces in pain as he used his left hand to tick the answer to a question in the Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) Bahasa Melayu 1 paper. The examination was held in a special room at the orthopaedic ward of Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital (HUSM) at Kubang Krian.

An invigilator who was there to assist Mohd Muin Yaakub then blackened the answer on a separate answer sheet. Mohd Muin Yaakub, who lost three fingers when a firecracker exploded in his right hand was among 15 students in Kelantan who were taking their PMR exam in hospitals.

Mohd Mohd Muin Yaakub Yaakub was using firecrackers to chase a stray cow from his father's vegetable farm last Thursday, when they exploded in his hand. His father, former teacher Mohd Judin Samad, which was 49 years old, who was watching him from outside the room. He said that he would be happy if his son could pass all the subjects and go on to Form Four.

In conclusion, I think it is quite difficult for him to take the exam in this condition. That is because
he was not able to revise in the ward with people coming and going all the time. So, I hope that he can sucess in his PMR examination.

Anonymous said...

Today i would like to tell about the story that i have been read title Gone Fishing (\

this atory about the one guy name alex who fishing on the lake, sitting in the blazing sun all day without catching a single one.But cannot catch even one fish, he confused what he tell to his wife....
in journey way home his stop he stopped at the fishmonger and ordered four rainbow trout,and tell to the salesman to throw the fish to him....the salesman confused why the man want him to do because alex want to catch the fish so him cant tell his wife that he really catch the fish...but the funniest when the salesaman tell to alex that when his husband want to buy some fish...take the salmon,because she want to supper with tonight...

you understand the story?
it mean that.alex wife has cought him and know alex always buy fish at that stall...

the moral values in this story are never tell lies to everybody especially to wife...because i day the true will come out..and never do some stupid thing and wasting time do the job that we donno what the purpose doing that....thats all

Anonymous said...

i was read about one article about "smoking stinks" in a website (
In this article says that, yet every single day about 4,000 kids between the ages 12 and 17 start smoking. Most middle school students don't smoke and also says that why do those who smoke ever begin? It is because Some kids may start smoking just because they're curious. Others may like the idea of doing something dangerous — something grownups don't want them to do. Still others might know lots of people who smoke and they might think it's a way to act or look like an adult.But an adult can think that smoking and tobacco use can cause cancer and heart disease, i think that sometimes kids can't really think that far into the future to worry about an illeness that they may get.

in this article also talk about the problems that might affect kids more quickly:
*bad breath
*yellow teeth
*smelly clothes
and more over...

i think,all kids in this world can not involved in this smoking problem,because it is too bad for our healthy. For kids, it will effect their future,maybe someday they will get cancer early from the habits of i right?

It also will effect to their study because they can not focus and always want to smoke...It is not good to our new generation that one day will continue our generation..

thats all from me...
to get more information about smoking and how to stop this habit, you can view this website, i hope that,if you are the one are smoking, stop this habit because it is not good to your healthy and your future..

Anonymous said...

Today I had read a news from the internet which entitle 'Robbers botch up at bank and goldsmith'.

The first incident take place in Taman Kinrara, Puchong, two men tried to blow up a cash deposit machine at the CIMB branch with firecrackers, but the explosion only damaged the top of the machine.

The powerful explosion also damaged part of the ceiling but failed to break the safe box in the machine. The robbers fled empty-handed after the alarm went off.

Selangor police chief Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said it was about 5.45am when the two suspects, in full-face helmets and jackets, walked up to one of the two cash deposit machines.

Footage from the closed-circuit television cameras showed the suspects placing firecrackers at the screen panel of the machine.
The suspects took cover outside the room before the explosion, which also damaged the CCTV.

The robbers left when they realised that the explosion failed to blow open the cash deposit machine. The policemen on patrol in the area spotted smoke billowing out of the building about 7am and discovered the attempted robbery. Forensic personnel were called in to identify the explosives used.

In the second incident, the quick-thinking manager of a goldsmith in Section 1, Wangsa Maju, thwarted a robbery by a man armed with a baton by setting off the alarm, scaring off the robber.

The robber walked into the shop at 11.30am and smashed three display cabinets. But before he could scoop up the jewellery, the alarm went off.

It is learnt that the manager, who was at the back of the shop, set off the alarm. Sentul police chief Assistant Commissioner Zakaria Pagan said the alarm caused the robber to panic.

He added that at the time of the robbery, there were three workers at the outlet.

Anonymous said...

i have read a article on internet which is Beautiful -- well written -- very cogent -- very well organized -- well researched article. The author is a master story teller of hard dry science matters into an easily understood very readable sequential article.

With every passing day the dark matter is fast becoming a fact from fiction and will be the subject of extensive research and debate in the coming decade. When we staart to understand the nature and distribution of dark matter which seems to represent most of the matter of the universe not the visiible matter -- then we will understand the actual interplay of verious centrifugal and centripetal forces on expanding universe.

Because the dark matter exerts its own pull on the visible galaxies keeping them clustered around itself that may act along with Gravity as a countering force against totally uncontrolled expansion envisaged for dark energy -- only then the researchers and theorists will be able to tell if the centrifugal force of dark energy will rip apart the current universe into oblivion 10 billions years from now -- or pull them together into another hyperdense singularity ready to explode into another Big Bang -- after the Big Crunch. Highly speculative very exciting heady stuff -- very well presented. bravo!

Anonymous said...

In this article it include about Shoe Care Tips, Shoe Fitting Pointer, Footwear Facts and Quotes, and Basic Fashion Elements. Nowadays, many people buy shoes according to the latest design and forget about the main point that we wear shoe which is for comfort. Shoes are very important in our daily life. We cannot go out without wearing shoe. Shoes protect our foot from germs on dirt. Beside that, our foot also is the main part on our body. If germs get into our body through our foot, we get easily get sick. That’s why we need to wear comfort shoes. If we wear shoes that not suitable with our feet, we ca get blister and our feet will hurt. Our feet carry our body weight. If we wear uncomfortable shoes, our feet will get hurt and will burden our feet. Therefore, we must take care of our shoes so it can long lasting and be wise when choose your own shoes so it fit well with your feet. Never ask other people to buy your shoes because they dO not know your right size.

Anonymous said...


me again..

Starvation Abuse

I cannot believe what I have read about this news, starvation abuse. It is one of the ways of child abuse. It’s shocking news to me, because I could not believe how they could have the guts to do such thing to poor little kids. They still young and sometimes they know nothing. Why they should be thread like that? The weird part is there are some of them do i to there own child. How could them! Some of them thread that child like that because of that kid is stepdaughter or stepson. Even though the child is not your own child, but there are still little kids and we should thread them with full of love.

Anonymous said...


An average person who uses a computer would usually just walk away from it when you’re done, or if you’re gone for an extended time (and they know about it in advance) they'll probably put it in sleep. I (myself) use to keep my computer on about 8 hours a day, just saying I'll comeback to it later. Well there are many ways to save electricity.

Many people and business use CRT monitors because they might have it from an old computer and say "Hey, why buy a new monitor works just fine, I'll save money." So if you have a CRT and switch to a LCD an average would save 13.28 dollars. If you had a choice of buying the CRT and a LCD you would only lose 11.72 dollars. A cheap price to help the Earth and have more room on your desk.

Anonymous said...

For those who had problem sleeping at night like me, you can try all the tips to sleep well in this article. I am really frustrated when cannot go to sleep when its time to sleep. As student, we must get enough sleep. Therefore, we will not get sleepy in class and can give full focus in class. When we did not get enough sleep, we can easily feel tired and not energetic. This will make us miss our classes because of oversleep or not participate in class activities. We will miss a lot of things if we not get well sleep in the night. Therefore, after you read this article I hope you can get enough and restful sleep at night.

Anonymous said...


everyone know that now is study everyone struggle before exam..there is several tips that we can use for examination preparation..

1. Getting Started

The earlier you start, the more time you will have to prepare for the exam. You don't have to wait until exam time approaches; try to set the stage from the beginning of the course by reviewing the material after each class. By starting early and studying on a regular basis, you will have a better opportunity to absorb the information and life will be a lot easier when it's time to put it all together for the exam.

2. Creating a Study Plan

As the exam nears, you will need to create a plan to help you study effectively and minimize stress.

3. Studying for the Exam

You are now armed with a plan and ready to start studying for the exam. Try to study in a location where you can concentrate and won't be interrupted. You can work with others or join a study group if you find it helpful, but be careful to keep it from turning into an inefficient use of your time. Some proven study tools and techniques are listed below - people respond to different learning styles, so use what works for you.

Anonymous said...

lets everyone know about deepavali..the festival that we celebrate along this month by hindus..
What is Deepavali?
Learn about the festival celebrated by Hindus which is known as 'Deepavali'.

A colorful festival that is celebrated by all Hindus worldwide is Deepavali, which is also known as the festival of lights. This festival usually falls around late October and November. One important practice that the Hindus follow during the festival is to light oil lamps in their homes on Deepavali morning. By lighting the oil lamps, the Hindus are thanking the gods for the happiness, knowledge, peace and wealth that they have received. The Hindus consider Deepavali as one of the most important festivals to celebrate.

The Legend -There is even an interesting legend behind this festival. The story goes that Narakasura, a demon, ruled the kingdom of Pradyoshapuram. Under his rule, the villagers suffered a lot of hardship as the demon tortured the people and kidnapped the women to be imprisoned in his palace. Seeing his wickedness, Lord Khrishna set out to destroy the demon and the day Narakasura died was celebrated as Deepavali, the triumph of good over evil!

Preparations -Preparation for Deepavali starts usually at least two to three weeks before the festival. It is known that the Hindus will be busy cleaning their houses to prepare for the festival. Some would even renovate their houses to prepare it for Deepavali. Usually the family will shop for new clothes and for accessories to decorate their homes. Prior to the festival, Indian shops will be selling festive items like Deepavali greeting cards, carpets, Punjabi suits and flowers. The Hindus will frequent these shops when they are shopping for Deepavali.

Celebrations -The Hindus usually awake early in the morning of deepavali around 3am and the first ritual will be having an oil bath, which is an important feature of Deepavali. Hindus will be dressed in their new clothes on Deepavali. Most of the ladies would be clad in silk saris or Punjabi suits of various bright shades. Hindus particularly dislike dressing in black on that day, as they consider black an inauspicious color for the festival. Hindus would also pay their respects to the elderly and most families would go to the temple after having breakfast. This is also an important practice for them. The reason why they would be going to the temples is to pray to get happiness and prosperity on Deepavali. The houses would be decorated with oil lamps and children will play with firecrackers to celebrate the festival. On the first day, they would not go visiting but would stay at home to welcome the guests who visit them.

Food -Visiting Hindus during Deepavali will be an interesting activity, as you will get to taste a wide variety of delicious food. In every home that you visit you are bound to be served with a tempting spread of sweets. Some of the popular sweets are halwa, burfi and laddu. Hindus love eating spicy food and for non-vegetarians they indulge in favorites like chicken tandoori, prawn sambal and fish head curry. In homes of Hindus who are vegetarians popular dishes like thosais, idlis and naans are prepared.

Anonymous said...

hello everyone..

yesterday,i have read a article about how to make a good friends??we are as a human need friend because there are too important to us.

there are several ways to get it..

1. Spend more time around people. If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out there somehow. Friends don't come knocking on your door while you sit at home watching TV. If the people you're already around aren't friend material for whatever reasons, it's not the end of the world.

2. Talk to people. You can join a club, go to school, or go to church, and you still won't make friends if you don't actually talk to people. By the same token, you don't have to be involved with an organization to talk to people, and any time you talk to someone, you have a chance at making a lasting friend. You can talk to anybody: the clerk at the video store, the person sitting next to you on the bus, or the person in front of you on the lunch line. Don't be picky. Most conversations will be a dead-end of sorts, in that you may never talk to that person again or you'll just remain acquaintances, but once in a while you'll actually make a friend.

3. Initiate a get-together. You can chat your heart out but it won't get you far if you don't open up the opportunity for another meeting. This is especially important if you meet someone who you aren't otherwise likely to meet again. Seize the day!

4. Be a good friend. Once you've started spending time with potential friends, remember to do your part or else the friendship will become unbalanced and resentment is likely to arise.

Anonymous said...

i've read a article about abortion..nowadays,many woman that interested to make abortion as their wrong way to solve their problem..Last week i had open my pendrive to delete some files. Suddenly, i saw a folder with a title abortion. I opened it and there were two videos of abortion process. On one of the videos, there are the teenager girl was talking to a doctor. I can't heard what they said clearly but i can catch some dialouge that the girl said to the doctor "i want this thing out of my body. i want to go to school...." . The doctor then asked the girl to lay down on the bed. He then took out a hanger and bent it to form j shape. Suddenly, the most painfull incident happen when the doctor put the hanger into her vagina. The girl screamed in painful and she lookes like having the most suffering incidence. Then the doctor pull the hanger out and i can see the foetus stick to that hanger! after that, the doctor just threw the foetus onto the dustbin. To me it was an immoral deeds!! although i could see that the girl was crying but to me she deserved to be in painful and suffering like that! I then delete the videos because i don't want to keep it anymore.

Anonymous said...

The Prince of Tennis or Tenisu no Ōjisama in japanese, literally: "Prince of Tennis") is a popular Japanese manga written and illustrated by Takeshi Konomi. The manga was first published in Japan in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump in July 1999, and ended publication on March 3, 2008. A total of 379 chapters were serialized, spanning 42 volumes. As of volume 40, the manga has sold over 40 million copies in Japan. The manga is published in English in North America by Viz Media.

well, that is quite interesting actually..
this is because this manga or more like the cartoonist himself, Takeshi Konomi have inspired me to play this game and introduce me this game not only just me, but almost kids around the world...
that is when i interview my friends from all over the world and almost of them know about this anime or manga....*i dunno about people from malaysia..XD*
usually, i will read it at bookstore in Times Square...

so to make it more simple, this series is primarily set in Tokyo. Ryoma Echizen, a tennis prodigy, attends Seishun Academy (Seishun Gakuen), or Seigaku for short, a private school famous for its strong tennis club and talented players. Ryoma quickly defeats numerous upperclassmen shortly after entrance to secure himself a spot as one of the team's regulars. In pursuit of their ultimate goal of winning the all-Japan junior high school tennis championship, members of the team make new friends while learning and mastering increasingly complex techniques. Ryoma also begins to develop his own style of tennis, and eventually realizes what the sport really means to him.

Anonymous said...

Mohamad arif Abdul Ghani bin Hamidi (CB08092)

"Better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven",by John Milton

I was intrigued by this English poet quote in his book's "Paradise Lost".For me it has deep meaning to it.

Did he literally mean it?Is it better to go to hell and become a ruler in hell instead of going to heaven???!.No, i don't think so.Hell is hell.There are no point of creating hell if degenerate human being don't suffer in hell,right?

But i think this qoute is quite true in real life.

Across the world,countries in Africa continent such as Sierra Leone and Liberia ,there is civil war going on.Their people live in constant fear because of violence and atrocities commited by all combatants.You might say that places is hell on earth.

Those who reign in that kind of places is definitely have a decent living compare to their countrymen.Warlords in conflict zone will be able to secure themselves and their family food,shelter and protection because they have power to do so.

What about those who live in poverty in 'heaven'?? such as..let say Malaysia.Did their life is better than those dictators and bloodthirsty warlords in conflict zones?actually no.They are struggling to feed themselves.

So what John Milton is trying to say is,to be on top of society is always good no matter where they are.That is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

like to share about this holiest mosque,Masjidil Al-Aqsa.

First built by Abdul Malik ibn Marwan (646-705), fifth caliph of the Arab Umayyad dynasty, and finished by his son in 705 AD. Muslims believe that prophet Muhammad was transported from the Sacred Mosque in Mecca to the al-Aqsa Mosque during the Night Journey. Islamic traditions said that prophet Muhammad led prayers there before ascending to heaven to meet the Almighty,Allah S.W.T. This is the truth!

The siqnificant in this sharing is I want let all of you to get know the truth story about masjidil Al-Aqsa because the jews had different claim over the issues. Some people or muslim assume that the Al-Sakhrah mosque is the Masjidil Al-Aqsa,this is not true. It was the propaganda to confuse the muslim and others. Honestly speaking, I hope that there's no more opposite story about this mosque or any mosque in this world.

Anonymous said...

I have read about a blog that told about Anwar Ibrahim's relationship with head of World Bank or IMF, Paul Wolfowitz.
The blog has taken an article titled "Malaysia’s Anwar Ibrahim:Wolfowitz’s Knife in Asia’s Back" by Mike Billington.

What I read is not all about politics but it is about our nations future generation that will face more obstacle if Anwar take lead of our nation.

Im quite sure that all of us know about money problem held by Indonesia till now mostly cause by IMF. They create chaos in asian's stock(George Soros), then they acts like helping countries by giving monetary loans, with high interest.

Surely all of us did not want our country to turn up like Indonesia, poor getting poorer and rich people living in luxury. I really hope that no bad thing happened to our nation.

One more thing, blog is not really something we can prove, so i hope that the future leader of the nation will be pointed upon to someone patriotic, charismatics and have a good leadership.

That's all from me, assalamualaikum...

Anonymous said...

Mohamad arif Abdul Ghani bin Hamidi (CB08092)

I have read about a blog that told about Anwar Ibrahim's relationship with head of World Bank or IMF, Paul Wolfowitz.
The blog has taken an article titled "Malaysia’s Anwar Ibrahim:Wolfowitz’s Knife in Asia’s Back" by Mike Billington.

What I read is not all about politics but it is about our nations future generation that will face more obstacle if Anwar take lead of our nation.

Im quite sure that all of us know about money problem held by Indonesia till now mostly cause by IMF. They create chaos in asian's stock(George Soros), then they acts like helping countries by giving monetary loans, with high interest.

Surely all of us did not want our country to turn up like Indonesia, poor getting poorer and rich people living in luxury. I really hope that no bad thing happened to our nation.

One more thing, blog is not really something we can prove, so i hope that the future leader of the nation will be pointed upon to someone patriotic, charismatics and have a good leadership.

That's all from me, assalamualaikum...

Anonymous said...

Mohamad arif Abdul Ghani bin Hamidi (CB08092)

The Great Pyramid of Giza, also called Khufu's Pyramid or the Pyramid of Khufu, and Pyramid of Cheops, is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis bordering what is now Cairo, Egypt, and is the only remaining member of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It is believed the pyramid was built as a tomb for Fourth dynasty Egyptian King Khufu (Cheops in Greek) and constructed over a 20 year period concluding around 2560 BC. The Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years. Visibly all that remains is the underlying step-pyramid core structure seen today. Many of the casing stones that once covered the structure can still be seen around the base of the Great Pyramid. There have been varying scientific and alternative theories regarding the Great Pyramid's construction techniques. Most accepted construction theories are based on the idea that it was built by moving huge stones from a quarry and dragging and lifting them into place.

There are three known chambers inside the Great Pyramid. The lowest chamber is cut into the bedrock upon which the pyramid was built and was unfinished. The so-called Queen's Chamber and King's Chamber are higher up within the pyramid structure. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the main part of a complex setting of buildings that included two mortuary temples in honor of Khufu (one close to the pyramid and one near the Nile), three smaller pyramids for Khufu's wives, an even smaller "satellite" pyramid, a raised causeway connecting the two temples, and small mastaba tombs surrounding the pyramid for nobles.

why do they build such a thing anyway????you can build so many houses by that period,well I think its a waste of time....but its still a great masterpiece,hehehe....

Anonymous said...

khairul C11

Want to quit smoking?

Surfing for a longer life

With more and more people inhabiting the virtual world today, doctors are using that space to encourage people to quit smoking. There are websites that list out the disadvantages and dangers of the addiction, and also those that help you formulate a personal quitting plan.Quit Smoking

The helping hand At the Champs Club, an Indian anti-smoking website, you can calculate exactly how much money one one save by quitting smoking for a month/year/five years and so on. It helps one understand how long and what kind of changes one's body will undergo in the first 30 days of quitting.

The site has names of smoking rehab clinics over the country, where addicts who want to kick the butt can enroll for a three-month program. Says Dr Gupta, a panelist, "Since the website was launched last month, we have received a number of inquiries and four people have already enrolled.

Anonymous said...

Khairul C11

What's in a username?

Your e-mail address can reveal your personality.Think twice before you pick an email address -it can reveal your personality.

Researchers at the University of Leipzig in Germany have carried out a study and found that an email address may speak volumes about the character of the person who created the unique online identification.

According to lead researcher Mitja Back, even the thinnest slice of communication via the world wide web - the mere e-mail address -- contains valid information about the personality of its owner.

In their study, the researchers asked a panel of 100 students to guess the personalities of 600 young adults simply by looking at their e-mail addresses.

The panel's guesses agreed mostly with a personality survey the teenagers had completed when it came to qualities like openness, conscientiousness and narcissism, and diverged most on the trait of extroversion.

Addresses that gave away personality often contained full stops, numbers or a name that was obviously not genuine, the researchers found.

Level of accuracy was explained using lens model analysis -- the students made broad use of perceivable e-mail address features in their personality judgments, features were slightly valid and the observers were sensitive to subtle differences in validity between cues.

Anonymous said...

khairul C11

Singapore Flyer - World's Largest Observation Wheel Opens

The "Singapore Flyer", the country's newest observation wheel, opened on Tuesday and is set to rival the London Eye.

The Singapore Flyer stands at around 165 meters tall, and bills itself as the world's largest giant observation wheel. The London Eye is slightly lower, at around 135 meters. The Singapore Flyer boasts of around 28-capsules each capable of carrying 28 people.

Officials say the wheel is completely different from the London Eye which is built on a three-dimensional structure. Passengers can expect pay 22 US dollars for a 30-minute ride on the new wheel.

Anonymous said...

khairul C11

The Penang Bridge (jambatan Pulau Pinang in Malay) is a dual-carriageway toll bridge that connects Gelugor on the island of Penang and Seberang Prai on the mainland of Malaysia on the Malay Peninsula. The bridge is also linked to the Norht-South Expressway in Prai and Jelutong Expressway in Penang. It was officially opened to traffic on September 14, 1085. The total length of the bridge is 8.4 miles, making it among the longest bridges in the world, the longest bridge in the country as well as a national landmark. PLUS Expressway Berhad is the concession holder which manages it.

Anonymous said...

Khairul C11


She stands just 1ft 11in tall and the average two-year-old would tower over her. But Jyoti Amge is no toddler - she is 14 years old.

This remarkable teenager, who weighs just 11 lb, is the smallest girl in the world.Her tiny size - she's just nine inches taller than this page - means that Jyoti has to have her fashionable clothes and jewelery made for her.

The youngster - who has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia and will never grow any taller - is too small to use a normal-sized knife and fork so she eats off special plates... and sleeps in a tiny, custom built bed.

She uses specially-made steps to help her get in the bath and a small bucket and jug to wash herself.

Anonymous said...

Mohamad arif Abdul Ghani bin Hamidi (CB08092)

25 ways to improve your conversations...
1. Be the first to say hello
2. Make an extra effort to
remember people's names and ask a person's name if you have forgotten it
3. Be receptive to new ideas and be open to other people's opinions and feelings
4. Show curiosity and interest i others and get enthusiastic about their interests
5. Tell others about yourself,what you likes are and the important events in your life
6. Keep abreast of current events and the issues that effect all our lives
7. Use "I" when you talk about personal things and don't use the word "you" when you really mean "I"
8. Show others that you are a good listener by restating their comments in other manner
9. Show your sense of humour when talking to others
10. Balance the giving and receiving information
11. Show others that you are enjoying your conversations with them
12. Ask other people their opinion
13. Look for the positive in those you meet
14. Start and end your conversation with a person's name and a handshake or warm greeting
15. Take time to be cordial with your neighbours and co-workers
16. Let others know that you want to get to know them better
17. Ask others about things they have told you in previous conversations
18. Listen carefully for free information
19. Be tolerant of other people's beliefs if they differ from yours
20. Change the topic of conversation when it has run its course
21. Always search for another person's "hot button"
22. Compliment others about what they are wearing,doing or saying
23. Encourage others to talk by sending out receptivity signals
24. Make an effort to see and talk to people you enjoy
25. When you tell a story,present the main point first and then add the supporting details afterward

I hope all of u can practice these ways to make your conversation become better...all the best!!!

Anonymous said...

Mohamad arif Abdul Ghani bin Hamidi (CB08092)

Passwords or watchwords have been used since ancient times.Polybius describes the system for distribution watchwords in the Roman military as follows:
The way in which they secure the passing round of the watchword for the night is as follows: from the tenth maniple of each class of infantry and cavalry, the maniple which is encamped at the lower end of the street, a man is chosen who is relieved from guard duty, and he attends every day at sunset at the tent of the tribune, and receiving from him the watchword - that is a wooden tablet with the word inscribed on it - takes his leave, and on returning to his quarters passes on the watchword and tablet before witnesses to the commander of the next maniple, who in turn passes it to the one next him. All do the same until it reaches the first maniples, those encamped near the tents of the tribunes. These latter are obliged to deliver the tablet to the tribunes before dark. So that if all those issued are returned, the tribune knows that the watchword has been given to all the maniples, and has passed through all on its way back to him. If any one of them is missing, he makes inquiry at once, as he knows by the marks from what quarter the tablet has not returned, and whoever is responsible for the stoppage meets with the punishment he merits. [2].
Passwords have been used with computers since the earliest days of computing. MIT's CTSS, one of the first time sharing systems, was introduced in 1961. It had a LOGIN command that requested a user password. "After typing PASSWORD, the system turns off the printing mechanism, if possible, so that the user may type in his password with privacy." [3] Robert Morris invented the idea of storing login passwords in a hashed form as part of the Unix operating system. His algorithm, know as crypt(3), used a 12-bit salt and invoked a modified form of the DES algorithm 25 times to reduce the risk of dictionary attacks.

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